
Womeng took the water bottle handed by Qiao Ji and drank a little, his eyes uncertain.

Did he almost die just now?

No, that's not right.

With Skye's power, if he really wanted to kill him, he would not be able to wake up now.

Why is she so angry?

Womeng thought about what he had done recently and found that there was nothing wrong.

Is it really like she said, that he is too biased towards humans?

Womeng fell into doubt.

However, it is true that he is Ultraman Gaia, but at the same time he is also a human being. He really can't figure out what he did wrong.

As for protecting the earth, of course he is willing to protect the earth, but there is no conflict between protecting the earth and protecting humans?

He returned to the base with such doubts.

In the command room, everyone looked at Womeng's confused expression, and they all didn't know what to do.

They haven't seen Womeng show such a confused expression for a long time. The last time seemed to be when Eye Q first appeared.

"Womeng, you've worked hard on this trip."

The commander of the stone chamber said.

"Go get a health check now, and then have a good rest."

Womeng nodded silently and left.

After he returned to the room, he took out the blue sapphire cone and looked at it absentmindedly.

Could it be that he really did something wrong?

Such doubts flashed through Womeng's mind.

At this time, Fujimiya and Aguru suddenly flashed before his eyes.

No, I'm not wrong.

Maybe his power was indeed given by the earth, but he still has to protect humans while protecting the earth. He wants both.

Fujimiya has proved that it is not enough to protect the earth alone. In the process of fighting against the root destruction summoning body, humans are also an indispensable factor!

At this time, the blue sapphire cone also lit up a ray of light, as if to approve of Womeng's idea.

Womeng looked at it and smiled.

Sure enough, Gaia, you think so too, right?

When he sees Miss Kuroda next time, he must make this matter clear.

Attack him or kill him, he will never waver in his belief in protecting humans.

He is a very greedy person.

He loves the earth and humans, he wants both!

After realizing his inner thoughts, Imeng's eyes became shiny again, and the energy and spirit of his body seemed to have returned.

"Yoshi, you have to work hard today!"

He waved his hand, took his clothes, and walked towards the training room.

Seeing this, Kagachi withdrew his gaze with relief.

Very good, having an indestructible will is what Ultraman must have.

He has never opposed protecting humans.

Humans are also part of the earth, and naturally they are also within his protection.

It's just that this race does disappoint him sometimes.

But that's not a big problem.

As a god, he is willing to forgive this race.

Of course, the premise is that humans want to be forgiven. If they choose to destroy themselves, there is nothing they can do.


A few days later, in an alley in the K area of ​​Tokyo.

A pair of scarlet mechanical eyes lit up.

Then came the sound of metal colliding.

At the entrance of the alley, a werewolf with red hair like flames was quietly walking forward, and in the direction it was approaching, there were several young office workers walking arm in arm, as if they had just returned from the izakaya.


The part behind its neck suddenly flashed, and then its eyes lit up with a fierce light, and it was about to pounce over there first.

But as soon as it moved, a mechanical hand stretched out from behind and pulled it back.

One of the office workers seemed to hear some movement, looked over confusedly, but found nothing, shook his head, and continued to follow a few people who were not sure whether they were colleagues or friends to walk away.

In the alley, the werewolf wanted to resist, but was directly pierced through the chest by the mechanical claws that attacked, and fell to the ground helplessly.

After doing all this, the alley returned to peace.

Only the body of the flame wolf was left lying here quietly until it was taken away by the Geo troops the next morning.


There are werewolves again.

However, this time, they seem to be the ones being hunted?

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The 2.5-meter-tall Mechagodzilla walked out of the darkness, with scarlet light flashing in its electronic eyes.

It looked at the flame wolf it was chasing away, and followed it unhurriedly. These seemed to be the same clan as the gas wolf last time.

However, since they came here, it means that the gas wolf is still wandering in the universe and has not returned, or it went back but failed, and it also became a member of the experimental subjects and died.fell.

Over there, the Flame Wolf that had just escaped from Mechagodzilla happened to meet the Lightning Team that came to serve as the "night watchman".

And then there was nothing else.

A series of gunshots rang out. Even though the Lightning Team's ground shooting level was average, it was enough to deal with these guys whose individual combat power was even worse than that of the Gas Wolf.

However, the things that made up their bodies seemed to be quite special. After being shot by the gun, they turned directly into liquid and dissolved.

Only a metal object shaped like a button remained.

"This thing again."

Katsumi Kajio picked up the metal button and held it in his hand to watch.

In the dark, Mechagodzilla glanced at them, and then left quietly.

Don't be anxious.

Killing these Flame Wolves is not very useful. You have to find out the guys behind them, otherwise this kind of thing will only continue to come.

The next day, at night, in a training ground in Kiyotori Mountain.

Led by Dagang, several people came to the place where he met the Flame Wolf yesterday.

Naturally, the Mechagodzilla arrived as promised.

In the sky, the Lightning Team and the EX were hovering on the periphery, ready to catch all the Flame Wolves in one fell swoop.

Finally, under the temptation of many young and middle-aged men (?), the spaceship from outside the earth finally couldn't help it and directly released the remaining Flame Wolves.


A missile was fired at the spaceship hidden in the dense forest.

Then a scarlet beam of light rose, and the figure of Mechagodzilla appeared.


It roared, and a red light flashed in its mouth. The next moment, a blazing red beam of light shot out.

Proton Scream!!

But for this move, the spaceship was a move, allowing the Proton Scream to pass through the gap in its body. (Like a U-shaped spaceship.)

But this was also an opportunity. It immediately shot out two beams of light, which enlarged the remaining two Flame Wolves.


The shrill wolf howl echoed in this mountainous area.

Under the control of the control device, the two giant flame wolves rushed towards Mechagodzilla fearlessly.

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