Ultra-dimensional Star Master

Chapter 1147: Strengthen the person

Ivey understands that being immersed in his own world, these days he is constantly strengthening himself with the will of the universe, not only in the body, but the most important thing is the improvement of his will. Although it was only a small group floating on the sea of ​​consciousness, the breath of this three-in-one will seemed to be far stronger than anything else.

And surrounding his own will, the other three-color wills are swirling, forming a whirlpool, a trend that is getting faster and faster.

According to this calculation, one day, this group of will can also swallow the world and cover everything.

Ivey controls this group of willpower, and has a good sense of the surrounding world. The three whirlpools of willpower extend outward like invisible tentacles. Although the closer to the outside, the weaker the perception, but the wider area of ​​perception. The world will come into contact with more.

As a result, a control model is formed, with the small group of willpower in the sea of ​​knowledge as the core, spreading infinitely around.

Ivey can feel that as his small group of willpower grows, his cosmic will that he can perceive and control will be much greater... But these are all foreign objects, or in other words, as long as the cosmic will is stronger Ivey may be able to mobilize them to fight. Once they leave such an area, their combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced... Therefore, the most important thing is to turn them into their own things and at the same time increase their trustworthy power. The kind that is completely in your own hands.

This is actually a process of cultivation.

It's just that, originally cultivating magic power, now cultivating cosmic will.

Such an improvement made Ivey feel very speechless: it's too childish, right?

A very good and very complex high-dimensional system, how can it be simplified into a Daguai upgrade?

Of course, he has to be cheap.

In various colleges and universities of magicians, their old scholars are indifferent, and they pursue high-dimensional experience that is not available at a time. In the mysterious library, various advanced models and insights are constantly exploring the unattainable In the mysterious world, in the end only something mysterious and mysterious can be found.

Here, Ivey can get in touch with high-end goods like Universe Will, and I don’t know how much it has been shipped to.

Moreover, he has not experienced high-dimensional battles. Currently, he does not know how powerful this kind of will of God, the will of the universe, is to master the fifth dimension of "possibility".

Increasing the possibility of benefiting oneself and reducing the possibility of harming oneself is simply an open dimension. Moreover, this is for the future causal force category, but Ivey has not yet come into contact with this level of fighting, and can't appreciate its benefits.

But that strong feeling will never be weakened because of this, on the contrary, now only the strong appearance is left, so Ivey feels deeper.

Just like this "Space Fortress", when he used the consciousness group in the sea to mobilize a large number of cosmic will to strengthen this lifeless steel monster, it seemed to be resurrected, and the whole body gave out a shocking aura, that cosmic will , Has penetrated into every structure, every atom, every ray of magical energy, so such a fortress can be called a "miracle", which is something that can be worshipped by ordinary mages on the mainland. Even those high-level super mages will be shocked and suspicious.

The path they chose was insignificant even compared to this fortress.

This still only strengthened the fortress by more than ten percent.

Ivey couldn't help feeling proud and proud. Romance

Suddenly, he felt a huge cosmic will, like hot oil, slowly "suffering" this fortress, and the fortress, like a tender steak, chicken chop, etc., anyway, the taste The son came out.

This change made him feel very comfortable and beautiful. Even the people who just stayed on the fortress were different from You Rongyan... He carefully distinguished it. The strength of the original fortress's cosmic will increased by one percent.


Ivey feels good enough to explode. Originally, this one percent enhancement almost consumed his day's work. Now, just a few hours later, the result of the usual day has been achieved.

Oh my God, how am I so great!

Ivey had a little narcissism. Just as he was about to have a big narcissism, he found Lin Mingmei in a daze.

"What's wrong? You seem to have something on your mind?" In fact, Ivey was thinking...Hey, please, everyone is working hard, how can you be lazy, even if you are the most beautiful, it all depends on strength. ...Well, you are the strongest, that's not good either. Fairness, justice, and hard work are emphasized here.

Women cannot be used like men, and men cannot be used like mules. All are unqualified.

His big talking eyes blink and blink from time to time, so that Lin Mingmei, a very smart person, can't figure out what he is thinking...Please, in terms of force, will she discover the truth? Blow me with a punch?

The girl who can’t punch her chest with a small fist is not cute at all, especially the girl who beats her chest with a big hammer, such as...stop, don’t think about it anymore, based on the top four-dimensional wizard, no, that guy may be above this level. Now, she will find someone talking badly about her secretly...

But what if Ivey smiled and thought about something bad?

"Hey, I feel that your colors are messy, red for a while, blue for a while, yellow for a while, green for a while...you are all mixed together, and it becomes black, which is not good. It's not the sunny you..."

Hey~www.ltnovel.com~ Ivey grinned, and thought, I’m the actor, I just want to force myself to play, how?

"I have nothing to worry about, just take a break, my work is done..."

"Where...you?" With a bang, Ivey fell to the ground. This is an extraordinary performance by himself. After a crit, he completed 1%. You guy has been stunned here and completed 2%. Oh, are you a liar?

Wait, I feel it again, lest I get slapped.

Ivey immediately calmed down and obtained control of the fortress for the first time. The will air masses in the sea of ​​consciousness radiated to the outside... Slowly realize the progress of "Battlestar"'s cosmic will enhancement...14%... and feel it again Once again... or 14%, you bluff me less!

"Hey, that... Classmate Lin Mingmei, but what I just realized is... 14%... In other words, only the 1% that I strengthened just now..."

Ivey slowly spoke out the doubts in his heart, and did not forget to show his success.

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