Saitama Prefecture.

A few kilometers away from an overdeveloped mine.

This is a small mine, but it is very precious in a place like Neon. In order to expand economic benefits, the owner of the mine adopted extremely destructive development. At present, there is no grass growing around the mine.

There is also a collapse in the ground, but the news has been concealed by threatening employees.

Mechagodzilla stepped out of the void with heavy steps and roared to the sky.


Kagachi identified the direction and controlled Mechagodzilla to walk over there.

He has already warned by roaring. At the speed of Mechagodzilla, if he walks slowly step by step, it will take about two minutes to reach the mine. This time is enough for them to take refuge.

Of course, if someone wants to insist on staying here and coexisting with the mine, Kagachi will naturally not hesitate to satisfy him.

With the support of powerful information technology in this era, the defense team received intelligence less than a minute after Mechagodzilla appeared.

Immediately notified SkaRD.

Although [Module III] has not been installed yet, Asgallon still has supersonic flight speed, so it quickly arrived at the scene.

"It's really Mechagodzilla."

"We defeated it not long ago, but I didn't expect another one to appear."

Tai Xin said as he watched the scene in Asgallon's body.

Teruaki behind him also nodded.

"Well, be careful."

He wondered what kind of organization could build multiple such mechas.

He looked at the mechanical behemoth that kept firing missiles to destroy the mine buildings, and suddenly found something wrong.


Tai Xin: "What?"

Nakura Teruaki released the image of the previous Mechagodzilla and compared it.

"The color and texture are wrong. This Mechagodzilla is different from the previous one. Be careful, Tai Xin."

Although he didn't know why the vice-captain suddenly said this, Tai Xin still nodded and was very alert.

"But let's stop it first, Tai Xin."


"Tail supersonic missiles - launch!"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

With Tai Xin's operation, several missiles were fired from the launch silo at the tail of Asgallon, breaking the sound barrier in the air and rushing towards the Mechagodzilla that was still destroying there.

Kagachi naturally also noticed these attacks, but unlike before, he did not turn on the electromagnetic barrier defense, but chose to resist directly.

Boom! Boom!

The missile hit accurately.

Sparks flew and smoke flew.

Mechagodzilla waved his arms to disperse the smoke and dust surrounding it, and his red mechanical eyes looked coldly at Asgalon who landed on the ground.

His body was as bright as new.

Seeing this scene, both Huiming and Taixin widened their eyes.

You know, whether in the previous battle or when they dismantled the wreckage of Mechagodzilla, they found that Mechagodzilla's body was made of a relatively hard alloy.

It was a problem to even withstand ordinary missiles.

But this time, it was directly hit by Asgalon's supersonic missile, but it did not suffer any damage, and did not open the electromagnetic barrier.

It was completely relying on the frontal defense of the body.

"It seems that my guess is right. It didn't just change the color, but directly upgraded the entire body."

Nekura Huiming's face was a little ugly.

Judging from the situation just now, the physical strength of this Mechagodzilla may have caught up with or even surpassed Asgalon.

Even missiles can be taken without damage, but I don't know how effective [Module II] and Asgard Flame are.

I hope it will be useful, he prayed in his heart.


Asgaron roared and rushed towards Mechagodzilla.

It's too early to think about these things now. The most urgent task is to stop Mechagodzilla's destructive behavior first, otherwise, this mine may be completely destroyed.

With the newly installed pulse propulsion device, Asgaron's melee ability and mobility have been greatly improved, and he may not be an opponent.

But the idea is beautiful.

With a height of 10 meters, slender and powerful limbs and a long tail, how could Asgaron be a match for Mechagodzilla in close combat?

After being hit by Mechagodzilla's energy-enhanced attacks twice in a row, the two had to admit this.

"No, if this continues, Xiao A won't be able to hold on."

Taixin looked at the various electronic screens flashing in the cockpit and felt distressed..

[I'm fine..., Tai... Xin. ]

Asgallon's voice came, but it was intermittent.

Tai Xin: "..."

How can you be fine!!!

At this moment, a gunshot exploded on Mechagodzilla.

"Are you all right?"

Hiruma Gento's voice came from the headset.

This made both Terumi and Tai Xin happy. It was Captain Gento and his men who came!

Kagachi also looked in the direction of the gunshots.

I saw a van had stopped in the distance at some point, and Minami Anri was carrying SkaRD's enhanced guns. It was obvious that the attack just now was made by her.

Gento also got out of the car, also holding a weapon.

Aoibe Emi was holding a laptop, checking some of the data of the Mechagodzilla that Terumi Nagura had just sent.

She immediately sorted out several important data.

"Captain, this Mechagodzilla is different from the previous one. The body is made of an unknown metal, and its defense is very strong. It can withstand Asgallon's missiles without any damage."

"And its strength, speed, and energy reaction are all higher than the previous one!"

Mechagodzilla's performance has already surpassed Asgallon.

Now the only shortcoming of defense has been eliminated...


Mechagodzilla roared, and the red light began to gather in its mouth. Its powerful energy fluctuations seemed to slightly distort the surrounding space.

Seeing this, Xianren immediately said:

"Asgallon, dodge immediately, don't take this blow head-on!"

But things were not as they thought. Mechagodzilla raised his head slightly and locked his target in the distance.

Hiruma Xianren was puzzled and immediately climbed onto the roof and looked over there. He saw the shadows of several fighter planes at the end of his sight.

Mechagodzilla's target is those fighter planes?

This must be more than ten kilometers away, right? !

(Note: Due to Blaze, the string man's vision is far superior to that of ordinary people.)

Is its vision so good, or is it equipped with radar? !

Most importantly, can the Proton Scream hit so far?

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