Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1758 Tartarus and Zero join forces? How could I have such a dream?

Just as the Kingdom of Light lost its plasma spark and the entire country was frozen by the bone-chilling cold, the Kingdom cannot avoid this happening.

After losing the last light, the entire kingdom fell into darkness.

The appearance of the splendid golden country no longer exists, and instead, it is a corner swallowed up by darkness just like those destroyed civilized worlds.

This terrifying ice swept in from outside the kingdom and froze the kingdom in a very short period of time. All life was reduced to nothing under the darkness and silence, and everything was completely destroyed.

The soldiers of the kingdom posed in various shapes and fell into the ice. The captains of the guard tried their best to hide underground, but they could not avoid their bodies being frozen stiff and turning into frozen ice sculptures. .

This frozen coldness was spreading towards the tower. At the moment it was about to be touched, the gray figure flying out from under the sky bridge came to the sky in the blink of an eye, absorbing everything contained in its body. of light energy is released.

"I once received the sun's light, and some of the power of the Rainbow Knife is still in my body." With his arms stretched to both sides, Aix blossomed to the fullest, turning all his light into blazing temperature, Sprinkle it all over this small area, letting its shining light form a miniature sun.

"Hmph, ignite all your power. Even if you are the ultimate, how long can you hold on?" Er Yuan snorted disdainfully, glancing at Aix in the sky.

If you are a transcendent, you can prevent the kingdom from being frozen.

But it is limited to transcendents whose abilities are related to light or heat. Other than that, no one can replace plasma sparks or the energy of the kingdom.

As soon as he finished speaking, the golden figure flew out from under the bridge and landed next to Zero.

Brother Tazi was liberated from the golden ball of light and saw Aix hanging in the sky.

Aix, who was like a miniature sun, exerted his best efforts to warm up this area in a short time, preventing the cold forest from invading the area for the time being.

But the frozen coldness is always watching outside, waiting for the moment when the light of Aix goes out.

The former enemy of "X" now chooses to burn himself for the safety of the kingdom, just to create a glimmer of hope. This has a great impact on Brother Tazi.

Although there was no major conflict between him and Ax, he had fought countless wars with the Ultra Warriors.

The two sides are enemies, not friends, and there is no possibility of coexistence.

But now, the person he thought was his enemy was risking his life for the survival of the kingdom at this moment.

"Hey! Do you know what happened?!" Zero looked at Brother Tazi next to him. The two had always been in love and killed each other, but at this moment, they had turned into fighting side by side.

"You just need to use all your strength to defeat that guy." Brother Tazi withdrew his gaze and focused all his attention on Eryuan.

"Zero, you and I have fought countless times, and we have won and lost."

"But I just don't know who is better if you and I join forces."

"Hmph! The winner must be me!" Zero snorted. If he couldn't use the Emperor's stance, he could only activate the Brilliant Zero stance and put on the Ultimate Zero weapon, switching to the Ultimate Glory stance.

The platinum warrior's aura climbed higher and higher, and soon reached the level of a transcendent.


The rainbow knife struck down again, and the colorful brilliance once again swept through Zero's body at the moment of shining.

Although Ultimate Glory Zero's posture remained unchanged, Zero suddenly discovered his transcendent power: the Vortex of Cause and Effect. There is no way to use it.

Although the "hateful guy" still knows that his transcendent power is useless, having it and not having it are two different things after all.

"Have you had enough gossip?" Er Yuan said calmly. The bodies of Brother Tazi and Sero were suddenly hit hard. In an instant, their necks were stuck and they were lifted high, and their entire bodies were hanging outside the bridge. .

Underfoot is the bottomless ice layer and the forbidden frozen abyss.

"So what if I am a transcendent?" Eryuan is still digesting the huge energy he has absorbed, striving to recover his injuries and energy more thoroughly.

"In front of me, the transcendent ones are like ants!"

Er Yuan let go of his hand and allowed the two to fall freely. Er Yuan, who imposed a dark seal to block their energy, looked down at the two people who were gradually turning into black spots, snorted coldly, turned around, and was about to leave.

But just as he turned around, the bridge under his feet was cut off by a giant sword glowing with blue light, and the entire bridge collapsed. Even Eryuan himself was just standing in the sky out of thin air.

Zero's white-gold figure and Brother Tazi's dark-gold figure were entangled. They moved forward together and punched Er Yuan together.

The space barrier suddenly solidified, blocking the coordinated attacks of the two. Looking at the two fists that were close at hand but far away, Er Yuan snorted coldly, forcing the two to retreat again.

"Your power should have been banned." In Er Yuan's expectation, these two guys should have fallen into the bottomless frozen abyss and turned into ice sculptures, but why did they suddenly fly?

Although he applied it casually, it was not something they could break through.

But soon, Brother Tazi gave the answer to Eryuan's question.

With his hands raised above his head, gathering golden thunder and sudden light, Brother Ta Zi had only one opponent in his eyes, and that was Er Yuan.

"Eternal Shattering!" The huge energy ball suddenly broke open and turned into a beam impact from the gap.

The eternal broken light shines on the past and present, and hits Er Yuan. The attack that strikes the concept of history and affects the existence of the past successfully creates some sparks in Er Yuan.

But it was just a spark, because he had obtained the second source of Zaki's uniqueness, and his past was also mysterious, so he simply ignored this attack.

The past, the present, the future. Mysterious one proof, eternal proof. Even attacks like Eternal Shatter, which can hit the past and cause shattered history, are ineffective against the second source.

The second source belonging to the past raised his hand slightly, and followed the direction of the eternal shattering blow upstream, exerting this power on Tartarus, shattering all the past history of Tartarus.

This is a provocation from a transcendent to the mystery of overestimation.

Brother Tazi's body was suddenly injured, and he flew up. Then cracks appeared in his ultimate life form's body, and golden energy gurgled from the wound like blood.

Zero raised one hand and activated the Vortex of Cause and Effect to bring Brother Tazi back to his state.

"Don't use your transcendent power!" But as soon as Zero raised his hand, Brother Tazi yelled at him and stopped him.

"If you don't want your transcendent power to be taken away, don't use your ability."

Brother Tazi coughed a few times and landed on the broken bridge. Holding his chest, he lay on his back and looked at the sky, looking at the sky of the kingdom that had lost its light and became dim.

"That's how Aix's power was taken away from him."

"I used the power of the eternal core to lift the seal for you and me. I didn't ask you to send him warmth."

"That guy can take away other people's transcendent power?" Because Er Yuan has only fought with Yuanquan, many people don't know that Er Yuan can take away other people's transcendent power.

Aix suffered this loss, and Cero obviously didn't know it either.

"Escape quickly, Zero, go to the Kingdom of Light and find the savior." At this point, Tartarus no longer expected anything more: "He is the only opponent of this man."

"What about you?" Zero asked eagerly: "I have never been in the habit of leaving my friends behind."

"Even you are no exception."

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