Could it really be the gathering place of the Kong clan?

Kagachi guessed, but at the same time he was a little confused.

The place where they are seems to be sealed by Godzilla and belongs to an unknown area. It should not appear now until the plot of "King Kong vs. Godzilla 2: Rise of Empire" in 2027, when King Kong sets a trap to kill those unknown wolves that look like bovidae.

It should not appear now.

If this is true, it seems that it is a butterfly effect caused by his appearance.

But he didn't do anything to affect the plot?

Thinking of this, Kagachi transformed his body into an energy form, hid his body, and rushed towards the energy source he felt.

In his perception, the energy was very huge, far exceeding the Supreme Mutos and Godzilla he met a few days ago. It can even be said that they are not at the same level in terms of total energy.

And the only thing that Kagachi thought of that could reach this level was the Snow Demon.

By the way, ice and snow, big sister, mind control... these keywords, is it you, Miss Yukino Fuyu?

Thinking of this, Kagachi's face became a little strange.

Ahem, stop it!

He is no longer a human now, forget about that kind of thing!

[Detect the host's location, trigger the selection task]

[① Kill Scar King, reward random props × 2]

[② Slaughter the giant ape clan, reward random moves × 1]

[③ OMO, reward gold coins × 20]

Select a task?

Kagachi paused, then looked at it himself, but saw that the first two options would affect the plot, only the last one would not.

The first option, kill Scar King, the reward is two elf props, but I don't know what they are, just look at the face.

The second option, kill the King Kong clan, Kagachi skipped this one without thinking, indeed, with his strength, it is not difficult to kill them.

But if you do this, King Kong may really be alone in the future.

After all, he was not sure if there were any other giant apes in the world.

As for the third option, if you do nothing, the reward is 20 gold coins, which is too little. Even a basic [Slap] move costs 200 gold coins, not to mention that his gold coin reserve is [0].

Considering all factors, he can only choose the first option.

Although killing Scar King now will have an impact on the future, that will be in 2027, and it is not certain whether he will still be here at that time.

After saying that, he dived directly into a cave in front of him that exuded the smell of lava.

Because he is now in energy form, these mortal guys cannot see Kagachi.

The cave is very large, illuminated by the orange-red magma. There are many giant apes of different sizes in it, which should be the same tribe as King Kong.

Kagachi looked at a red-skinned little gorilla and thought to himself, this should be Suko, right?

Although it is a small gorilla, its size is a little taller than King Kong during the Skull Island period. At this time, it is moving small stones under the scolding of a gorilla with a bloody palm print on its chest.

Kagachi is not interested in him. He probes his mental power towards the lava waterfall in front of him.

Inside is the amazing energy source he has discovered.

What comes into view is a giant beast that looks like a combination of a dragon and a turtle. It is snow-white, with beautiful blue-purple ice crystals on its back, and a few spikes on its tail. It is surrounded by cold air.

The most important thing is its size. It is said to be the largest Titan beast that has appeared so far. It is 162.45 meters tall, more than 250 meters long, and weighs 150,000 tons.

When Kagachi looked at it, the snow demon (Shimo) seemed to sense something and looked in his direction.

But he found nothing, so he tilted his head, not knowing what was going on.

This cute look made Kagachi smile.

Then he left directly and headed for another much smaller energy source.

Scar King, a red gibbon-type Titan, was only 97 meters tall, looked very thin, and had a fierce face. He had a sharp bone whip made of a giant snake spine hanging on his body. At the end of the bone whip, there was an ice cone embedded.

Kagachi knew that the ice cone could make the snow demon feel unbearable mental pain, so as to achieve the purpose of controlling it.

He didn't think about it anymore and directly showed his true form in this huge underground space.


In the surprised eyes of the giant apes, Kagachi opened his visor and shot a rainbow beam towards Scar.The Scar King and his paparazzi were in the direction of the king.


Scar King was a powerful person after all, and his heart tightened. Although he didn't know what happened, he immediately pulled his subordinates to his front and used defensive descending to barely resist the rainbow light.

But Kagachi didn't want to play with it now. The next moment, a full-strength rainbow black light was shot over, and the powerful power directly evaporated Scar King and his dying brother in his hand.

[Congratulations to the host for completing task ①, and reward props [Pokeball] × 1, [Moo Moo Milk] a dozen. ]

The light shone in from the outside, and his attack directly opened up this place and the outside.

After doing all this, he closed the mask again.

Since he knew that the gem on his forehead was his weakness, Kagachi directly decided to cover the mask, which would be his normal state in the future.

An ice cone floated over from a distance under Kagachi's telekinesis and landed in his hand.

"Release the Snow Demon."

He directly conveyed his meaning to the giant apes' minds with his mind.

The giant apes, who had just seen their leader being easily killed, were very secretive about Kagachi, so they dared not disobey and immediately pushed the boulder to block the lava waterfall, revealing the white giant beast inside.

The Snow Demon also looked at Kagachi.

Although it was locked behind the lava waterfall, it was not unable to feel anything, so it naturally knew that it was Kagachi who defeated the Scar King.

It looked at the ice cone in Kagachi's hand, and fear flashed in its eyes.

After all the shackles were opened, the Snow Demon, who had not enjoyed the feeling of being unrestrained for a long time, could not help but roar, but soon stopped.

It took a step and walked towards Kagachi. The frost spread around with its footsteps, forcing the nearby giant apes to retreat.

It walked in front of Kagachi, crawled up, and rubbed his body with its head.

This was a gesture of submission.

Kagachi looked at it, and in its shocked eyes, it crushed the ice cone into pieces, and then swallowed up the remaining energy.

Snow Demon: "......?"

It was shocked and confused about Kagachi's actions.

Isn't it... to enslave her?

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