The global typhoon group has been maintained for seven consecutive days, even Kagachi feels a little tired.

Not physically tired, but mentally tired.

This is equivalent to him feeling any place on the earth for seven days without interruption. The place where the rain falls is within his perception.

At present, the authority of the earth and the ocean has been taken back, and only Renlong is left.

However, this thing is not so easy to get, and it may take some time.

Gaomei West Mountain, Temple.

Kuroda Hui opened the door and looked at the blue sky and white clouds outside, with a smile on her face.

Although the process may be a bit cruel, the result is always good. After this battle, let alone other things, she can clearly feel that the earth's atmosphere has been thoroughly cleansed.

She stretched out her hand, and the turquoise energy surrounded her fingertips.

Since getting the light of the sky, she has watched this power step by step from black green to dark green, and then from dark green to normal turquoise.

She closed the door of the temple and turned into a stream of light and rushed into the sky.

She was going to check on her family to see how her parents and brother were doing. She hoped that they survived this trial, otherwise...

Then they would never see each other again.

Kagachi watched her leave.

Kuroda Hui's relatives were all fine. They all survived the Judgment Day safely.

This was of course not his doing. He judged every human being equally. Whether they could survive depended on luck.

In fact, her brother would have died for saving people, but he survived under the protection of the earth veins. It was Renlong who did it.

Not only her, but also those who were related to my dream and Fujimiya were not in any serious trouble.

Maybe this was the compensation that Renlong gave to the three people?

Kagachi didn't know, and didn't want to explore.

He closed his eyes, and in a flash, an unknown amount of time passed.

He didn't open his eyes again until he felt the unique wormhole breath of the root destruction summoning body again.

Moreover, this time it was unprecedentedly large.

Did they launch the final attack in advance because of his existence?

How stupid! He could have lived longer, but now he is rushing to die.

Alas, the Root Destruction Summoner really loves the Earth so much that he can't wait to merge with it. With such great love and sacrifice, Kagachi is naturally willing to help.


Tokyo, K area.

A hideous black figure suddenly appeared, with a yellow luminous organ on its face and chest, which was the spiritual parasite Bizom.

A monster formed by the combination of Klaus Eckart, a former member of the Alchemy Star, and the spiritual parasite.

As soon as he appeared, his body trembled slightly, and a trace of electric arcs emanated from his body. The luminous body on his face flickered, as if he was sending some signal.

Sure enough, soon, dark clouds gathered above him, lightning and thunder flashed, and it was obvious that this was a sign of the birth of a wormhole.

The next moment, several figures rushed out of the wormhole.

The Great Cosmic Demon - Paskik.

Space capture machine beast - Sigmatzigul.

Space battle beast - Gob.

Space thunder beast - Batss.

Destruction demon - Blitzblots.

Destruction demon - Kipbu.

Including Bizom, there are a total of seven pioneers of the root destruction summoning body.

Kagachi glanced at them, and then looked at the other side of the wormhole. There was a strong breath there, but it seemed that there was no plan to come down for the time being, just watching from a distance behind the wormhole.

XIG base naturally got the news at the first time.


Ishimuro Zhangxiong's face turned black.

It's really one wave after another.

The judgment of the Rainbow Serpent God has just passed, and mankind is in a period of social chaos and great damage.

After receiving the news, did the root destruction summoning body launch an attack impatiently?

So many people came this time, they must be thinking that they want to use this time to completely destroy the earth, right?

Damn it!

"Issue an evacuation order to Area K immediately."

"All Lightning Team, Falcon Team, Cool Dragon Team, and Hercules Team will be dispatched."

After giving the order, he looked at Memeng and nodded to him. Memeng also put his hand on his chest and nodded to him.

Since the end of Judgment Day, their transformation ability has been restored.

Moreover, after learning the true power of the Light of the Earth and the Ocean, although their strength has not increased, their combat effectiveness has far exceeded that of the past.

A bluish-white beam of light rose, and Sky Ultraman appeared.

Kuroda Hui had already rushed here as soon as she felt the breath of the wormhole.

Not only her.

Mechagodzilla also walked out of the void, and the scarlet mechanical eyes scanned several roots.The subordinates sent by the Sexual Destruction Summoning Body to die.

A reverse rainbow rose from a distance, silently confronting the existence on the other side of the wormhole.


Gob roared, waving the sickle on his arm, and rushed towards Mechagodzilla.


A compressed overclocked proton screamed and swept away, directly splitting Gob and Bats behind him in half.

There was a trace of disdain in its eyes.

At this time, they still sent such a small fish to die.

This extremely explosive scene shocked several pioneers of the root destruction summoning body.

Kip touched his horn.

"......" What's the situation? Under normal circumstances, shouldn't they first fight a few times at close range to consume some physical strength before starting to attack with energy?

But it's okay this way.

The purpose of their being sent here is to consume the living power of the earth and lay the foundation for the absolute victory of the final weapon later.

It waved the sharp blade in its right hand, and with one stroke, it split the proton scream that swept towards him.

After waving the blade to dissipate heat, he spread his small wings and flew towards Mechagodzilla.

His body was covered with a large area of ​​electromagnetic shield, which could invalidate various physical or energy attacks that were not too much stronger than him.

It was used to deal with this kind of mechanical creation.

Over there, Blitzbloz had already rushed into the sky, and his wrists kept shooting light bullets, attacking Sky.

The speed of Mach 9 made him hard to find an opponent in the sky.

But this was not enough.

For this kind of attack, Sky just waved his hand and sent out a gust of wind, which dispersed it alive.

This surprised Blitzbloz.

"......" This situation is not the same as what was said in the intelligence.

Although the intelligence sent back said that this Sky's Ultraman was powerful and could shoot wind blades and light, it did not say that it was so strong.

The strong wind generated by waving his hand can destroy his attack... This strength is not something he can challenge.

Who is responsible for the intelligence work? !

In a remote base of G.U.A.R.D., the sealed and restricted Chrissis flashed innocently.

What can it do?

There is only so much intelligence, it can't make it up, right?

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