Ginga: "..."

Something seems to be wrong.

He immediately took a fighting stance, and his vigilance was raised to the maximum.

"Wait a minute!"

"Spare his life!"

A voice came from below. Although it was not loud, the people present were not ordinary people, so they could hear it.

Kagachi looked over there.

It was Asuna, and next to her stood an anxious Arisa.

"Lord Rainbow Serpent God, don't do it yet!"

Asuna waved her arms and said, "This is Ultraman Ginga, from another world..."

She didn't know how to explain.

"Anyway, he's not a bad guy!"

Kagachi: "..."

Of course I know he's not a bad guy, the legendary Silver Giant God.

He ignored them, and just turned back into Nihong and disappeared.

Mechagodzilla picked up Valaron, who couldn't fly, and disappeared into the clouds. Over there, Deltandar had already gone back with Taganula.

Suddenly, only X and the "complete" body of Mechagodzilla lying silently in the dense vegetation were left on the battlefield.

X nodded to Ginga, then flew into the sky and disappeared.

Hall Light: "..."

He scratched his head. Although he didn't understand what happened, Xiang and Arisa were both below, so he took the opportunity to cancel the transformation.

"Xiao Guang!"

Arisa was also very happy to see him, and walked over and patted his shoulder.

Hall Light nodded to her, then looked at Xiang, and couldn't help laughing. (Okay, maybe not laughing, but he seemed to be laughing no matter what expression he had)

"Xiang, what is that on your face?"

He pointed at Xiang's face and said.

Xiang rolled his eyes at him. This thing was obviously meant to restrict him, and he didn't want to wear it.

At this time, Daichi ran over from nowhere, looked at the two and said, "This gentleman named Xiang is still wearing this thing. Why don't you go to our base?"

"Dr. German must have a way to unlock it!"

The others thought so too. It's not good to wear this thing all the time.

Everyone laughed and dragged the tied-up Sharpree alien away.


A few months later.

Kagachi, who was sleeping in the void and accelerating the fusion of the world, suddenly opened his eyes.

He felt a strong dark thunderstorm energy coming towards the earth.

Gliza is here?

Kagachi was a little confused. Has he been sleeping for a long time?

He looked over there and found a Gomora sitting on the ground, surrounded by the members of Gio.

Materialization experiment?

Has it come to this time?

It looks like Gliza is about to come out of the sun.

Kagachi glanced at outer space.

At this time, a monkey was observing the experimental site outside the Earth's orbit.


It is an artificial life form that appeared in Ultra Q, a small fish.

But in X's world view, it seems to have been strengthened in an extraordinary way, and its power in data has been greatly increased, and even X can control it.

Of course, the reason why it can do this is because X happens to be a data Ao.

It won't work if it changes to someone else.

Kagachi: "..."

Outer orbit.

A reverse rainbow suddenly appeared.

M1 looked over and didn't seem surprised.

"You are finally here, I thought you wouldn't wait until now."

Although it was in space, its words were still clearly transmitted.

Kagachi didn't answer, but just used his strength, and the rainbow-colored natural power burst out, forming a dragon head, roaring at M1.

"I judge that you are harmful to the earth now."

"Do you have any objection?"

The cold and ruthless words echoed in this space.

Hearing this, M1 chuckled, opened his arms, and said: "No objection, I have already predicted my death."

It seems to be very open-minded.

Because it knows that its heart is full of hatred for humans, it is impossible for it to let go of these hatreds and prejudices, never.

It and humans will confront each other sooner or later.

However, there is no need now. A few months ago, the gods suddenly appeared. At that time, it had already sensed that its death was approaching.

It has been waiting, waiting for the gods to end its painful life.

"Great God, you are so partial to humans, a hopeless race."

It said with a sigh.

"One day, you will understand their nature."

After that, it closed its eyes and opened its arms.The colorful dragon attacked, swallowed it up, dissolved it, and turned it into nothingness.

Preferring humans?

Kagachi raised his eyebrows, why didn't he feel it?

And the essence of humans?

He knew this better than anyone else, after all, he was a human in his previous life.

He curled his lips in disdain.

This monkey is only good at talking, otherwise why didn't he see its shadow when Gliza came?

He wanted to use words to disturb him when he was about to die, and wanted him to be confused.

Kagachi could only say that he thought too much.

Confused, I want to be confused...

The problem is that he really has nothing to be confused about.

The rainbow dragon dissipated, and the reverse rainbow gradually dimmed and finally disappeared completely.

Before leaving, Kagachi glanced at the direction of the sun and felt that it was normal, without a trace of dark power.

That's right, after all, the essence of Gliza is "nothing".


Hmph, come to Earth, you'll definitely have to suffer.

His [Breakthrough] has not played any big role since he got it, so he's just waiting for it to come.

He took a look at the Gomora that was out of control due to the enhancement of the Dark Thunderstorm energy, and stopped caring about it.

Without M1, a mere EX Gomora can't make any waves.

At the same time, taking advantage of the large amount this time, he also asked the system to include a sample of the Dark Thunderstorm energy.

After the analysis, he might be able to use natural energy to simulate a mild version of it to strengthen his employees.

There is no need for Valaron, as long as it absorbs energy, it can continue to become stronger.

The positioning of Tazige is a long-range sniper cannon, and its strength is enough for the time being.

Mainly for the Moonlight team.

Does Kagachi think it is necessary to strengthen its combat effectiveness, or simply replace the current Deltandar F and bring B over?

No, it shouldn't be necessary.

He can just summon Deltandar B when he needs it.

Suddenly, Kagachi took out the V-shaped crystal given by Noah.

At this time, it was emitting a flashing red light.

Is this... something of the same origin coming over?

Kagachi was not unfamiliar with this reaction. When Zero came over, the crystal also flashed for a while.


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