Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1418 The title is below.

PS: I personally do not recommend subscribing to this chapter, because it is basically equivalent to my psychological activities on January 4th.

"Where should the story begin?" Looking at the sky and the clouds that can be seen on the horizon, Yuanyuan pondered for a while, and for a while he didn't know where to start telling his story.

"Let me think about it." After thinking for a moment, the source spoke again: "Let's start with the quarry, where the light of Nexus was awakened, and then as an Ultra Warrior, and also as a human The story of identity stepping into.”

Among the crowds coming and going, no one could recognize Yuan Quan. Even in the past, Yuan Quan rarely appeared on TV. He worked in the ground forces and was certainly incomparable with the elites of the victory team.

If you were a media reporter, of course you wouldn't go to the pawns of the ground forces, but to the elites.

But Yuanquan did appear on TV because of two things, but those were stories a long time ago.

In this era, few people recognize him.

Time has left its mark on his friends, and it has also faded the existence of the source.

On the horizon, a fighter jet that Yuanquan didn't recognize, even trying to surpass the Super Victory Team, passed over his head.

Yuanquan couldn't recognize it, and he couldn't be sure of the fighter's capabilities. The way it dragged its tail away vaguely reminded Yuanquan of the Alpha and Plasma Hundred Shikis he had flown.

The Alpha should still be in service now.

As for the plasma hundred styles, the source is indeed unknown.

Compared with the past, the civilian technology around us has become very advanced, not only levitating cars, but even people flying in the sky with jet packs.

What's more, there are even service robots on the ground to help.

The whole society seems to be prosperous, and people's faces are filled with happy smiles, with longing for the future, and they are marching towards the future with high spirits.

The pace of mankind has never stopped since entering the new era.

Walking and talking at the same time, Saori is a good listener. Hearing such words, Saori is sometimes surprised and sometimes angry. Her thoughts also change with the source's words.

Not just Saori, but also Hikaru.

Even though Xiaoguang is only ten years old, her mental age is not comparable to her appearance.

She also listened to the words of the source, and silently remembered everything. Whether it was the past events about her father or her mother, Xiaoguang listened to them all.

Likewise, she is also discerning such situations with her own eyes, and looking at all these stories with her own understanding.

In the end, the source's story stopped at this moment, where the Kyriarodians came.

If he really wanted to tell his story in the world of Tiga in words, it would take him even a day and a night to finish it.

As for the Kirialodians, there is no need to continue the rest of the story.

"Come somewhere with me." Speaking of the Kirialodians, Yuanquan seemed to have remembered something, and took Saori and Xiaoguang together, preparing to rush to another place.

Neither Saori nor Xiaoguang had any objections, so under the leadership of Source, they came to a cemetery.

But here, Yuanquan accurately found the location of the tombstone, and then the three of them came here together.

Yuanquan looked at the tombstone with sentimental eyes and wanted to reach out to touch it, but he quickly restrained himself.

"Long time no see, Director Sawai." Yuanquan squatted down and looked at Director Sawai's photo on the tombstone.

The old man's smile is still so kind. No matter how long it has passed, this old man will always exist in Yuanquan's memory.

"It's been so long, but I'm still back."

"It's a pity that I didn't get to see you for the last time."

"I came back this time to get married. This is my fiancée." Pulling Saori and squatting down, Yuanquan introduced Director Sawai: "She is the girl I found in another universe, and she is also the girl who accompanied me when I met her. People who come down and walk down.”

"And this, Xiaoguang, she is the child of Dagu and Lina. I think you must not have missed their wedding." Touching Xiaoguang's head, Yuanquan said with a smile: "Xiaoguang, come here , called grandpa."

"Hello, grandpa." Xiaoguang called politely.

"Director, today's TPC still adheres to your philosophy. Although there are occasional changes and there are other internal voices, in general, it is still moving forward steadily."

"However, when Captain Xibi's generation passes away, I don't know what the future of TPC will be like."

"No organization can stick to its original beliefs forever. I know that TPC will change sooner or later, but I don't know what TPC will become." As he spoke, Yuanquan lowered his head. .

"And at that time, if Dagu, Asuka, and I confront TPC, what will happen?"

Those are things that are too far away, but they seem to be close at hand.

Yuanquan cannot know the future and cannot predict whether it will be good or bad, but his character is to think of everything in a bad direction.

"Yuan, over there." Just when Yuanquan was feeling sad, Saori pulled Yuanquan's clothes and motioned him to look over there.

"There is a spaceman over there."

Standing alone in front of this tombstone, the man who had transformed into a human looked sad and extremely depressed.

"Raedel?" At this moment, such a voice suddenly sounded in his ears. Raedal turned around and saw Yuan Quan walking leisurely holding the hands of Saori and Xiaoguang.

"It's you, Ultraman Nexus." Redel naturally knew the source: "I heard that you disappeared at the end of the star sea, but I have never heard of your deeds in the universe."

"It's like completely disappearing."

"I am not in this universe. I have always been active in other universes." Source explained: "Speaking of which, you came here."

"My mother-in-law is gone, I'm here to see her off." Redel focused his attention on the tombstone in front of him again: "I know that my mother-in-law has always been lonely, so after I finished the battle with Abbas, I immediately I’m back on earth, staying with my mother-in-law.”

"Fortunately, I caught up and spent the last period of time with my mother-in-law."

"But the short life of human beings still makes it impossible for my mother-in-law to continue living."

Raeder would not cry, even if he transformed into a human being, there was no such thing as crying.

But at the moment when his mother-in-law passed away, Redel could feel the painful tearing in his heart. That kind of emotion made it impossible for him to distinguish what it was.

"After my mother-in-law left, I felt very subtle, but I couldn't tell what it felt like." Redel stroked his chest: "Nexus, what about you?"

"That's human emotion. It's the bond formed by passing away, companionship, and agreements." Yuanquan said softly: "It's the heart between people that care about each other."

"Heart" is a strange thing to Redel, and no one has ever told him about it.

"That's right." Saori said: "Companyship is the longest agreement, and passing away is the sadness of never being able to see each other again, because it represents the break of the bond. It is the person in your mind who has completely turned into black and white, and will never be seen again. There will be new changes.”

“The feeling that comes over you when you realize this is the feeling of your heart.”

"But, I am a cosmic being, why do I have a heart?"

"Yes! Even people from space, even monsters, have such a heart!" Saori answered decisively without hesitation: "This kind of emotion is not felt by others, but it does not mean that it does not exist. "

"Don't you have such a heart now?"

"I am now." Redel was silent for a moment, and then replied: "I want to cry loudly, in your human form."


"People from Standel don't shed tears."

The source did not speak, but stretched out his hand and lit Redel's chest with the light of salvation, using the light of salvation to turn his mimicry into a real appearance, a real human appearance.

"What now?"

Instead of using telekinesis, he looked at the world with his own eyes, but everything in front of him seemed blurry.

Reeder belatedly stretched out his hand and passed it in front of his eyes. His hands were covered with countless water stains, and gurgling tears fell from his face and dripped to the ground.

"I, I." Looking at his hands in a daze, Redel covered his face, fell to his knees and cried loudly.

"Mother-in-law, I can never... see you again..."

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