Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1165 Gilbaris: Galatron is just an electronic dragon, but I am an electronic terminator drag

What was the planet Kesia like in the past? I am afraid that Airyu can still have some memories of Kesia's only remaining bloodline.

But for Yuan Quan, the turbulence that traveled through the virtual world broke through the boundaries and landed here. What he saw was a world filled with steel.

Abandoned parts are all over the ground, even piled up into mountains. There is no greenery on the entire planet, not even life.

The rumbling torrent of steel carried the continuous sound of factory processing. White dragons were produced one after another, becoming the sharp blade in Gilbaris's hands and becoming his army that could conquer other worlds.

Eliminating all organic life forms, this is what Gilbaris concluded, and what must be achieved for universal peace.

The source slowly landed, and when his feet stepped on the ground, they were even submerged up to the ankles with discarded parts.

Not far away, a towering electronic mechanical column towering over the earth detected the red scanning eye, which stood on the earth and was the first human to set foot here after Kesia was converted into a virtual planet.

"You are human." Gilbaris asked.

"You are the first one to say that I am a human." Yuanquan walked towards Gilbaris in an environment where parts were scattered around his feet: "However, I don't know if humans or Ultraman are the same to you. the difference."

"Organic life forms, wipe them out!" As soon as he said these words, the red scanning eye released a streak of light, which was incredibly powerful and very fast, approaching the source in the blink of an eye.

He formed a knife with one hand and casually swept it in front of him to cut through the red light.

It took no effort at all to understate it. Gilbaris's constantly scanning eyes really couldn't come up with more specific data.

The raised hand knife was slashed again, and the crescent light blade came out with great power.

The blue-white crescent light blade forced Gilbaris to summon a white dragon specialized machine from the ground, and then opened the shield to block it in front of him.

Gilbaris has the ability to be immune to Ultraman's light, which is why the Kingdom of Light has been unable to destroy it.

Galatron, a specialized machine body, also has this ability, but it can only have it when the shield is turned on.

In the original theatrical version, after Zero broke the shield-constructing device, Galatron was no longer able to use this move.

The crescent blade of light and Galatron's shield canceled each other out, but what followed was the flaming sword that was speeding forward controlled by telekinesis.

Being immune to light is indeed a good ability, but being immune to light alone would be too limiting.

The Sword of Change turned into a stream of speeding light. The blade was not blocked at all, directly shattering the shield, and passed through Galatron's chest, pointing directly at Gilbaris himself.

"This sword..."

In a hurry, after scanning the sword's appearance with his scanning eyes, Gilbaris figured out the identity of this Ultraman in an instant.


The catastrophic sword flew directly towards Gilbaris' body and hit it with a bang. The sudden huge explosion shook the parts on the ground. The strong wind blew and countless ancient rust stains flew in the air, forming an open space around it.

By the time these parts were blown away to expose the original ground, the land of Kesia was no longer the earth, but a factory made of cold steel. It's just that it was wrapped in thick discarded parts before, so it couldn't be seen.

Yuanquan noticed the changes under his feet and chopped the ground with one foot, crushing the steel and directly shattering it, exposing the true underground environment.

Looking down through the damaged part of this corner, you can see the factory chains of the assembly line and the robotic arms.

Those Galatrons waiting to be assembled and shipped out of the factory were created in this way, and then passed to the magic factory, where they were engraved with the magical abilities of the Xians, making the white dragons the ultimate terrifying existence.

The perfect combination of technology and magic.

"Has the entire planet Kesia been hollowed out by You?" This is similar to what the Gua Legion did back then. The Gua Legion also hollowed out everything from a planet and used the star core as energy. to create an army.

Star Kesia also met this end.

In the smoke and dust of the explosion, the Yinhua Sword flew back and was caught by Yuanquan in his hand.

At the same time, the smoke and dust were swept away by the floating magic power, changing form from the cylinder, and Gilbaris returned to fighting state.

Different from the white dragon, the body Gilbaris prepared for himself is more powerful. It looks like bronze, but it is actually engraved with magic inscriptions. The huge wings are loaded with dozens of gun barrels, which can pour out terrifying firepower. Destroy all enemies.

The two wings, like a roulette clock of time, are turned into a time dial with a quarter circle, and golden magic lines are displayed on it.

With bright red eyes and a slimmer body than Galatron, he looked even more domineering.

If Galatron is the electronic dragon, then Gilbaris is the electronic terminator dragon.

It is the prototype of Galatron, the starting point of everything, and the strongest existence of Galatron.

"Are you finally willing to fully reveal your figure?" The Yinhua Sword fell into his hand, and Yuanquan let go of his hand again, letting the Yinhua Sword fall vertically into the factory from the damaged hole.

"Savior." It wasn't until he saw the sword that Gilbaris confirmed the identity of the guy in front of him: "Savior of the universe, you are late."

"Before you appeared, the Kesians were wiped out by me. Savior, you can't save anyone."

"It's true. I can't undo the things that happened before I showed up. But the Ksia people still have their last bloodline, so that's enough." What happened yesterday is already yesterday, and there is no way to undo it, let alone That happened tens of thousands of years ago.

If you can't change the past, try to make up for the present.

"And you, the culprit, are still there, so it's the same." Even though the savior of the universe has shed the light of salvation, it doesn't mean that his responsibility has ended. This kind of responsibility still has to be shouldered.

"Then let's try the so-called power of the savior." Taking a step forward, Gilbaris's cannons fired in unison, blasting out countless terrifying artillery fire and attacking the source with a covering blow.

Turning the round shield in front of him with one hand, Yuanquan did not dodge, and had no intention of moving at all. Instead, he stood on the spot and received Gilbaris' cannon fire.

The thin corrugated shield seemed fragile, but it intercepted all Gilbalis's cannonballs, making it impossible to break through at all.

At this moment, Yuanquan's mind was no longer on Gilbalis, but on the Yao Chang Sword that had entered the underground factory.

There was naturally a reason why he chose to take the call where he was.

"Show your power!" Holding up the Rainbow Sword, Cero shouted with some shame, but the Rainbow Sword still had no reaction to his words, and the knife was still a knife.

"It's broken. Master didn't tell me what kind of wishes the Rainbow Knife responds to." Zero was a little numb, saying that he was making a wish on the Rainbow Knife. Didn't I just make a wish?

If you have any power, show it to me. Isn't this just a wish?

"There is no other way, I can only force it!" Even though the rainbow knife cannot show its magical side, it is still a good weapon in itself. Zero maintained the miraculous posture of the moon god and rushed forward with the rainbow knife. Cut.

"The release of Galatron has been terminated!" Uub noticed that there were fewer Galatrons surrounding him, and Orb was able to breathe, and immediately informed everyone of his findings.

"Master has already gone to trouble Gilbaris. Our mission is to stand here and destroy all Galatrons!" Zero shouted, giving confidence to Orb and Geed, letting them know Victory is expected: "Master takes action, Gilbaris will definitely not be a problem."

"Don't give in easily, Orb! Geed!"

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