Hearing Shaw's words, Dr. Serizawa's expression also eased a little.

He was not bragging. In terms of understanding Titans, there should be no one in the world who is better than their Monarch Organization.

But he is not the kind of person who can get away with it just because of flattery.

"Let me make it clear first. You must not force Madison to do anything she doesn't want to do, and I must watch the whole process."

His eyes were firm. This was his lowest bottom line.

Emma entrusted her daughter to him with confidence. How could he let her down?


Shaw nodded very readily.

He didn't want to do anything this time, but he was asked by his superiors to confirm the situation of this mysterious Titan.

After all, is the existence that can sign a contract with humans really a beast like the Titan?

He has not forgotten the disaster that Godzilla and MUTO brought to the world a few months ago.

They destroyed cities and cities, and caused earthquakes and tsunamis.

In order to ensure the safety of mankind, their identities and purposes must be clarified.

Now that a controllable Titan has finally appeared, how could they take the initiative to do something that would make the relationship between the two sides hostile? Moreover, if humans get the method of this contract, does it mean that they... No, humans can control this giant beast with the power to destroy the world?

With such expectations, Shaw finally saw his goal under the leadership of Serizawa and others.


Dr. Serizawa shouted to Madison who was sitting on the sofa in the room watching My Little Pony.

At this time, Kagachi also saw this scene through the Holy Stone.


Who is behind him?

A guy I haven't seen before, but the two Kagachis behind him are quite impressive.

After all, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, who are lovers who eventually become brothers and sisters... Ahem, I'm getting off topic. They are the male protagonist and his wife in the first Godzilla.

Why are they here?

The first part is over, don't they have any more roles?

"Madison, these are our researchers. They want to see your bracelet. Is that okay?"

Dr. Serizawa had no intention of treating Madison as a child, but asked her for her answer as an equal.

Madison glanced at them and nodded gently.

It seemed that she agreed.

Shaw was overjoyed, but he did not step forward. He and Ford were both rough soldiers, and it would be bad to scare the children. He winked at Ford's wife, Ellie.

Ellie Brody was a kind and beautiful nurse, and also a mother. The child was about the same age as Madison, which was why Shaw brought the couple here.

Ellie nodded slightly and walked slowly towards Madison.

The girl in front of her reminded her of her own child, and her eyes unconsciously became gentle.

She squatted down and looked at Madison level.

"Hello, my name is Ellie Brody."

She stretched out her hand to Madison, but stopped only thirty centimeters away from her.


Madison did not answer her, but looked at her outstretched hand nervously. Looking at Ellie's gentle eyes, she couldn't help but think of her mother Emma. After a little thought, Madison put her little hand on it.

Others were relieved to see this.

Very good, it seems that Madison does not reject Ellie's contact and has established initial trust.

Ellie held Madison and sat on the sofa, gently kneading her hand and asked: "This is the stone your mother brought back, can you tell me about it?"

At this time, Dr. Serizawa, Shaw and others all walked out tactfully, leaving room for the two to talk. Only Dr. Vivian stayed at Serizawa's signal.

"A few days ago, Uncle Serizawa and Mom brought these stones back, and then they suddenly floated up, and then they were worn on my hand."

It is difficult for a seven-year-old child to explain something clearly, and he can only give a general idea.

However, this is not a difficult question for Allen, who also has children to raise. She is very patient and asks about some details bit by bit.

For example, what is the holy stone in, how does it glow, and what is the snake-shaped pattern on Madison's hand.

Hearing her words, Madison also looked at her left arm, which had a mark similar to a burn, extending from the arm down and ending at the back of the hand.

"I don't know."

She shook her little head and said, "It appeared after the bracelet was put on."

Ellie strokedLooking at the snake-like pattern on her arm, she guessed that it should be something like a holy mark.

"I heard from Dr. Serizawa and others that this is a contract with a big guy, do you know?"

Madison nodded and said, "Well, my mother also told me, and..."

She looked a little hesitant.

"And, I seem to be able to sense something vaguely, very far away, and very close."

She stretched out her arms and gestured, sometimes long and sometimes short.

At this time, outside the half-open door, Dr. Serizawa and Shaw were listening to the conversation between the two attentively, their eyes flickering, and I don't know what they were thinking.

Inside, after hearing Madison's words, Ellie thought for a while, pointed at the holy stone and asked:

"Madison, can Auntie touch your bracelet?"

Hearing this, Madison did not hesitate and stretched out his hand directly. They had tried it before, and the holy stone did not reject the contact of others.

After getting Madison's consent, Ellie reached out and carefully touched the holy stone.

It felt warm, similar to jade, but not exactly the same.

She just touched the holy stones one by one and then took her hand back, saying:

"Thank you, Madison."

She touched Madison's head and stopped talking about these things, but watched cartoons with her.


At this time, Madison had taken a nap under the gentle coaxing of Dr. Vivian.

Dr. Serizawa and others stood outside the room, receiving the information Ellie had obtained.

"...... So, can she really feel the existence of the Titan through these bracelets?"

Shaw looked a little incredible.

This is something they have never seen before, the technology of the Titan?

Or something else?


At this time, in the void space, Kagachi sighed.

He thought the other party would do something bad to Madison, and then he could ignore the constraints of the ceremony and appear outside in the name of protecting the contractor.

I didn't expect it was just a question?

There was no classic plot of drawing blood or forcibly taking someone away?

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