Unconsciously, Kagachi has been in this world for ten years.

Not long ago, he has successfully integrated the power and authority of this world, which also means that his purpose of coming to this world has been achieved.

Naturally, he has also returned to the original Blaze world.

However, the world he has integrated will become part of his power source, so he can go back at any time.

However, he and Madison Russell did not cancel the contract, because even if the world is integrated, he still has to follow his own rules, so the "contract" is still indispensable.

He is too lazy to change it.

Moreover, he likes this little doll that he has seen since he was a child.

It's amazing to say that even if they are separated by an unknown distance, the two can still communicate in real time through the holy stone without any influence.

This makes Kagachi feel very interesting, and he can't help but say a few more words, which makes Madison happy for a long time.

He has also tried to project his power and body in the legendary monster universe at any time. It can be said that the two worlds have been connected together because of his special hub.

It's just that they can't communicate.

Kagachi focused his attention here. At this time, he was still in the space under the Holy Lake of Gaomeixi Mountain.

Moreover, it seems that he has not been away for a long time.

As for why he said that, Kagachi probed his perception into the distance.

At this time, the Ultra Savage was fighting with a mechanical monkey.

Kagachi recognized it. Although it looked like a creature, it was actually a mechanical monster with an extremely hard shell. The spikes on its back could even penetrate Asgalon's super alloy armor.

Pigmon, the famous "cute creature" in the Ultra World, was derived from it.

The edge of a city.

After seeing that his attack was not very effective, Blaze summoned a spiral light blade and shot it towards Galamon.

But this time was different from the past. The powerful spiral light blade was directly shattered, which surprised the string captain in Blaze's body.

What the hell?

This body strength is too high, not only can it penetrate Asgallon's armor, but it can even withstand the spiral light blade?

Just when he was in trouble, Galamon suddenly stopped moving, the foot that was about to step on his chest stopped, and a special liquid similar to blood flowed out of his mouth.

Captain Xianren felt something, probably Xingli found and solved the source of the sound wave that might be controlling Galamon.

Looking at the stunned machine monster, he no longer hesitated.

He took out the rainbow snake god pyroxene that he had obtained not long ago and loaded it into the [Blazer Bracelet].

The next moment, the rainbow energy was stimulated, and two rainbow light wheels appeared in his hands.


He roared, raised his hands high, and inserted the light wheel like a chainsaw into Galamon's body. A teeth-grinding cutting sound rang out, and Galamon's body was lifted high, and finally it was cut into pieces and scattered under the cutting of the rainbow light wheel.


Huh, it's over.

Hiruma Gento looked at the timer on his chest that was glowing red. At this time, he had already understood that this meant that he, or Blaze, was running out of energy.


Night, SkaRD headquarters.

Tonight, Captain Hiruma Gento and Aobe Emi were on night duty.

Gento flipped through the documents and took a sip of coffee.

Over there, Aobe Emi was fiddling with Professor Yokomine's holy stone that they had broken.


She sighed. During this period of time, she had been trying to repair the holy stone. In this way, they might be able to use the power of Nigakagachi through the summoning ritual like Professor Yokomine.

Since Nigakagachi went back last time, he has not come out again.

Therefore, they inferred that what he did might be Professor Yokomine's own will, and he used the holy stone to control Nigakagachi.

Therefore, after the holy stone was broken, He would go back directly instead of carrying out further sabotage.

Now that the enemy is getting stronger, Asgallon has begun to lose strength, and even Blaze will be in a difficult battle, just like today's Garamon. If it weren't for Anri, they might really be helpless.

At this moment, Aobe Emi is extremely eager for power.

"Please, you must repair it!"

She whispered a prayer to the fragment of the holy stone.

Kagachi: "..."

Now his contract with Professor Yokomine can be said to have ended, but Kagachi did not directly remove him from the column of contractors.

Because the contractor is like an anchor point for him, he does notAfter clearing the anchor point in the Legendary Monster Universe, he was sure whether he could come back smoothly. Therefore, Yokomine Wanxiang's name was still there.

He did plan to find a new contractor.

But the target was not Aobe Emi.

After what happened to Madison, he had tasted the sweetness of taking advantage of loopholes.

Therefore, he planned to find another child as a contractor, especially one who was related to the plot, and the only one who met these two points at the same time was...

Kagachi looked at Hiruma Gento.

It could only be this guy's son, Hiruma Jun, right?

You said it, right, Lord Heart?

Kagachi chuckled and retracted his gaze.

Then he controlled his power and prepared to repair the sacred stone.

The next moment, Aobe Emi's sudden scream scared Hiruma Gento so much that he almost spit out the coffee in his mouth.

"What's wrong, what happened..."

He turned his head and saw a rainbow light ball appear in front of Emi.

This made Hiruma Gento nervous all of a sudden.

After all, as someone who had faced Nikakagachi, he knew very well how powerful the opponent was, which was not comparable to other monsters he had encountered so far.

He calmly took out the [Blaze Bracelet] and was ready to transform at any time to deal with the crisis.

But it was obvious that he was overthinking.

The rainbow light ball quickly dissipated, revealing the seven intact holy stone bracelets inside.

"Is this... fixed?"

He was silent for a while and looked at Huimei.

The latter was also a little hesitant at this time. She looked at the holy stones neatly placed on the table, and didn't know what happened and why it suddenly got better.

"I don't know either. It suddenly glowed, uh, and then it got better again."

Xianren: "..."

He looked at his innocent subordinates and didn't know what to say for a while.

But at this moment, the holy stone suddenly flew up, circled around Aoi Emi, and stopped in front of Hiruma Xianren. The latter reached out to catch it in a panic with a confused look on his face.

Huimei: "......"

Hey, hey, hey, I fixed you!

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