After hanging up the phone, Xianren walked out of the study.

That's all. I hope the higher-ups can handle this properly.

Of course, he also has to be aware of this.

Thinking of this, Xianren took out Blaze's pyroxene. Although he didn't know why the other party chose him, at least at this time, he was really grateful to the other party for giving him enough power to protect his family.


Tomoko looked at Xianren outside the study and called out with concern.

"Ah, it's okay. I'm just thinking about going out to play tomorrow."


The next day, morning.

Yamanashi Prefecture, Oniokudani.

Xianren fulfilled his promise and brought Jun and his wife here.

After arriving here, Jun immediately ran quickly towards the dome, got into the crowd and kept moving forward until he was blocked by the guardrail.

He looked into the valley, and the dome was by the river.

At this time, it was being inspected and excavated by a group of armed people.

Kagachi also looked over.

He knew that this was a Dimaga egg, and its mother was sleeping a few kilometers away in the valley.

The title of this episode is "Parents and Children", which refers to both Dimaga and his mother, and Hiruma's family.

Soon, the couple also squeezed over.

They looked towards the dome.

At this moment, a bright light suddenly flashed on the dome, and the next moment, a small hole appeared in the eggshell. From this gap, a cute and ugly face could be seen, which was the juvenile of the molten iron monster Dimaga.

Dimaga can be regarded as a model monster since the new generation.

Since its first appearance in X, it has appeared in subsequent works several times.

Similarly, Kagachi also has a deep memory of what happened in this episode. Humans discovered the monster's eggs and tried to capture the cubs. The monster mother tried her best to protect it, but it was still no match for human technology.

In the end, under the inspiration of his son Jun and the urging of Blaze, the indifferent Stringer transformed to protect the monster mother and son.


The Dimaga cub crawled out of the egg and called out to the people outside.

It didn't know what these guys were, but it instinctively felt threatened, so it called out in a threatening manner.

This call also startled the excavation captain, who immediately said:


The thing in front of him was a monster, even if it was a cub, it was still a monster.

Bang bang bang!

Several anesthetic bullets were fired at Dimaga, but they seemed to be stuck by the skin on the surface of the body and did not sink very deep, and then it was slapped down by its claws.

It opened its mouth and made a special cry.


The sound waves quickly spread to the surroundings.

The next moment, Kagachi felt that a sleeping energy body not far away suddenly became active. It was an adult Dimaga. Obviously, it was awakened by the cub's cry.

Information dissemination in this era is very fast.

The next moment, the tablet held by Jun reported the news of the appearance of a monster in Oniokudani, Yamanashi Prefecture, and reminded the people nearby to take shelter in time.

At this time, Xianren also received the communication from his subordinates.

Since he had already told his family about his real job, he did not speak in a pinched voice, but quickly said:

"I'm at the scene, let Huiming and Taixin drive Asgallon to attack!"

Then he quickly hung up the phone, perfunctorily said to Jun, "Then this is the monster mother", and then looked at the cub again. Obviously, he also guessed the general relationship between the two.

Below, an electric net covered the Dimaga cub that was unable to stand up due to the anesthetic. The next moment, the current passed through, causing it to scream.

Not long after, Huimei also received a message from the headquarters that the attack had been ordered.

Seeing this, although Xianren was a little confused, he immediately picked up his son and said, "There will be danger here soon, let's leave quickly."

Over there, the defense team also began to evacuate the crowd.

Soon, Xianren took his wife and children to a distance. Turning his head, he found that Dimaga had come to the cub.

In the sky, a group of missiles and Asgallon flew over their heads, bringing a strong wind that blew up the hats and hair of the people below.

Xianren immediately took the two people to trot away.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Countless missiles bombarded Dimaga's body, stirring up flames and smoke, but the latter did not dodge or evade, just because it was using its body to protect the cub below.

With the physical strength of the cub, once it dodges, it will probably be blown into pieces by the missiles in an instant.

At this moment, Xianren felt the pyroxene in his pocket urging him again.


He ignored it and continued to walk away with the two people.

On the way, Chun turned his head and took a look.

At this time, Mother Dimaga was struggling to hold on under the full firepower of missiles and Asgallon.

Kagachi also saw this scene naturally.

But he just watched.

He was not interested in the competition between the creatures on Earth. Of course, if alien creatures invaded, that would be another matter.

Therefore, as long as there was no major harm to the ecological environment, he had no need to take action.

After all, the survival of the fittest is also part of the law of nature.

But the kind-hearted Chun didn't seem to think so.

He turned his head to look at Mother Dimaga who was blown to the ground, and Asgallon who was slowly walking towards it. (There is an easter egg here. Asgallon's eyes have no pupils, and his spirit is gone. Only chaos is left. The meaning is self-evident)

At this time, Dimaga seized the opportunity and spit a mouthful of molten iron hot wire at Asgallon, destroying the latter's visual system and the [Module II] behind him, and took the opportunity to rush up.

At the headquarters, after seeing that the communication with Asgallon was disconnected, the chief of staff also responded immediately.

"Launch the second wave of attack immediately!"

With Asgallon's outer armor, it is enough to block these missiles, and their target is the monster. Asgallon is at most shocked by the residual power.

The next moment, dozens or hundreds of missiles rushed towards this side, all bombarding Dimaga's mother.

"Isn't this wrong?"

Jun said with his eyes wide open.

Next to him, his mother Tomoko looked at him puzzledly and asked:

"What's wrong?"

Jun looked at his father Xianren again.

"Do we have to kill that monster?"

After hearing his words, Xianren said almost without hesitation: "Yes. If we don't kill it, if the monster destroys the city, everyone will have a headache."

Chun: "I know, but..."

If it is a monster that destroys the city and hurts humans, Chun will definitely not think so much, but Dimaga and the baby obviously did nothing, but they were still killed by humans.

This made him fall into contemplation. Is this a conservative precaution and action to protect humans, or a radical one to kill all the monsters that appear?

"This monster also came out because it wanted to protect the injured baby?"

"Is this wrong?"

The next moment, the holy stone bracelet on his hand flickered slightly.

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