The string man couldn't believe the scene of such a huge beast going crazy, because his wife and children were not far away, and there were human settlements nearby.

So he could only proceed step by step.

After so long, he also found that Blaze seemed to have some intellectual problems.

So at this special time, he would never give up the control of his body, otherwise, it would be very likely that something bad would happen.

The spear hit the snow demon's front leg accurately, but it only penetrated a little bit, and was bounced out by her skin.

Uh... it should be broken?

Snow demon: Like breaking.

She waved her claws with white ice light and slapped Blaze away.

Her ice energy was condensed on her claws, so Blaze was frozen into an ice sculpture while flying backwards in the air.

At this time, the string man captain in Blaze's body was trembling and activated the rainbow snake god pyroxene again. A flame surged out of his body and melted the ice on his body.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

The timer on his chest began to flash, indicating that his physical strength had reached the dangerous line.

The snow demon who was running towards it was suddenly startled.

She received another message from Kagachi.

Although she didn't know why, she still stood up, raised her head, and fired a 50% power freezing breath at the outer coordinates marked by Kagachi.

(The power of freezing breath under normal conditions is only 15%)

Under the eyes of everyone, a column of ice-white light broke through the sky, freezing a satellite that was monitoring here into an ice sculpture and shattering it.

After doing all this, she closed her mouth and disappeared from the battlefield with Dimaga and his mother.

String Man: "......?"

What's going on? Why did he suddenly leave?

Blaze was a little angry. Such a big prey actually disappeared with it. He even performed the prayer ceremony. It was simply unreasonable.


It's all your fault!

He punched himself on the left side of the face, but String Man was fine, but he jumped in pain.

String Man: "......"

I feel so embarrassed, he thought, and then he cancelled the transformation, the giant turned into a light spot and dissipated, leaving Asgalon, who had just repaired the system, with a confused look on his face on the battlefield.


In the void space.

Kagachi glanced at the weak Dimaga and moved it and the cub underground.

After all, it is a native monster of the earth. Although it is not his personal soldier, it may be useful in the future.

Kagachi has subordinates.

In other words, they are colleagues in the same camp, but his level is higher and he can command them. That's right, they are the beetle monster Taganula and the moonlight monster Deltandar who have appeared many times in the play.

Brother Tazi and the Moonlight Team.

Then, he took a look at the Snow Demon and put it into the Poké Ball.

It has already appeared, so there is no need to let it out again in a short time. As a former human, he knows that human nerves are very fragile and he doesn't know when they will collapse.

He turned his attention to Chun.

At this time, Xianren had reunited with his family and walked towards a sushi restaurant.

It seemed that he was preparing to replenish his energy.

Kagachi smacked his lips. Although he had been reborn for more than ten years, he had never eaten anything.

He couldn't eat anything.

He didn't have a real body at all. It was all condensed with energy.

However, energy could be eaten. Kagachi still remembered that after he killed the frost-resistant king Laoba, he broke the crystal that controlled the snow demon and swallowed the energy inside.

It was cold and almost like eating an ice cream.

As for the energy contained in it, it was not enough to fill his teeth.

There was no growth at all.

I'm afraid that only planetary-level energy can be useful to him, and he can only absorb it through the medium of the earth, and cannot directly integrate it.

He sighed, and when he was about to sigh with the atmosphere, there was a movement in the contract, and it was from Madison.

What did she want to talk to him about? Was she just bored and looking for him to chat?

Kagachi turned his gaze to her.


He sensed the surrounding environment. Well, it was very open, with many plants and hills, and a strong natural atmosphere.

But this should be the center of the earth, right?

Why did Madison come here? At this time, she should still be in school. According to the schedule, it should be the fixed political history education class on Thursday morning.

But she was indeed in the center of the earth.

To be precise, there were many people around her.

Mom Emma, ​​Dr. Andrews, Skull Island orphan Jia...

Besides them, and a dozen other people.

And King Kong?

At this time, their group was surrounded by a group of big monkeys.

And King Kong was standing in front of them.

After a little thought, Kagachi gradually understood the general situation. In short, when Madison went to visit her mother on Skull Island, she happened to meet the time when they transferred King Kong.

So they acted together and successfully arrived at the center of the earth on the Apex company's aircraft.

But it didn't take long for them to be discovered by the group of giant apes who had nothing to do after the death of King Scar, and surrounded them. After all, King Kong's tall figure was still very conspicuous.

And no matter how powerful King Kong was, he couldn't fight dozens of people alone.

So after seeing that he couldn't escape, Madison directly used the Holy Stone to shake people.

No, it was shaking the gods.

Kagachi: "..."

Just such a small matter?

Kagachi could only say that Madison was overthinking. This group of giant apes was just a mob. King Kong only needed to kill a chicken to scare the monkeys and show his strength. They would probably run away immediately or bow down.

Madison could naturally feel Kagachi's thoughts vaguely.

She apologized.


"We originally thought they were King Kong's people, so we took the initiative to approach them. Who knew they would surround us directly."

"I have no choice, so I came to you for help..."

"Please, this is a once-in-a-lifetime request!"

Kagachi, who couldn't remember how many times he had heard this sentence: "..."

He had no choice looking at Madison's appearance.

This situation could indeed be a reason to contact him, but he always felt that Madison was a little too dependent on him. When he left here, he gave her a lot of power usage rights.

As long as she wanted, she could just melt a monkey to show her strength and make sure those guys ran faster than anyone else.

Madison heard his thoughts and said:

"That's fine, but they just surrounded us and didn't take any action. It's not appropriate to attack without communicating."

"You taught me that!"

Kajiaqi: "..."

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