
Commander Xin Meier sighed.

The reason why they sent out countless exploration ships was to find the Star of Light.

Thousands of years ago, their hometown was destroyed by the invasion of alien planets. A passing giant of light saved them from the water and fire, and left a "cone of light" to maintain the vitality of their home planet.

According to the giant, this cone of light is a simplified version of an ion tower. Although it was made by his hands, it still has similar functions.

But now the light of the cone of light is getting weaker and weaker, and it may not last long.

Once it is completely extinguished, their home planet will probably be destroyed, and even the last bit of vitality will dissipate. Although their civilization has reached the interstellar space level, they do not want to abandon their home planet and wander around.

Therefore, they decided to find the hometown mentioned by the giant - the Star of Light.

No matter how much it costs, they also require a new cone of light to revitalize their home planet. However, the plan has been carried out for nearly a hundred years, but with little effect, and no information about the Star of Light has been obtained at all.

At this moment, Xin Meierte suddenly opened his eyes wide, as if he had received something.

He immediately opened the display screen.

He saw a torch-like object on it, emitting light, and above the torch, there was a star-shaped totem floating.

This totem was born 200 years after the Cone of Light was placed in the Elume Nebula. It was a life formed by pure light and named itself Xinghui.

"Master Xinghui."

Xin Meierte and others greeted respectfully.

After hundreds of years of development and evolution, Xinghui has already had a high level of wisdom.

If it had not been carrying out the self-repair of the Cone of Light, the light on it might have gone out decades ago.

"I just analyzed the energy composition of the text and found that it was condensed from a pure energy body without any other breath mixed in."

"That is to say, the person opposite is probably similar to me, because only pure energy creatures can be so pure without any residual biological breath."

Xin Meierte was ecstatic and immediately said: "So, they may have been helped by the Giant of Light?!"

Hearing this, Xinghui shook his body to express his denial.


"The other party's existence seems to be more perfect than mine, and the breath of life is rich, not just pure light."

Xin Meierte: "It concerns the mother planet and you. No matter what, we have to ask."

Speaking of this, he immediately sent a message.

"Have you heard of the Giant of Light and the Star of Light?"

After sending it, the entire conference room was so quiet that no one dared to breathe, waiting anxiously and expectantly.

Xin Meierte's hands tightened.

As the leader of a civilization, he must lead this civilization all the way.

He had been searching for decades, and the entire Elume civilization had been searching for hundreds of years, but there was still no news, as if the light star mentioned by the giant did not exist at all, but the light giant did exist and left them a miracle.

It was not until a long ten minutes later that they received a reply.

[Are you talking about the M78 Nebula? ]

This sentence made the entire conference room silent for a moment.

"There is really news!"

The message from the earth made them very excited. After hundreds of years, they were almost desperate, but suddenly got what they wanted.

Although it was only a possibility, it was enough to make them happy.

Xin Meier was also very excited, but he still sent a message tentatively:

"I wonder what the M78 Nebula you mentioned is?"


Over there, the earth.

Kagachi was looking at the system panel.

【“I wonder what the M78 Nebula you are talking about is?”】

Kagachi: “…”

Is it possible that the other side is also like the Earth here, where there are Muggles who don’t even know about the Land of Light?

He was a little unsure, so he had to continue to test:

“Isn’t it the Land of Light you are talking about, the hometown of those Ultramen.”

He wondered in his heart which corner this barbarian came from, who had never even heard of Ultraman.

After thinking about it, he looked outside. At this time, the people of the defense team were diligently recovering the wreckage of Mechagodzilla.

This was all he could do.

Even if there were still a lot of advanced technologies in the Legendary Monster Universe, he couldn’t move too much. The consequences of forcibly improving the technological process were very serious.

After all, a certain Kalekaleda star enjoyed this.

The final result of making something beyond the current stage of civilization development is nothing more than out of control, and it may even bring about annihilation.calamity.

What he didn't know was that after receiving his message, there was already a big uproar in the Elume Nebula.


"Did he say Ultraman?"

Everyone was a little excited, even Xin Meierte couldn't help but stand up.

It's not their fault, after all, they all know that the giant of light who saved their planet a thousand years ago was named Zero, and was a member of "Ultraman".

Now it's certain that the other party definitely knows something about the Kingdom of Light!

Xin Meierte immediately prepared to send another message to ask for more detailed information, but when he edited the content and was about to press the send button, he suddenly stopped.

Others were puzzled, wondering why he stopped. The opportunity to save the mother planet and Lord Xinghui was right in front of them, and they must seize it.

Looking at Xin Meierte's hesitant expression, Bai Lan, the oldest person present, had some guesses and expressed Xin Meierte's concerns:

"The commander probably thinks that we just sent Bazanjia and Gaibarga there not long ago, and is worried that the other party will feel disgusted with us, Elume, because of this, right?"

Hearing this, Xin Meierte nodded.

Although the other party was the first to act, they obviously have the initiative, so Xin Meierte can't help but think about it.

What if they refuse to share information? What if they pass on dangerous false news to us?

Countless thoughts that may lead their civilization to darkness arose in his mind.

No one else spoke, waiting for the leader's decision.

Although their technological level is likely to be higher than that of the other party, they do not want to start a war. The resistance to war has long been imprinted on the soul of this civilization that was once devastated and almost completely destroyed.

Even if biological weapons were sent there, it was because their actions were enough to be judged as evil.

Over there.

Kagachi was watching SkaRD and the others to relieve his boredom. After all, these guys were very interesting.


The transmission sounded.

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