
Inside Asgallon, Hiruma Gento and Yasunobu were both somewhat confused.

They didn't understand why the other party had the upper hand but suddenly left, unless... its goal had been achieved.

What is it?

Gento looked at the ruins of the factory burning in flames, and vaguely guessed that Mechagodzilla's target was a factory under the company called [Tokyo Electric Power]?

What is here? Why destroy it?

After returning to the base, everyone began to look for information and analyze it.

"... No matter how you look at it, this is just an ordinary factory?"

Anri Minami said as she looked at the information in her hand.

At this time, Yasunobu's middle school spirit erupted:

"Could it be that there is some unspeakable secret buried underground in that factory, and after being discovered, that organization sent Mechagodzilla to silence it?!"

Seeing his excitement, Vice Captain Nagura Teruaki sighed and then shook his head.

"It shouldn't be."

"The logistics department's survey team has already checked it out, and it's just an ordinary factory."

"It's just..."

He hesitated.

At this time, Xianren continued, "It's just that the recent reputation is not very good."

"I saw on TV not long ago that this factory was exposed for serious pollution, but this should only require an order to rectify it."

"Could it be that Mechagodzilla was created by some extreme environmentalist organization?"

He guessed.

"It shouldn't be." At this time, Aobe Emi said while holding a pile of newly found information.

"I screened all the public or private environmental protection organizations in the world, and none of them has the ability to create a mechanical monster of that level."

"Behind it, there is at least a national-level force."


Emi thought about it and didn't say what she guessed in her heart.

She collected some samples of Mechagodzilla's energy residue and found that it was an unknown and unanalyzable energy, and they had encountered this energy before...

No, how could it be? She must have thought too much. How could a god transformed by nature be related to a mechanical monster?

This is simply nonsense.

Kagachi, who was watching the video, noticed the strangeness of Aobe Emi and her actions of looking at the small bottles of holy lake water from time to time.


Did you find something?

That's right, Mechagodzilla is directly driven by his energy after all. By comparing the energy wave frequency, it is not difficult to find something.

However, this is useless.

Kagachi's heart moved, and the next moment, the energy in Mechagodzilla's body was converted into nuclear energy.

It's just a matter of changing the energy wave frequency. This kind of thing is easy for him. He can easily convert energy into any form.


The next day.

"Mechagodzilla appears again!"

Hui Ming put down the phone and said to everyone.

The next moment, a picture came on the screen.

"This is..."

Hiruma Xianren looked at the somewhat familiar building.

"Busan in the Korean country?"

Yes, the second target chosen by Kagachi was a company in the southern part of the Korean country.

Looking at the figure of Mechagodzilla walking out of the sea, everyone in the base was silent for a moment, and finally Xianren said:

"What did the higher-ups say?"

Hui Ming: "We have not received the order to attack and the request for help from the Korean country yet."


Xianren closed his eyes, obviously a little reluctant, but there was no order from the higher-ups, and they could not go to other countries without authorization.

The other people were also silent for a while, only Huimei looked at it with a sharp gaze, not missing any opportunity to collect intelligence.

Over there, the Korean country.

Mechagodzilla has completed the landing and is heading towards its destination.


Several fighters flew over and began to pour fire on it

But this ordinary machine gun had no effect on Mechagodzilla at all. There was no need to open the electromagnetic barrier. A proton scream swept over and easily solved it.


At this time, a mecha about 50 meters long and with a human-like appearance landed in front of it.

Kagachi: "..."

He looked at this weird and bloated mecha.

What, seeing Asgallon in Japan, do you want to make one too?

This mecha didn't even cover the outer armor completely, and one eye was exposed. Obviously, it was not finished yet.

He also saw the logos of several chaebols on the spray paint of the mecha.

Obviously, this thing was made by them.

There is no need to get entangled with this kind of thing. Kagachi directly controlled Mechagodzilla to send it away with a proton scream.

In the end, under the eyes of countless people, it blasted a hill that was hollowed out and transformed into a secret base into pieces.

Even many locals don't know what's going on.

In fact, this is a secret base of aliens, and their purpose is to seize resources on the earth and lurk until now.

Kagachi accidentally discovered this place during a global observation.

Since it was discovered, there is no need to keep it.

The prototype of this base is a spaceship that was parked here decades ago.

The next moment, a giant alien appeared in front of Mechagodzilla.

He has a big red head similar to a squid, a blue body, hands made up of many tentacles, and a lot of luminous organs on his body.


"Who are you?!"

He asked angrily.

"I have never offended you!"

It is obvious that he regarded Mechagodzilla as a creation of other cosmic beings.

Kagachi was too lazy to communicate with these cosmic beings who had evil intentions towards the earth, and just killed them all.

Proton Scream!

The red laser sprayed at the Metronian, but he dodged it with teleportation.

"Hmph, you are so slow..."

However, he was interrupted before he finished speaking, and a tail with a blade broke out of his chest from behind.

"What... what? Impossible!"

Standard small fish speech.

Mechagodzilla pulled out his tail, and then burned it to ashes with proton scream. For such a weak cosmic being, even Mechagodzilla can easily deal with it.

Of course, Kagachi did not run all the way to South Korea on a whim, after all, there are many polluting enterprises in Japan...

The purpose of his doing this is to expose the news that there are cosmic beings lurking on the earth.

Those people above only know how to hide information and maintain secrecy. As long as it does not threaten their rule, they will not care at all.

They even cooperate with each other as traitors and persecute Earth creatures together.

Once the aliens are exposed, no matter what the result is, this matter will be pushed to the forefront.

Sometimes Kagachi wonders why the humans here did not hesitate to attack "V99" who had no malice and no weapons, but instead cooperated with those space people who obviously had bad intentions.

...It is really hard to understand.

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