Looking at the mechanical behemoth standing on the ruins, Huimei's face was sad.

It shouldn't be like this.

She stretched out her hand and caught a few drops of rain.

It shouldn't be like this between us...

At this moment, she almost knew the identity of the controller behind Mechagodzilla.

It's not some extreme environmentalist organization as they guessed, it's much more serious than that...

However, she couldn't say it.

If she didn't say it, they still had the courage to fight against it. Once the controller behind it was revealed, it would probably be a huge blow to their morale.

Moreover, she glanced at Captain Xianren who had returned at some point.

Their actions were always being watched by the higher-ups.

If they said it now, the captain, his family, and especially his son, would probably be detained directly by the higher-ups, and even Professor Yokomine might not be able to escape.

She looked into the distance and stared into the red mechanical eyes of Mechagodzilla.


Mechagodzilla roared at them, turned around and sank into the void step by step, his body became fainter and fainter, and finally disappeared completely.

Only the ruins washed by the heavy rain and the silent mechanical beast god were left.


The next day, inside the SkaRD base.

Everyone was in a low mood.

Even if Asgallon was upgraded, so what, Mechagodzilla was also upgraded, they were still no match and could not protect anything.

However, although they were defeated, they were not reprimanded this time, and the chief of staff even came over to encourage them seriously.

Hiruma Gento looked at the Blaze Pyroxene in his hand, his eyes were fascinated.

Mechagodzilla was obviously a human creation, and Gento could understand and even agree with what he did, but the method was not very good.

Destruction was carried out to protect the natural environment.

The original intention was definitely good, but the method was too extreme.

He clenched the pyroxene.

Although he was thinking about the right and wrong of Mechagodzilla, he was not confused at all. No matter what, destruction was definitely wrong.

He glanced at the team members and found that they were all working hard and looked in good condition.

Seeing this, he nodded.

They are all adults, how could they be hit by such things?

By the way, where did Huimei go? Did she go to investigate the V99 file again? Or the news of Mechagodzilla?

Although Xianren was a little worried, he knew that he should not stop her, even if the chief of staff had repeatedly hinted that he should protect her.

Facing a person who is determined and doing the right thing, stopping him is harming him.

Over there, unlike Xianren, Aobe Huimei did not go to investigate the information, but secretly came to Gaomei West Mountain alone.

She was going to meet the master behind Mechagodzilla.

Rainbow Serpent God——Nikakagachi.

The sky became gloomy, and the wind seemed to be a little noisy, and the rain brushed her cheeks like hands.


Now, she is in the nature, perhaps only at this time, she really understands a little bit of Niga Kagaki's thoughts.

"I advise you not to go."

A voice came.

Huimei looked up and saw Professor Yokomine standing quietly in front of him with an umbrella, his eyes deep and far away, looking at the seemingly endless sea of ​​trees.

Did Professor Yokomine really know?

That's right, he was the one who had contracted Niga Kagaki after all.

"I have to go, professor."

Huimei's eyes were firm. She had already realized that although she had not found out the truth about her father's death, she could not watch the contradiction between humans and gods grow bigger and bigger.

"Even if I die, I must go."

Looking at her stubborn appearance, Professor Yokomine thought of himself back then.


Finally, he sighed and said, "Behind Gaomei West Mountain, there is a temple of Nika Kagachi. Perhaps you can see Him there."

"I can only help you up to this point."

Hearing this, Aobe Emi was stunned for a moment, and then bowed deeply to Professor Yokomine.

"Thank you."

After she finished speaking, she stood up and walked towards the back of the mountain.

Looking at her back, Professor Yokomine blessed her in his heart.

But he didn't think Kagachi would see her.

Is it so easy to see God?

In the void space, Kagachi naturally saw Aobe Emi and Yokomine Wanxiang.

Or rather, he just watched Emi all the way here.

He didn't intend to pay attention to her.

It's not because he is so proud that he thinks that a mere mortal is not worthy of seeing him.

JustBecause it is meaningless.

Simple conversation cannot achieve his goal. If that is the case, why should he care? If the environment gets better in the future, he may still be interested in talking to her.

He no longer pays attention to that side and turns his gaze back to the void space.

He has already dealt with most of the things he got from Elume.

For example, various metals are classified according to performance and characteristics, and the finished products of purification machines are also classified and recorded. The star map made by Elume has also been handed over to the system, allowing it to be directly incorporated into the system's section.

At present, it seems that only these biological weapons that are given as "souvenirs" are left.

The Elume civilization is too enthusiastic and gave several of their top ten biological weapons. Among them, the fourth ranked biological weapon marked with [bomb] is the space bomb monster Valaron.

The final boss monster of Blaze TV.

The level of this monster is surface level, which means it can destroy everything on the surface of a planet?

Yes, its strength is indeed enough to destroy the surface of a planet. Even if it really pushes the moon over, it can even destroy the entire planet.

Kagachi looked at the first one.

Star Sea Destroyer Monster - Xuan Miasma Worm, anti-spaceship level.

That is, anti-space fleet level.

It looks like a large gray-purple ant, the kind that crawls on the ground, with a body length of nearly 200 meters.

Its attack power is not very good, and it is not even as good as the fourth-ranked Valaron, but its strength is not attack, but reproduction.

It can absorb radiation and even various energies in the universe, and reproduce small individuals of about 50 meters in size crazily.

What, do you also want to cause a cosmic locust plague?

Kagachi shook his head and directly chose never to recruit.

This method can only be used in this remote universe. If it is changed to other places, those powerful people will definitely strangle this kind of thing that can be called a disaster in the cradle.

He didn't want to suddenly face those real strong men one day.

Noah, Regido, King O, Drasion...

Kagachi had no doubt that they had plenty of ways to kill him.

And as the god of nature, he would never use such a thing. At most, he would use a simple powerful monster like Valaron.

He glanced at Aobe Emi who had already arrived in the temple.

He chose to turn a blind eye.

But the other party just came to a standard squat.

"Lord Nigakagachi, please listen to me!"

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