Argyulus's action immediately attracted the attention of XIG and others.

"What is it doing over there?"

Chiba Staff Officer said.

Seeing this, Ishimuro Akio said: "Atsuko, check what's there."

"Argyulus may have other purposes."


Not long after, a photo of a building appeared on the screen.

"There is a research institute called Prolon Karamos here. It seemed to have been under the command of Alchemy Star and is currently used by two doctors."

"If Argyulus really has other purposes, then it can only be it."

Ishimuro Akio pondered for a while and said:

"Kajio, you go to stop Argyulus, pay attention to safety."

Since it has been determined that it is not a good person, they don't need to watch it anymore, just take action directly.

Although they don't know if the two doctors are still in there, they can't gamble. The geniuses of Alchemy Star, one less is a great loss to mankind.


After receiving the attack order, Katsumi Kajio immediately led his team members to fly towards Argyulus.

"Yoshi, come on, bastard."

Two lasers accurately bombarded Argyulus's body as he retreated secretly, which immediately attracted Agul's attention.

After seeing the direction it was heading, a wave of anger rose from Fujimiya's heart.

That place was not only the place where he and Agul met, but also his base, and his "girlfriend" and Dr. Inamori were still there.

How could it be possible to let a guy like you go there!

A powerful force burst out from his body, and with just one punch, Agul blasted Apatie away.

Then he jumped up and used Ultra Flying Kick to directly kick the horn on Argyulus' head to pieces.


Argyulus fell to the ground, it got up, and reached out to touch its horn.

Well, it's bald.


This damn guy, this horn is a "perfect work" that he has been kneading for a long time!

It cannot be copied!


It cursed inwardly, and its left hand turned into a sharp blade and rushed towards Aguru.

"Since you are looking for death, I will fulfill your wish!"

It roared at Aguru, as if conveying this meaning.

At this time, Apat also came from behind.

For a moment, Aguru was besieged.

"Heh, do you think this will work?"

Fujimiya sneered, and then summoned the Blade of Aguru.

The blue lightsaber stretched out, and directly cut off the blade stabbed by Argyulus with a whirlwind slash, and at the same time left a scar on Apat behind.

But as mentioned before, this kind of attack can't cause any effective damage to metal life forms.

Argyulus paused for a moment, and then directly turned into the appearance of Aguru.


It smiled sinisterly, causing the fake Agul's face to twist and laugh synchronously.

This sudden change made Agul stunned, and Apata behind him immediately found the right opportunity and slashed his back with a knife, sparking a spark.

Stab in the back.

This is a heavy blow at any time.

Agul screamed and fell to the ground.

Seeing this, the people of the Lightning Team immediately opened fire to cover and repel Apata and Argyros who were approaching Agul.

Bang! Bang!

Two lasers shot from a distance.

I Meng had already arrived at the scene in a small plane.

After setting the plane to autopilot mode with the device he made, he immediately took out the sapphire cone and transformed directly.

A red beam of light rose from the ground, and Gaia descended.

Seeing him, Apata paused for a moment, and then rushed up directly.

As if the opposite side was its great enemy.

Gaia turned sideways and dodged its charge.

However, he did not rush to attack, but walked over quickly and helped Aguru up.

"Are you okay, Fujimiya?"

He asked with concern.

But Fujimiya broke free of his hand and whispered that it was okay.


He looked at Gaia next to him and clenched his fist.

Damn, why, why can't he be stronger?

Obviously, he trained hard every day, but his combat effectiveness did not increase.

Aguru, tell me, what should I do?

The next moment, a blue light lit up on his body.


A small blue light ball flew out from the research institute not far away and merged into Aguru's body.


He was tense all over, feeling the sudden strong force.

Power! !

Although the appearance is notchanges, but his power has increased a lot at this time.

The real light of the ocean - Ultraman Aguru was born.


So, it really exploded?

The changes in Aguru made Kagachi feel interesting.

Although he often suffered setbacks, Fujimiya Hiroya was indeed the one chosen by the will of the earth. Yes, he was not only the human body chosen by the light of the ocean, but also the savior chosen by the earth.

Originally, there was nothing wrong with all this, but the mistake was that Chrisis was invaded by the root destruction summoning body, which made Fujimiya go astray.

And this requires the chosen one of the light of the earth to take action.

Aguru stood up. At this time, his physical strength had been fully restored, and even the lights did not flash.

The two stood back to back, alert to the enemies in front and behind.

A wisp of wind blew.

The next moment, both sides moved.

Gaia faced Apat, and Aguru faced Argyros who had turned into himself.

The Blade of Aguru appeared in his hand again.

But the next moment, the same thing appeared in Argyulus's hand.

Through transformation, the metal life form can obtain the target's form and ability, but the strength is only its own strength.

After seeing that it was almost done, Kagachi notified Apatai that it was time to stop.

His goal was to enhance Fujimiya Hiroya's power like in the original book, otherwise, Argyulus would not be able to fly down at all.

Over there, after receiving Kagachi's message, Apatai also rushed over without hesitation.

He hugged Argyulus and took it into the void and disappeared.


Gaia and Aguru looked at each other, and the next moment, both of them disappeared.

In the woods below, Fujimiya leaned against a tree, breathing rapidly. He looked at the sapphire bracelet on his hand, forced himself to stand up, and walked towards the direction of the research institute.

On the other side, Imeng also returned to the fighter.

He thought for a moment and flew directly towards the research institute.

He still had many questions to ask Fujimiya, and this was a good opportunity that he couldn't miss.

In the void space, Kagachi was also welcoming the new "guest".

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