Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1089 Teacher K lost to the source? How could I have such a dream?


The wall was shattered, and the red warrior who was knocked out of the tall building took a few steps back and stood firmly on the ground.

And in the ruins where smoke and dust exploded, a red drill suddenly flew out and headed straight for the source.

He raised his hand and used his molecular control ability to construct a Titan sword in front of him, blocking the red drill.

Released the hand holding the Titan sword, Yuan jumped into the air, adjusted his body shape in mid-air and landed far away. While in mid-air, his own form had changed from the Titan form to the green Pegasus form.

Izuku Fushii jumped out of the tall building and kept flying kicking, trying to find the red drill bit, and then kicked it over to complete the sure kill.

But when he came out, he discovered that there was no drill at all, only a green Kuuga squatting on the ground, raising the crossbow in his hand and aiming at him.

The sense of fatal crisis came to mind, and Izuku Fushii forced himself to use his own strength to twist his body, forcing his knight kick to change direction and fall towards the ground.

The crossbow bolt from Pegasus' crossbow flashed past, leaving a scratch on Fushii Dek's breastplate, but in the end it missed him and missed completely.

The knight kicked it to the ground, destroying all the floor tiles. The cracks spread from the center of the place where he stood, and it was full of destructive power.

But immediately after, the emerald knight leaped into the air, transformed from the Pegasus into the blue azure dragon posture, and turned the Pegasus crossbow in his hand into the azure dragon stick.

Holding the green dragon stick with both hands, Yuan directly smashed Huashan down with one force, trying to hit Fushii Dek on the head.

Fushii Dek could only roll to the side in time, dodging the attack in an embarrassing but useful way.

After the green dragon stick hit the ground, making a crater in the already cracked earth, Yuan immediately swept the green dragon stick across the ground and chased Fushii Dek to hit him.

Once the offensive is connected, it will not be broken easily. Izuku Fushii knows that the dominance of the battle is now in Yuan's hands. He has lost the opportunity and has to fall into a disadvantage.

Step back, step by step, this is a helpless thing. He retreats one after another to avoid the offensive of the stick. Fushii Dek can only wait for the source to finish the attack. When he is panting, when he has to stop, he starts again. Take the initiative into your hands.

For this reason, Fushii Dek could even accept being swept on the arm by the Blue Dragon Stick, just to keep the distance.

However, the attack distance of the Blue Dragon Stick is far longer than the sword in Fushii Dek's hand. The saying that one inch is longer and one inch is stronger also applies to this kind of inhuman battle.

After dodging nearly twenty moves, Izuku Fushii seized the opportunity, grabbed something from behind, and then punched it out.

Yuan originally wanted to ignore this, but his sudden sixth sense frantically alerted him, seemingly telling him that if this punch hit, something big might happen.

Yuan chose to trust his sixth sense and placed the Azure Dragon Stick in front of his eyes to block the punch.

The next moment, the boiling evil god's energy enveloped the entire fist, and amid Fushii's ferocious laughter, he punched the green dragon stick.

This punch was very powerful, adding to the power of the evil god. It directly broke the green dragon stick, and its power was not reduced, and it went straight to Yuan's chest.

At the critical moment, Yuan crossed his hands in front of him and resisted the attack with his arms, but he was still thrown away and landed in a flower bed not far away.

"Humph, don't think that I have nothing but this suit of armor." Spreading his palms and looking at the evil god capsule in his palms, Izuku Fushii became more and more satisfied with the power of this capsule.

"Tsk. It's such an unpleasant power." In the flower bed, the red eyes of Kuuga's armor dimmed for a moment, and were dyed black for a moment.

It was an infection caused by the erosion of the evil god's energy, but it was also because of this that it awakened the consciousness of the person hidden deep in the source's body, forcing him to wake up.

The moment he woke up, he expelled the power of the evil god, which is why the red eyes returned after turning black.

Although Yuan himself could do this kind of thing, the power of the evil god that entered his body still stimulated someone.

Standing up from the flower bed, he transformed from the Pegasus posture into the Almighty Kuuga. The source came out with his bare hands. He raised his hand and summoned the Cosmic Flare Sword that was lost in the building.

"Hmph." With the Cosmic Flare Sword in hand, the fiery red warrior lowered his body, instantly started his pace, and rushed towards Fushii Dek.

Naturally not to be outdone, Fushii Dek took out the entire suitcase from his back, and then pressed the button to disassemble the suitcase into countless parts.

Parts flying out of thin air were installed on his body one by one. At the same time, Faiz's breastplate opened to both sides, exposing the internal electronic components.

Raising his wrist, Fushii Dek prepared to activate the maximum ability of this armor's second stage transformation.

But as soon as he raised his hand, the cosmic blaze sword that flew out approached him at an even faster speed.

This caused Izuku Fusui to move to his side to avoid the flaring attack.

"Have you run out of skills?" The Yaoban Sword was stuck on the wall behind him, and Fushii Dek laughed ferociously: "But this battle is yours."

Before he finished speaking, the red warrior appeared in front of Fushii Dek who turned around, lowered his body, and punched Fushii Dek in the stomach.

It also made Fushii Dek not have time to say his follow-up words.

"The forward swing is too long." Withdrawing his fist, Yuanquan walked past Fushii Dek, came behind him, and pulled out Yobian.

"How is it possible? I still have a trump card that is useless." On his belly, the special light energy combined to form a mysterious pattern that appeared on Fushii Dek's belly. With this rune as the center, he moved towards Fushii Dek's belly. The limbs and bones spread out.

"I absolutely won't." Before he could finish his words, Izuku Fusui's body was filled with boiling light energy, and his whole body exploded violently, even causing a small mushroom cloud to explode in the city.

And such movement also attracted the fighting power among the giants over there.

"It's over!" Coming to Tiga's side, Sero bent his arm and showed the damaged Palaji bracelet.

Diga understood it and came to the depth of Sero. He used the crystal on his forehead to release pure light energy and introduced it into Sero's body.

With the help of Tiga's light energy, Zero was able to unfold the Palagi bracelet again and wear the ultimate armor on his body again.

Although the duration is short, with the help of Tiga's light energy, even if he can only send out one blow, it is enough.

Maintaining the miraculous posture of the Moon God, putting on the ultimate armor, Zero brushed the sword with one hand, and his figure spread into dozens in the blink of an eye, then restrained and recovered, condensing into one again.

Four slashes in one instant, four misses in one instant, and the ultimate armor on Zero's body had disintegrated and shattered when he reappeared, and he himself had to withdraw from the Miracle of the Moon God.

Being weighed down by his injuries, his timer has begun to flash, and it is obvious that the wear and tear is very serious.

"Are you okay?" Putting his palm on Zero's shoulder, Diga asked with concern.

"Fortunately, I can withstand it." Smiling, Zero hammered his chest, and stood up with the help of Diga: "Living up to expectations, not one of the four Galatrons will be left behind."

"Yeah!" Diga nodded, and the four explosive fireworks exploded in the city, and they exploded at the same time.

This shows that the time of their defeat is infinitely close to the same time.

On the other floor, Geed, who was still in his ignited form, also quickly defeated the Dark Cyclops.

Although the timer also started to flash, Geed was still somewhat calm in dealing with these former defeated generals.

The three Ultra Warriors looked at each other, understood, and formed a tacit understanding. At the same time, they released the transformation and returned to their human form.

On the other floor, Yuan, who had also released his transformation and whose consciousness had disappeared, picked up the capsule left by Izuku Fushii at the center of the explosion.

I'm afraid the boss has dropped the equipment (bushi).

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