
Sister Moonlight, look, I caught him!

Valaron walked over there, took out the half-dead Zarab from his mouth, and said courteously.

Deltandar: "..."

It took a look at the scars on the monster's body that were beaten by the giant, and just nodded slightly.

Then it opened its mouth and spit out blue flames, burning Zarab to ashes, and sent him and his Bemonstan on the road.

"......Are you okay?"

Hearing this, Valaron's face was difficult (it was difficult, it was already trying its best to suppress the body's self-healing ability), stretched out its claws and scratched its head.


Hey, I have thick skin and flesh, and I can withstand a lot of beatings!

Hearing this, Deltandar stopped talking, grabbed Valaron's back with its claws, took it to the sky, and soon drilled into the clouds and entered the void space.


Kagachi looked at the two monsters lying in front of him and nodded to them.

"Well, you all did a good job."

Then he released two natural forces to replenish the energy they consumed.

Then he looked deeply at Valaron, which made the latter sweat profusely.

After sending Deltandar back, Kagachi looked at Valaron again.

"Don't be nervous, you did a good job."

"I don't hate subordinates who want to improve. As long as you work hard, I will never treat you unfairly."

Kagachi didn't lie to it.

For him, as long as they protect the earth, they can gain his favor, which naturally includes Valaron.

However, as soon as he saw it, Kagachi couldn't help but think of Elume.


Why hasn't Zero come yet?

It should be about time, right?

He remembered that after the Zarab aliens, it was Zero's plot. This seemed to be the first time Zero appeared in the TV plot.

I was so excited to see him at that time.

Feeling the god staring at him intently, sweat slowly overflowed from Valaron's back.

Why was he staring at it in a daze? Did it do something wrong? But it has been sitting upright since it came in, and hasn't even said a word?

Suddenly, Valaron touched his face.

Is it because it looks too ugly?

At this time, Kagachi also found Valaron sweating profusely. Seeing this, he waved his hand and said:

"Okay, you go over there and rest."

Who doesn't like Valaron, a capable and motivated subordinate who respects him very much?


Gio Base.

At this time, everyone in Gio was analyzing the unusualness of today.

"Valaron's analysis results are out."

Dadi came over with a document, and behind him were several other people from the research department.

"From the material residue and energy spectrum on it, it is indeed not an Earth monster."

Shotaro Kamiki nodded, frowning.

Judging from the current situation, Valaron and Deltandar are most likely in the same group, and the relationship between them should be good, otherwise things like today would not have happened.

Moreover, although it is stronger in strength, from Valaron's performance, it seems to be Deltandar's subordinate?

After all, the feeling of flattery made him wonder if the other party was really a monster?

(Note: Neon's class concept is very obvious, no matter in which ranks, so they can easily detect the twists and turns between Valaron and Deltandar.)

"However, they should not be enemies."

Dadi said.

"In the battle with X, Valaron has been controlling the force and rarely affected nearby buildings. The same is true for Deltandar."

"Although it is hard to believe, I think they should also be protecting the earth."

"Just like us."

"After all, from the beginning to the end, Deltandar and Valaron's target was the Zarab aliens, plus the Bemonstan he summoned."

Captain Shenmu: "..."

He looked at Daichi and said, "Are these your speculations or..."

"It's intuition!" Daichi's eyes were firm.

"This is my intuition, captain."

Hearing this, Shenmu Shotaro was silent for a moment, but the deputy captain Tachibana Sayuri saw his difficulty and said to Daichi:

"Daichi, we know your opinion, but we can't directly list them as friendly targets because of your intuition."

"Do you understand this?"

Her voice was gentle and her eyes were concerned.

Daichi nodded. Of course he knew about this kind of thing. He was notWhat a kid.

Not to mention Deltandar and Valaron, even X has not yet gained Gio's full trust and is still in the observation stage.

"I understand, Captain, Vice Captain."

He is a 20-year-old adult, how could he be depressed because of such a small matter?

But he believes that sooner or later, everyone will accept X and Gomora.

Humans can be friends with monsters.

"Right, Gomora?"

He looked at the Gomora flash doll in his hand and asked with a smile.


A few days later, in a mountainous area.

After a space fluctuation, the Nakel star Bondiro appeared here.

"Hmph, I finally got rid of that troublesome guy..."

"It's too early for Ultraman Zero to catch my space arms dealer, Bandillo!"

He shook his pistol and observed the surrounding environment. It looked like the wild, the air was a little humid, and there was a rainbow in the sky. It must have just rained.

After a moment, he shook his head.

I don't know which universe he ran to. Let's go and find out the situation first.


Kagachi's figure walked out of the void.

He had been waiting here for a long time.

This guy is here, which means Ultraman Zero is not far away. After all, he came to this universe just to chase this Nakel star.

"What, what?!"

Bandillo jumped back and came to a mountain next to him.

"Where did the monster come from?"

He looked at Kagachi, a little confused, but immediately a surge of anger came up. He has been chased and killed all the time. Do you really think he has a good temper?

A mere commodity dared to offend him like this, what a fool.

With a wave of his hand, Black King was released.

Black King, the bodyguard monster, had no special abilities, except for being able to spit fire and being a little stronger.

His attributes were indeed a little stronger than those of ordinary small monsters, but for Kagachi, it made no difference. He stretched out his hand to grab Black King's head and threw him away easily.

A green light lit up in his hand.

Move [Dragon Claw]!

"I think you look like a dragon."

He looked at Black King and said softly.

The next moment, the green light suddenly became stronger, and the special effects became much bigger.


The world of the arcane system is indeed quite idealistic.

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