Since they didn't rush to participate in the battle between Titans, they naturally didn't have too many casualties.

However, this is also a good thing. It's not appropriate for a person like Dr. Vivian to die so hastily.

Kagachi looked at Mark again.

This man is Madison's father.

To be honest, in the original book, Kagachi felt that Mark and Emma were not worthy of being Madison's parents.

Emma was immersed in the pain of losing her son, and she didn't care about her daughter's thoughts at all. She was willing to take her with Jonah, a dangerous guy.

As for Mark, he was even worse than Emma.

Emma stayed with her daughter, but he was good at drinking and escaping.

The most important thing was that after Emma's death, he followed his wife's footsteps and chose to immerse himself in work, ignoring Madison again, and even unwilling to listen to her calmly.

This led to Madison finding someone on the Internet to investigate the dangerous Apex company together.

Almost bitten to death by the super-large Skeleton Crawler in the experimental base.

In Kagachi's words: two guys who are not worthy of being parents.

This made him completely dislike each other.

At this time, Madison seemed to feel a little disgust in Kagachi's heart. She reached out and rubbed the holy stone, as if to comfort him.

Kagachi: "..."

As a mature adult and god, he has not fallen to the point of needing a little girl's comfort.

He is a little disgusted with each other, but that's all.

The two have been contracted for five years. During this period, Kagachi has never interfered with Madison's life once. The most he responded to her on a whim.

But this made the latter very excited.

The rest of the time, he quietly listened to Madison's lonely narration of what happened today.

After all, Kagachi was a human in his previous life, not a real natural god, so he naturally had feelings. In five years, he witnessed Madison grow from a small one to the current size.

Just like watching the stray cats outside the house grow up day by day, I will pay a little attention to them when I have nothing to do.

While Kagachi was thinking, the Argonaut had already headed straight to Mexico with the fighter squadron. The latest news they received was that Jonah's next target was the dormant Titan in a volcano on the Mexican island of Mara.

Madison lay in the room prepared for herself and her mother, raising her arms in front of her eyes, as if she was staring at the holy stone in a daze.

After a long time, she said:

"Can you hear me, Mr. Kagachi?"

She had long known the real name of the Rainbow Serpent God from Dr. Serizawa, Nijikagachi.

In response, Madison affectionately called him Mr. Kagachi.

Hearing Madison's words, Kagachi controlled the holy stone to flash twice, indicating that there was no problem with his hearing, and asked her to speak quickly.

Seeing that she got a response, Madison immediately jumped up from the bed happily, and spit out words one by one from her mouth as if they were free.


Mexico, Isla Mara.

Volcano, Monarch Organization Base No. 56.


An explosion resounded through the sky, and the crowd below who were still wondering why they had to evacuate all raised their heads and looked towards the volcano.


On the top of the volcano, the large steel cover used to seal the roof was blown away by a huge force, and a giant claw stretched out from it.

Then came the head, body, and wings.

Rodan, known as the Fire Demon and the King of the Sky.

In terms of air combat, no Titan can match Rodan. It has the fastest flying speed among all Titans, as well as the highest flexibility and maneuverability.

However, this Rodan is obviously not yet an adult, and its size is not big. The wingspan of an adult Rodan is no smaller than that of Ghidorah, and it can also spit fire.

Its mother was one of the members of the brave team that defeated Ghidorah in ancient times, but she died at that time, leaving only Rodan as an egg.

Rodan was not in a good mood at this time. He was sleeping soundly, but someone set off firecrackers at home.

Who could tolerate this?

He broke through the "manhole cover" above and got out, ready to teach the guy who disturbed his sweet dream a lesson.

He stood on the volcano and stretched out his two wings of more than 100 meters (Roton's wingspan is 265.5 meters), and made a cry to the sky:


Who threw the firecracker? !

He turned his head to look at the town below, and keenly heard that the sound there was even louder.

In the distance, the Argonaut had arrived here.

Mark looked at the person lying on the volcano and stretching his body.Rodan, whispered:

"Does this beast have any resounding names?"

Dr. Serizawa held the notebook in his hand and replied:

"Flame Demon - Rodan."

Hearing this, Mark looked ugly.

"Really? It sounds really harmless..."

At this time, Madison, who heard Rodan's cry, also came here from the room and looked through the glass at the giant pterosaur in the distance that seemed to be made of volcanic lava.

(Rodan still gave people a strong sense of oppression when he first appeared. After all, he was the director's favorite monster and was given the most special effects.)


Just then, Coleman seemed to have discovered something. They saw that the storm generated by Ghidorah, which they had been tracking, suddenly changed direction and moved quickly towards this side.

"Monster Zero sensed Rodan's call?"

Everyone's face was not very good. One Titan was difficult to deal with. If there were two together, they didn't even dare to think about it.

Just then, the fighter squadron was dispatched.

Several rockets bombarded Rodan, causing him to scream in pain.

Although he was not injured, it hurt!

He was just a baby who was millions of years old.

Besides, he just came out to find out who disturbed his sleep, and he didn't want to hurt anyone, but why did he attack him directly when he met him?

Do you really think he is easy to bully?

Oh, that's good, he just woke up and needs something to warm up.

Rodan let out a loud cry, spread his huge wings, jumped up, and chased after the flying bugs.

The sound waves generated by the vibration of the huge wings directly blew up a layer of the ground below.

Wherever it passed, whether it was rocks or bricks, they were all blown up, including those residents who had not had time to evacuate.

Kagachi remembered that Rodan's speed could exceed the speed of sound, and he was extremely flexible, making him the absolute king of the sky.

How could those fighter planes beat him?

Seeing the giant beast getting closer and closer to them, Colonel Foster immediately ordered:

"Fasten your seat belts."

"All fleets, follow us!"

The most urgent task is to lead Rodan away first, otherwise the casualties and losses in the city below will be immeasurable.

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