Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1529: Cosmic Transformation Dragon: To be honest, Brother Dai was really ecstatic after read

PS: The title is also called: Dagu: About the things that happened when I got two red and blue buffs plus a big dragon buff and became a giant of light.

"My kind thoughts, your power is really stronger than I expected."

In the continuous confrontation, neither party lost power to the other, which also gave Dark Diga a clear perception of the power of his kind thoughts.

Since this kind thought is so powerful, does it mean that the compassion I felt in the previous moment has actually reached this point?

"Good thoughts? I am not your kind thoughts, I am myself. My name is Zhenjiao Dagu, and I am a human being." Dagu will not admit that he is Dark Tiga or something.

This identity is first established on the premise that he is a human being. Beyond this, Ultraman's identity comes later.

"You deny that you are my kind thought? Why is that so? Since it was born because of me, it is naturally my thought." He never expected that his kind thought, which was born in an instant, would actually veto him. Dark Diga felt While I was surprised, I couldn't help but feel a little ridiculous.

what is this? Deny yourself?

Or is it that the kind thoughts at that moment were really separated and became an independent personality?

"I said, my name is Zhen Jiao Dagu, and I am a human being!" Under the strong belief, Tiga no longer hid, bursting out his own light to break the deadlock, allowing his own light to fully bloom, suppressing it at that moment The light of Zepeli Ao lives in the darkness of Tiga.

But this kind of suppression only lasted for a moment, and then Dark Tiga counter-suppressed it with more powerful dark power, swallowing Tiga's Zepeli Ao light at a faster speed, completely suppressing it.

If nothing unexpected happens, this dark Zeppeliao ray will hit Tiga's chest and knock him down.

However, the Yao Chang Sword suddenly stood in front of him, but Diga used his sword to block it in front of him, resisting the blow.

"Nani? (What)" This was something Dark Diga didn't expect, because he himself did not have such a sword. Logically speaking, his kindness should not have abilities that his main body did not have.

But he happened to be right in front of him, openly took out the sword that he didn't have, and blocked his attack.

Although it is only the Yin Chang Sword and not the Ancient Holy Sword, it is enough for fighting.

Dagu also knows that in normal times, the Yuangu Holy Sword is revealed in the form of a catastrophic sword. Only when he transforms into Tiga-Shine, or Shine-Diga, will the catastrophic sword appear. There are advanced changes, liberating one's own posture, thus restoring the appearance of the ancient holy sword.

But now.

He obviously does not have the power to transform into Shining Tiga or Tiga Shining, so he can only fight with the Yori Sword.

But as the basic form of the Ancient Holy Sword, it itself is a fusion of the Origin Sword, the Black Sword, and the Cosmic Needle. Even if it is a basic weapon, it will never be weak.

"Is this guy really not my good intention?" Once he had such an idea, Dark Diga looked at Dagu with a particularly horrifying look: "But if you are not my good intention, you who is it?!"

"Why do you look like me?!"

This kind of similarity does not only mean that he is the same as Ultraman, but even his appearance as a human is completely the same.

This dark Tiga has always been the same person. Suddenly seeing a guy who is exactly the same as himself, but uses different powers, he is somewhat frightened to the point of losing consciousness.

"You have to ask yourself this kind of thing!"

Transforming the sword body into a sword blade, it split the darkness of Zai Pelliao's rays and cut the dark torrent to both sides. Diga strode straight towards the mental image world with the Brilliance Sword.

At the moment when Dark Diga was unconscious, Diga rushed in front of him and raised the Brilliant Sword high.

"Who is whose mind between you and me? The answer is not certain yet!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the Yaobian Sword suddenly slashed down, carrying a golden sword light and piercing the darkness.

All the attacks and all the questions were not as violent as Diga's last words.

And this is also the reason why Dark Diga failed to escape.

But after the Yaobian Sword was cut down, it did not kill Dark Diga. Instead, after the sword cut through his body, the light burst out from the strong darkness and enveloped both Dark Diga and Diga in an instant. In it, their figures were swallowed up.

The catastrophic sword releases terrifying power. The basic state of the holy sword is not a blank slate, nor does it have special abilities.

At the moment when Carmilla put her hand on Dark Diga's shoulder, Dark Diga suddenly raised her hand and grabbed Carmilla's palm. It itself suddenly released strong dark power, knocking Carmilla away. Ladu is wrapped in it.

"What?!" Durham was shocked and quickly stepped forward and grabbed Carmilla's hand, trying to pull her back.

But just as his hand grabbed Carmilla's wrist, the spreading darkness also reached his body and enveloped him.

"Diga! Are you crazy!" Hitler directly grabbed the body of Dark Diga and tried to push him away.

But his fate, like Carmilla and Durham, was captured by the power of Dark Tiga and became a grasshopper on a rope.

At this time, Dark Tiga's energy absorption ability suddenly activated, from Camilla's body, as well as from the connected Dalam and Hitler who also had direct contact.

Dark Diga's gatekeeping skills (also one of Heidi Chui's biggest assets) and energy absorption allowed him to absorb the twisted love from Carmilla, the powerful red from Durham, and the Hitler's body has absorbed the quick blue color (here, let's say Hitler, the color on his body is real, sometimes it's blue, sometimes it's purple, so it can look like any color).

White, red, and blue, three different energies were absorbed into the body by Dark Diga. In the deepest darkness of his body, with the help of two companions and a lover, in the deepest place, he was born. The brightest light.


Kamila, Durham, and Hitler finally broke free, and strong counterattack force burst out from Heidi's body, knocking all three of them away, and each fell to the ground in embarrassment.

Heidi finally regained his consciousness, but he was half-kneeling on the ground as if he had collapsed, breathing heavily.

And the ray of light born from his body, carrying the changes of red and purple, suddenly bloomed in front of the four dark giants.

Red and purple, with a silver base, a brand new Ultra Warrior that is almost identical to Dark Tiga stands tall on the earth.

As soon as he appeared, his legs went weak, and he was also half-kneeling on the ground, breathing heavily.

"Why. You actually absorbed the power of Carmilla, Dallam, and Hitler!" What just happened was not dominated by Heidi himself. Everything seemed to be in an out-of-control stage from the beginning. After he regained control of his body, this giant of light, who he thought was a kind-hearted guy, appeared in front of him.

Between this heaven and earth.

"This is..." Feeling his real body, Diga also felt a little stunned.

This is completely different from what he experienced in Luluye!

At this moment, the Brilliant Sword turned and fell from the sky, inserting itself in front of Dark Diga and Diga.

The strange ability that has not yet dissipated from the sword seems to be verifying who did this happen.

"That's right, the Yaoban Sword. I remember one of the abilities of the Yaobian Sword is..." Looking at the Yaoban Sword, Dagu finally remembered something.

"The Brilliant Sword has the ability to exclude the sword itself and the holder of the sword, and I was in your body just now, so if I am excluded." Diga shook his head and denied this conjecture.

"But such a thing shouldn't happen. Even if I am excluded, it will only be because I am separated from your mental world. How could it be like this?"


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