Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1461 1452: Baxter: I will never die in the hands of the three-in-one Ultraman this time! (Ta

"That's wrong...why is Taro here?" Baxter was puzzled as he saw Taro falling from the sky and greeting him with an Ultra Bomb.

"Didn't Tartarus say he was going to intercept? With his strength, couldn't he stop Taylor?"

"This is not like the six Ultra brothers appearing together, just one Taro..." Baxter was keenly aware that something was wrong, but Tartarus, who had gone to all the trouble to revive it, must have taken a fancy to it. Its ability and brains.

Before what Tartarus wanted appeared, Baxter felt that he was still valuable and would not be treated as an outcast.

But Taylor... indeed broke through the testing ground and appeared here. This is also an indisputable fact.

What on earth is that Tartarus guy thinking?

"No matter what... Anyway, I have to complete my experiment no matter what!" Baite was heartbroken and focused his attention on the cultivation cabin built underground.

Different from the original scale of cultivating Hyperjetton, there is no life here on Crystal Star, and it is impossible to become the God of Despair.

But it is precisely because of the experience in cultivating Hyperjetton that the Baxter star did not rush to promote his position.

Just like before, it wanted to push Hyperjeton to that level at once, which resulted in a series of accidents.

And these series of accidents beyond his plan not only caused him to fall short, but even cost him his own life.

After the resurrection, Baxter could probably understand how outrageous what it did at that time, with the lessons learned from Hyperjetton.

Looking at myself at that time from the perspective of now, at that time it was trying to create a mystery in the dark universe, and how could such a thing not attract attention, or even... a series of accidents?

Those accidents seemed to be accidents, but Baxter thought clearly afterwards that they were inevitable.

So he didn't think about his personality this time. The first thing he wanted was extremely powerful power, powerful enough to surpass the original power of Hyperjedon.

And the perfectly cultivated Hypa is no longer Jetton, but Jett.


For the time being, I gave up my personality and gained strength, so that I wouldn't attract the attention of any strange guy.


"Fortunately... I was already prepared." It was still the experience he had when he was training Hyperjetton. Because of that series of things that happened, Baxter was already prepared this time.

He pressed the button on the console to inject the extracted Sphia essence into the culture cabin. Not only that, Baxter also pulled the switch to lower the large pipe that vertically downwards directly connected to the culture cabin.

"And this..." Baxter opened his hands happily: "A brand new power...the power of Absolut!"

The golden power of Absolute was injected into the cultivation cabin in the form of a liquid. This was something Tartarus took out from under the high tower of his kingdom. For the kingdom, this liquid Absolute The power depends on how much you want.

Tartarus provided a lot of this resource, and it left a large part of it to be given to Hypadet, but Baite distributed some of the rest to these Sphias, allowing them to absorb Absolius. Special power.

This was also the direct reason why Taiga and the others were suppressed by Sphia and gradually fell into a disadvantage.

Sphia is no longer the same Sphia as before.

The Sphias who absorbed some of the Absolut particles have their power greatly enhanced.

And those fusion beasts also possess the power of Absolut, and are more terrifying and powerful than ordinary Sphia fusion beasts.

Although time is shorter than in the past, Baxter has gained powerful power in his hands that he never had before.

Baxter is also very curious about where the Haipa trained in this way will go.

But before that…

With that said, Baxter turned his gaze to the big screen behind him.

The three of them, Taiga, had suddenly met Taylor.

"Father!" After struggling to hold on under the crisis, Taiga finally saw the arrival of reinforcements, especially his own father. Taiga couldn't say how happy he was: "Father, you traveled thousands of miles from the Kingdom of Light to save me. came here!"

In the original theatrical version, Taiga was quite moved when he said this, although he was kicked to the ground before he could finish the sentence, and then staged a good show of father and son's "deep love".

But at least at this moment, he said this completely.

And he won't get beaten.

"I've been rushing here since I knew something happened to you." Looking at Taiga and the other three people who were still there even though they were a little tired, Taylor was very pleased: "I'm sorry, it was my negligence that caused You are in such danger.”

"No, when the Ultra Guard performs a mission, they don't know what kind of things they will encounter during the mission, so father, you don't need to blame yourself for this." Taiga shook his head: "This It’s a normal thing, I’m also a member of the Ultra Guard, there are no exceptions.”

"That's right. If you already know that a task is dangerous and don't choose it, wouldn't you become a guy who is greedy for life and afraid of death?" Feng Ma slapped his chest: "No matter how huge the difficulty is, we can get through it. !”

"That's right." Although Titas agreed, but as wise as he was, he thought of something deeper: "But why the Crystal Star became like this, and why Sphia gathered here, we still need to find out. clear."

"It's a Baxter, it's resurrected." Taylor said, "And it's not an ordinary Baxter, it's the one that Zero met before."

"It seems that my name has been known to you!" As soon as Taylor finished speaking, Baxter's virtual projection image immediately appeared in front of Taylor and the others: "The last time we faced each other at such an angle, Ultra warriors, it’s better to take them.”

"Baxter, your conspiracy has been exposed." Tyro shouted loudly: "If you want to recreate that kind of Hyperjeton, we will definitely stop you!"

"No, no, no, Tyro, you look down on me too much." Baxter said, "I don't want to create a Hyperjackton like before, I want to create a Hyperjackton even more powerful than that. !”

"What you warriors of light have, he will also have, and he will be stronger than you!" The power of Absolute in the Kingdom is also part of the power of light, and is more powerful than the plasma power of the Kingdom of Light. .

Baxter possessing the Absolute particles is equivalent to injecting the power of light into this Hypa.

The big monster of the dark universe now possesses the power of light. This Hypa will undoubtedly surpass the previous one and become the strongest existence!

"We won't let that happen!" Taiga said solemnly: "Just watch, we will stop you now!"

"Hmph, you want to stop me?" Baite snorted disdainfully: "Then let's get past these guys first."

Various monsters rose from under the ground of the test site. These fusion beasts that were parasitized by Sphia had a trace of golden energy flowing in their crystallized bodies, which also greatly enhanced them. the power of.

"Sphia Fusion Beast? No, there are others." Taylor is well-informed after all. He has seen Sphia Fusion Beast before, but this kind of fusion beast gives him a somewhat different feeling. .

"Taija, be careful." Taylor warned worriedly.

"Yeah!" Taiga nodded heavily.

"Titus, Fuma, let's go!"

And just as the battle on the Crystal Star side resumed, on the Kingdom of Light side, Ace, who was restless, finally waited for Zoffie's return.

As soon as Zuofi came back and replenished his energy, the first generation and others who had finished their rest also came here and were all ready.

"I know everything." Although he had just come back, Zuofi kept working non-stop and had no intention of resting.

"Let's set off to find Taylor!"

"Go support him!"

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