Serizawa has already taken the form of Godzilla.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for him to watch Godzilla die.

His mind began to work quickly, thinking about ways to help Godzilla break the deadlock, but with the ability of the Philippine outpost, it was impossible to get involved in the battle between the Titans.

At this time, Dr. Vivian patted Dr. Serizawa's hand and motioned him to look behind.

He realized something and immediately looked at Madison, only to see that the holy marks on her arm and the holy stone were all shining golden.

After thinking about the difference in Kagachi's performance before and after, and the experience of Emma's family, he immediately understood that this was probably Madison's unintentional hostility and fear of Godzilla, which was transmitted to the Rainbow Serpent God through the contract, which made the Rainbow Serpent God, who originally had no intention of fighting, suddenly change his temperament, start to attack actively, and prepare to kill Godzilla.

It is impossible for mortals like them to stop this Titan beast, so the only breakthrough lies in Madison.


Serizawa walked quickly to Madison, squatted down and looked at her through the faint rainbow light shield.

"I know you hate Godzilla, but it is indeed it that defeated the MUTO and protected us humans."

"It is the defender of the balance of nature and the most powerful helper for us humans to fight other evil Titans, so stop the Rainbow Serpent God, only you can do it."

His eyes were sincere and his tone was gentle.

Madison glanced at him. She knew that Dr. Serizawa was her mother's colleague and friend, so he should not lie to her.

The light on the holy stone and the holy mark gradually dissipated.

Over there, Kagachi also felt the constraints of the contract again.

Although it was a pity, he still stopped.

After taking a last look at Godzilla, his body gradually disappeared into the void. At the same time, the rain clouds in the sky also rolled up and soon dissipated, and the weather became clear again.

Kagachi was not angry about being suddenly recalled.

This time, Kagachi was able to come out by taking advantage of the loopholes in the contract. Moreover, the purpose of this time has been achieved, and the new moves have been tested. He is already satisfied. Anyway, there is plenty of time in the future, so there is no need to rush.

However, Madison only conveyed the idea of ​​"stopping" instead of "recalling".

Therefore, although Kagachi's figure has disappeared now, he is just hidden in the void and has not returned to the sealed space.

After watching Godzilla get up from the ground and leave, Kagachi relaxed his mind and began to connect to this planet for the first time.

He controlled his perception to surge downwards, until the center of the earth.

Yes, he planned to explore the world in the center of the earth.

This is a magical world, even in the original movie, this world has not been truly explored.

"Found it."

Soon, Kagachi found his destination.

His figure disappeared from space, and soon he appeared in the inner world.

This was of course not teleportation, but just dispersing the energy that made up the body, then reaching the bottom through the nearest inner channel, and then condensing it again.

This inner world was similar to the scene he had seen in his previous life. The upper and lower continents each had their own gravity field, which was very magical.

It was hard to believe that such a place was actually born by nature.

He carefully sensed it and found that there were many energy reactions around him, which should be emitted by the inner creatures.

Of course, this surrounding was just what he said casually.

You know, the inner world is not much smaller than the surface of the earth. With his super perception ability, he can only cover a quarter of it.

After automatically filtering out those weak reaction sources, he chose the largest one within the perception range, and flew slowly towards that side, enjoying the scenery all the way.


Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it was a few days later.

Kagachi, who was exploring the inner world of the earth, didn't know that at this moment, humans were holding a meeting against him.

In the huge conference hall, the topmost platform was occupied by the top officials of the U.S. Congress, and below were some organizations represented by the Monarch Organization, which had studied the Titans.

At this moment, on the large screen on the side wall, several Titans known to humans and recorded in existence were being played.

Male and female MUTOs, Godzilla, Supreme MUTOs, King Kong, and Kagachi.

"Dr. Serizawa."

A black woman in formal attire (correct) sitting on the top gestured to Dr. Serizawa.

Dr. Serizawa nodded to her, then stood up,Walk to the podium.

The purpose of this meeting is to combine the suggestions of all parties and discuss the views on the Titans and some actions that can be taken.

"Please look."

Dr. Serizawa pressed the remote control, and the screen changed.

It was divided into five parts, with Kong, Male and Female MUTOs, Supreme MUTOs and Kagachi at the four corners, and Godzilla in the middle.

Dr. Serizawa called up the pictures of Male and Female MUTOs and Supreme MUTOs, but they were pictures of death.

Just two days ago, Supreme MUTOs was killed by Godzilla with the help of the Oka prototype made by Dr. Emma.

"Of the six known Titans, three have died, and all were killed by Godzilla."

"So there is no doubt that it is definitely an Alpha Titan."

He glanced at everyone, and then released the definition of Alpha Titan:

-The highest-level Titan in its ecological niche, any other Titan within its dominance is the target of its crusade, unless it is a surrender.

That's right, the relationship between Alpha Titans and power levels is not absolutely equal.

In the original work, there are only three Alpha Titans, namely Godzilla, King Ghidorah, and King Kong.

Godzilla and King Ghidorah competed for the throne of Alpha Titan of the surface ecology, so he died.

With King Kong's power, it can only be said to be in the middle and lower position among the Titans, and it may not even be able to beat the female MUTO, but it is still an Alpha Titan, but it is located in the center of the earth and dominates the ecology there.

Of course, this does not mean that King Kong is so powerful in the center of the earth, but because it has more contact with humans, it can be said to be on the side of humans, and the formulation of the Titan level is arranged by humans. (In fact, it is because the handsome guy is popular.)

"What about that?"

Someone pointed to the lower right corner of the screen, at this time, it was showing the picture of Kagachi and Godzilla fighting.

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