The next day, Gabadon, who was also animated from Jun's painting, caused some farce and even appeared on TV.

Looking at his son who hurried out, Xianren scratched his head in confusion and looked at his wife.

"Jun must have made friends, right?"

He could even forget his son's sports meeting, let alone whether his son had any friends.

Soon, Jun and Arata met in the secret base.

After flipping through the picture album, it was found that the monster that Jun drew yesterday was indeed gone.

It was obvious that the white beast reported in the news was Jun's painting. Although it was unknown how it became a physical entity, the most urgent thing was to catch it first and not cause any more trouble.

In the end, the two used a net bag to catch Gabadon in a remote grove nearby.

But at this time, Arata's "sister" came over.

"What are you doing?"

Arata immediately stuffed Gabadon into his clothes and looked at his sister.

"It's Choshi, we didn't do anything!"

The little girl sighed, obviously not believing it.

After some twists and turns, the three gathered in the secret base to discuss Gabadon.

Chun wanted to feed it something.

But as a two-dimensional existence, Gabadon naturally couldn't eat things in the three-dimensional world. However, it could eat things that were also two-dimensional, such as pictures.

After discovering this, the three children were very happy and tried one by one.

In Kagachi's silent observation, time passed quickly, the sunlight faded, and Gabadon turned back into a picture, returning to the picture book on the table.

Seeing that the bodies of the two little things began to become unstable, and after forcibly consuming themselves to hold on, Kagachi also transferred some energy to the two of them to help them stabilize their existence.

"Let's draw a bigger one."

Several people glued the drawing paper together and drew an enlarged Gabadon on it.


The next day, Chun just got home from school and ran out in a hurry.

The Xianren couple were very pleased about this.

Chun finally looked like a child. He was so sensible that they were worried.

Both of them thought they were not qualified.

But in fact, compared with most parents, they can still be said to be model parents, and there is no need to blame themselves for this.

Soon, Chun came to the secret base again.

At this time, the large Gabadon was quietly nestling in the tent, looking very sleepy.

And Kagachi saw the two children again. Their breath was getting weaker and weaker. He could provide the energy needed for action, but he was powerless to maintain the cosmic radiation for their existence.

Looking at this, they will disperse at most tomorrow night.

Soon, the uncle who managed this place came over. After a while of chaos, the three children and Gabadon talked about their worries in the sunset.

"Chun, we will move out next month."

Xita's words made Chun sigh.

"Are you moving?"

Chou Xi also said: "Yes, we are moving to the United States."

Hearing this, Chun felt a sense of loss in his heart.

Although he and his brother and sister had only played together for two days, they seemed to have been together for a long time without any estrangement.

Hearing that they were leaving, he felt a little reluctant.

But at this moment, a group of unruly people who seemed to have traveled from the Showa era came over and obviously wanted to capture Gabaddon.

The three of them wanted to stop them immediately, but how could a child stop an adult?

Under the flying pounce of the uncle who led the group, Gabaddon disappeared directly.

The three looked at the sunset and knew that it was time.

In the end, in order to prevent Gabaddon from losing to an adult and being captured, the three children drew a giant picture directly on an open space.

A big guy of dozens of meters.

Obviously, these children did not know what kind of trouble such a big guy would bring to the city and residents if it suddenly appeared.

The next day, under the illumination of cosmic rays, Gabadun really materialized.

Standing horizontally in the middle of the road, it caused a lot of problems.

Perhaps because it was too sleepy or because it knew it was not in the right place, Gabadun did not move and just slept.

Although it did not actively destroy the surroundings, its existence itself had a bad impact on people's lives, so it was naturally targeted by the defense team.

Under their call, residents began to evacuate in an orderly manner.

Tomoko held Jun with one hand and was talking to her husband who had gone to work with the other hand, telling him about the situation here.

But at this time, Jun broke free from her hand and ran awayGo.

"I forgot to take something!"


Tomoko was startled and hurried to chase after him.

But in this turbulent flow of people, children are much more flexible than adults, and soon Jun ran out of his mother's sight.

Tomoko was almost crying at this time, but there was no way, so she could only ask the staff for help.

Over there, Jun had already met up with two friends who came out of nowhere and came to where Gabaddon was.

The shouting of the three people could not wake up Gabaddon who was snoring loudly.

But at this time, the defense team had already launched an attack.

Missiles fell from the sky, but were bounced off by Gabaddon's soft and elastic body, but the missiles would explode after all, and the explosion woke Gabaddon up and began to move around in a panic.

But the surrounding environment obviously made it feel uneasy, and it didn't know where to run for a while.

At this time, Xianren also found the figure of a child near the bombing area from the satellite map in the van, and it looked like his son.

"I'll take care of it!"

He said without hesitation and ran over there immediately.

Kajiachi had been observing secretly.

However, he still secretly used his strength to prevent any unexpected situation.

For example, if a piece of rubble suddenly collapsed, Chun would be seriously injured if he was hit by it. He would still be in trouble.


Under the continuous bombardment of missiles, a building collapsed and pressed towards the three children.

Then came the famous scene, Blaze "supported the building that was about to collapse".

(Aihara Ryu: Look at you, you are really good at protecting...)

The soft and elastic skin gave Gabaddon a good defense and resistance, so that many of Blaze's attacks had no effect.

Gabaddon was also very afraid of the savages. He tried to escape with his short legs, but was caught by the other party every time.

In this way, the tug of war between the two sides continued until dusk.

At Chun's call, Gabaddon suddenly seemed to have sensed something and turned his head to look at them.

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