Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1630 The dog gave birth to pups today, and the old hen also gave birth to pups, but I, the m

It seemed that the situation was about to start a shocking battle, but after Mebius disappeared in an instant, it brought a completely new change to the battle.

Of course, it also brings complete closure.

When Membius reappeared, he was still standing where he stood at the beginning, facing off against Teliga.

It seems like nothing has changed, but in fact a lot of things have changed.

On the surrounding ground, the remaining traces of flames form the path of flames. Although only ashes and remnants of fire remain, if you look down at these remaining flames, you can see that their traces are connected together, outlining a strange of the trajectory.

That's the symbol of the Möbius strip, and it's also the symbol of infinity.

"Teliga! Get out of the way!" Akira's reaction speed was not unsatisfactory. He immediately ran to the platform and roared, conveying his wishes to Teliga.

However, Jian Wu knew that he had no time to retreat.

But if he couldn't avoid it, he would definitely die if he resisted with his own strength, so the only way he could choose was to use that stance again.


The feeling of using Yonghui this time is different from that of using Yonghui before.

"Understand your own will, understand what you are going to do at this moment, let go of the obsessions in your heart, and empty yourself." In the sea of ​​consciousness, the teachings from his predecessors made Jianwu bear in mind, which is why he was able to do so in such a short period of time. This is because you can re-transform within a short period of time.

During the time when he was sparring with his seniors in the sea of ​​consciousness, Jianwu felt that his condition was better than ever before, especially the moves in battle. In the past, he could only fumble by himself, but with the help of his seniors, he was taught and understood. How to use this power, how to use it.

When Jianwu woke up, not only the battle memories remained in his mind, but even the earnest teachings of his seniors still echoed.

The pain in my body, which was in great pain before, was greatly relieved after waking up this time. It was obviously healing well.

This has also become the reason why Jianwu can stand here.

Insert the Eternal Glory Key again, and under the illumination of the eternal light, the Eternal Glory posture is revealed again. As soon as it appears, Teliga builds a golden shield to completely wrap himself in it.

The symbol of infinity exploded, and Teliga, who was at the intersection of the symbol of infinity, was wrapped in blazing flames in the blink of an eye. His entire body disappeared in the raging fire and could no longer be seen.

But Mebius didn't think that Triga would be defeated so easily. He opened one hand and pointed his five fingers in front of him, absorbing all the bursting flames back into his palms and keeping them within his body.

Along with the flames, the tip of a shining blade stabbed Mebius' palm accurately.

The moment the two sides handed over, Triga did not hesitate at all and turned the sword grid of the shining blade three times in a row.



Eternity-Geratis is condensed on the shining blade, and the entire sword is entangled in the purple light flow. The strongest single-body ultimate kill after the Reiwa era is also ready to attack.

Mebius slapped the shining blade away with his backhand, and swam his body along the blade. He hugged Jianwu's waist with both hands. Golden flames suddenly appeared from his whole body, and in the raging burning, Jianwu was also wrapped in it.

This is an Ultra bomb, but for the current Mebius, this is an Absolute bomb!

Even after becoming an Absolute, Membius still retained the method of using this self-destruction technique, and used it on Triga at this moment.

If it is an ordinary Ultra Warrior, it may be helpless. If it is a being of the same level as Mebius, it does not lack the ability to dodge.

But Teliga is an exception.

But Teliga is a ruthless character.

He did not dodge or wait for death. Instead, he stopped the release of Eternal Geratis, stopped restraining the power of the Eternal Core, and turned himself into an energy body.

The power of the eternal core bloomed wantonly, entangled with the flames on Mebius, and neither of them had any intention of letting go.



The power of the kingdom was driven in the form of Ultra Bomb, and a huge explosion occurred, and the fragments of the eternal core did not hesitate at all, and the same unfettered madness exploded, and a huge explosion also occurred.

Mebius, a self-destructing infantryman from the Kingdom of Light, Taro, also enjoyed being blown up by someone else's bomb today.

The light particles regrouped, and Absolute-Mombius reappeared. The timer was still full, and not even some dust remained. Although he was a little out of breath, he was obviously in very good condition.

But Telicah cannot.

Detonating the power of the eternal core, although he was on a par with Mebius, but as a result, Teliga had to withdraw from the state of eternal glory, and would never be seen again in the next period of time. The way is to use Yonghui Key.

The timer started to flash again and again. He lay on the ground, his milky eyes staring at Mebius over there, struggling to stand up again.

"Here, eliminate the third generation that may appear." The golden-red lightsaber extended again, and Mebius walked slowly towards Triga.

And over there, the dark trio who had been watching the show and even had to build a defense to block the air wave because of the big explosion just now, each behaved a little differently when they saw this scene.

Hitram crossed his arms and showed off his fun-loving nature.

Dagon, on the other hand, snorted coldly and didn't do much after all.

Carmila, on the other hand, intertwined her hands for a moment to create finger sparks, and her hands took on the shape of calyces, ready to be released.

"Hey! Carmilla, are you crazy?!" Hitram quickly stopped Carmilla: "As long as we let that guy kill Teliga, the eternal core will be ours, and no one will stop us anymore! "

"Telika is mine! No one can kill Telika!" Although her intention to kill that human was true, the only one Carmilla wanted to kill from the beginning to the end was that human.

And Teliga's body and his sleeping consciousness were what Carmilla wanted to awaken.

How could she be here watching Teliga be killed.

"I'm going to help him! Help Teliga!"

"If you help the current Teliga, you are helping that human being!" Hitram exclaimed: "As long as you help that human being, Teliga will never come back!"


Although the hesitation process was brief, Membius did not stop as he approached Teliga step by step.

On the horizon, the Nasdis finally arrived and released Nascannon. The blue light bombarded out and fell towards Mebius.

Membius had no intention of dodging, and forcefully ate the main cannon attack with his own body. Apart from a spark of sparks bursting out to show respect, there was nothing more.

This seems to have reached the last moment.

Mebius raised his sword, and Trigga also prepared a simplified version of Zeppeliao's ray, preparing for the final fatal blow.

Although he knew that with normal output, he would not be able to shake the opponent in the slightest, Teliga would never sit still and wait for death, no matter what!

Even if there is only a glimmer of hope, he will fight for a future!

At this last moment, no matter whether they were present or not, the sound of a beating heart sounded in everyone's ears, causing the resonance of life, making waves ripple in the space, and the sound of the ocean tide sounded.

The sudden appearance of strange fluctuations spread throughout the venue, and the faint light that attracted everyone's attention slowly rose, and finally converged into one, forming a red bird mark.

The moment they saw this red energy core, the Dark Trio, the Absolut duo, and Triga lying on the ground all widened their eyes.

This red energy core, and this so familiar light, they have all seen it before!

That guy, no one can ignore!

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