Kagachi, who was watching several cosmic people sneaking into the earth, felt the earth shaking.


No, it should not be natural.

Is it the story of the underground people and Teleston?

This is a battle between creatures inside the earth, and Kagachi has no need to care.

But to be honest, the light pollution created by humans at night is indeed too much, which affects the normal life of the underground people, but they also know the power of humans on the ground, so they dare not act rashly.

Only one underground woman who can control Teleston stood up and came to the surface, wanting to destroy the world on the surface to dispel the false light and take back the night.


Both sides are right.

They are just pursuing what they want.

Survival of the fittest, this is the natural law of the earth.

If the underground people cannot adapt to the development of civilization, they may eventually face extinction.

But it shouldn't be that bad. Recently, Kagachi has created a world in the center of the earth like the legendary monster universe earth, which can provide survival for monsters on earth or races like underground people.

But this is destined to be a big project. You can't be impatient, you can only take it slowly.


The next day, at night.

Daichi and Asuna were sent to an underground passage. It is said that there are abnormal shock waves here, which may be related to the recent frequent earthquakes.

Just then, Daichi seemed to hear something suddenly.

"Is this... the sound of the universe?"

Daichi tilted his head and listened carefully.

This attracted the attention of Asuna and two accompanying workers next to him, and they all came over.

"No, it's different." Daichi shook his head.

"It seems that someone is crying."

The lights suddenly flashed, and the surrounding atmosphere was a little wrong.

The underground girl walked out of the darkness and looked at Daichi and others. Although the eyes of the underground people have completely degenerated, they still have a way to perceive objects.

Ignoring their questions, she opened her arms, raised her head and called out:


A shrill wail came out of her mouth, and there seemed to be some magical power in it, which directly turned off the lights around.

The next moment, a huge head came out from the ground and looked at the few people coldly.

"Be careful, get out!"

Seeing this scene, Asuna immediately called everyone out.

Friends who often fight monsters should know that it is not a good idea to fight monsters in underground tunnels. If you are not careful, you may be buried alive. Therefore, the top priority is to go to the open area on the surface first.

Kagachi, who has been paying attention to this side, naturally felt the sadness and anger in the voice of the underground woman very clearly.

Want the night? Then go and rob it.

All kinds of frost compete for freedom.

Competition is also a huge driving force for the development of civilization and species, which is also indispensable.

What Kagachi has to do is to protect them before they finally grow up, and block all extraterrestrial threats and covetousness.

For example, the Zarab alien who is sneaking around and sabotaging.

Kagachi turned his cold eyes over.

However, he did not directly take action to eliminate them. Enemies of this level can be kept as a small test for humans.

However, although he did not intend to kill him now, he could not let him have it so easily.

In the Blaze world, a Deltandar (F type, referring to a fighter) sensed Kagachi's call, immediately left the rain cloud, and rushed into the void ahead at a speed of nearly Mach 10.

The next moment, its figure came to the world of X through the void space.


Deltandar hummed, scanned the surroundings, and then maintained a speed of Mach 4 in the air, waiting for the order from his superiors.

On the other side of Tokyo, at this time, the Zarab alien was holding a flashing doll of Bemonstan and selecting a suitable energy base to materialize Bemonstan.

Under the cover of darkness, no one could find his figure.


The Zarab alien laughed sinisterly. He felt that this was good. The energy generated by the entire explosion was enough to materialize Bemonstan.

Kagachi immediately sent a message to Deltandar with his mind:

"Hunting down the alien below."

At the same time, he marked the Zarab alien with the power of nature to ensure that Deltandar could identify the target.

The command and the coordinates of the alien below appeared in Deltandar's head. It hummed softly, and its speed instantly increased to Mach 8, diving down.

SameAt that time, blue high-heat energy began to gather in its body.


A dozen blue energy light bullets shot out from Deltandar's body, pointing directly at the Zarab people below.

At night, the blue light bullets were naturally quite conspicuous, and the Zarab people soon discovered them flying towards them.

"What the hell?"

He scratched his oval head, but his feet were not slow, and he immediately ran away.

Hum, it's probably the defense team of this planet.

Zarab guessed, but didn't care much. He had destroyed the civilizations of several planets, and the earth was no exception.

After hiding in an uninhabited place, he immediately activated the stealth device, trying to use it to avoid the unknown pursuit.

But it was of no use at all.

His body was indeed invisible, but the label that was marked by Kagachi with natural power was extremely bright in Deltandar's eyes, and it was difficult to ignore it.

But it was not in a hurry to chase, and was ready to see where the big-headed alien below was going.

This guy looked like he had a base. My sister had taught him that these humanoid enemies were very cunning and usually had nests. In order to prevent them from coming back, it was best to destroy their nests together.

After thinking about it, its body instantly rushed up and came above the clouds.

And Kagachi here also sensed its thoughts.


Is the IQ of the Moonlight team so high?

Or did he win the prize, and the only one he summoned was special?

Well, forget it, anyway, the purpose of stopping Zarab from causing damage has been achieved, and the result is good. As for how to do it, he doesn't care so much.

At this time, Zarab, who had already moved to his base, was also a little puzzled.

He has been on Earth for quite some time, but he has recently experienced enough and started to act, preparing to destroy this planet and then go to the next one.

If those defense teams found him, they should not wait until now to act.

He turned on the surveillance system of the spacecraft and retrieved the sky image of the area just now.

As a result, he found that it was not a defense team, but an unknown monster. After attacking him a few times, it left again.


Is this... just idle?

Why attack him? Zarab is only interested in destroying civilizations and listening to the wailing of those civilizations when they are broken. As for monsters, they are just tools for him to achieve his goals, and he doesn't think much of them.

But he believes that he has never offended it, and he has never even seen this strange-looking monster.

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