Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 395 Shi Shi: I have long wanted to blow up Tokyo.

"Yes, we thought that since Gaia represents the earth and Agur represents the ocean, then as expected, this one should represent the sky, so the code name we gave him is Uranus, the God of the Sky." Captain Tsui Cheng He crossed his arms and looked at my dream.

"You just came back from the front line. You may not know about this yet. From now on, the name of this giant will be decided like this."

"Wait a minute! Compared to the name Uranus, I think... Nexus is more suitable." My dream's expression changed strangely. How did you come up with the idea of ​​naming him Uranus? ?

You must know that in mythology, Ouranos and Gaia are...

"Nexus? Bond? Why did you think of this name?" Georgie repeated Nexus's name. The Japanese-Australian mixed-race woman immediately understood the meaning of Nexus's name, so she became increasingly confused. .

"Because what he does seems to be more extreme than Gaia and Agur. What he wants is the harmonious coexistence of humans and monsters. In the battles he has appeared in so far, there has been almost no monster. Kill." Since I Meng dared to mention the name Nexus, of course I was prepared to be questioned.

Of course, I am also ready to explain it to everyone.

I Meng, who lies unequivocally, has already prepared a plan in his heart, and now that he is talking about it, he will naturally just take out those things to deceive others.

"Do you think it is possible to form a bond between humans and monsters?" Dunzi asked in disbelief. Most of the monsters they have encountered so far have been eliminated.

The monster's attitude toward humans is nothing but destruction.

Humans have no intention of coexisting with monsters.

How can the two sides talk about coexistence? What's the bond?

"Is this what you think?" the commander of the stone chamber asked. At the same time, he was also testing my dream, because it was too suspicious to say the name Nexus for the first time.

Why did I first think of this name in my dream?

Or maybe Nexus told him?

"Although Ouranos is the god of the sky, he is also a child of Gaia. In the same way, Agur's name has nothing to do with Greek mythology, but he also represents the ocean. We cannot replace what he represents with a name. It has a special meaning." Looking around, I Meng faced a pair of questioning eyes and expressed my opinion calmly.

"At least in my opinion, Nexus is a more suitable name for him than Ouranos."

Of course, there is something I didn’t say in my dream, that is, in Greek mythology, Gaia is not only the mother of Uranus, but Uranus even married Gaia’s wife.

Of course, everyone has seen the chaos in the Greek pantheon, and this is really nothing.

But if this happened to me, Meng, wouldn’t he feel offended?

It would be okay if the heir to the Skylight in the original book was Catherine. At least they were a boy and a girl. I didn’t think there was anything wrong with the dream.

But now that everyone is male, how can you, Gaia and Uranus, and me, the human body of Ultraman Gaia, have any face?

When I think about the relationship between the two and the embarrassment after meeting Ultraman, I will definitely give up the name Uranus.

(Actually, according to my personal understanding, I might like Uranus very much. After all, it is an old tradition that the lower level overcomes the upper level.)

"But..." Staff Chiba still wanted to raise a question: "All the records have been prepared. If the name is changed at this time..."

Dunzi and Qiaoji looked at the commander of the stone room with longing. Staff Officer Chiba was right. If the name was changed now, Dunzi and Qiaoji would definitely work overtime after the meeting.

By the time they return to the dormitory, I'm afraid it won't be late at night.

"According to what my dream said, change the code name of the giant from Uranus to Nexus, which means bond." The commander of the stone room pretended not to see the longing eyes of Dunzi and Qiaoji. After all, it is better than With two beautiful girls, my dream is the real group favorite of xIG in the air base.

"Oops..." Dunzi and Qiaoji didn't wait for the answer they wanted. They each looked at each other and wailed feebly.

You have to work overtime again, and beautiful adolescent girls hate working overtime the most!

"Thank you, Commander, for your approval." I Meng sat down with a face of joy, and finally changed Ouranos to Nexus. This was considered the best result for myself and Nexus.

I was immersed in my own joy in my dream, but I didn't see Dunzi and Qiaoji sitting down not far away, with their sad eyes.

... I guess life after my dream will be difficult.

"But... the headquarters requires us to immediately find the location of Renlong and destroy it. What should we do?" The pressure of public opinion is on the shoulders of the headquarters and the xIG team members. People are not willing to live in a place where monsters are sleeping. The capital of Tokyo is even more opposed to the existence of monsters.


If there is no coexistence, and the monsters don't die, they won't even be able to sleep peacefully!

"..." Commander Shishi rubbed his eyebrows. He also felt particularly irritable. For ordinary people, using strong public opinion to put pressure on the government is almost their normal operation.

But behind this incident, is there anyone who is adding fuel to the flames?

"...Go and tell the headquarters that if they have any questions about Nexus's choice, I suggest that they go to Nexus themselves to protest." After pondering for a long time, Commander Stone Chamber finally made his decision and took a firm stance. .

"In addition, if you don't want to live in Tokyo, you are welcome to sell your house and run away. It just so happens that many basic personnel at the air base cannot afford houses in Tokyo."

"I think if you say that, there might be an explosion at the headquarters." Staff Officer Chiba was stunned for a moment, then said rather teasingly.

"Renryu is the dragon vein of the earth. If you want to destroy Renryu, you have to blow up the whole of Tokyo and the land. If you report back to the headquarters like this, it is my answer to them." Commander Shishi also understood the difficulty of Staff Chiba. If he had the same attitude as before, Staff Officer Chiba's life would not be easy, so he took a step back to give Staff Officer Chiba some face.

"If they are willing to pay for the post-disaster reconstruction work in Tokyo, which was completely bombed, xIG will immediately dispatch and bomb Tokyo to the sky." Commander Shishi was also a good person, and he immediately seized the weak spot of the headquarters' senior executives.

The amount of manpower, material and financial resources required to rebuild the entire Tokyo is an astronomical figure.

He was sure that no one at the top of the headquarters dared to take on this responsibility.

"This is good, and it can be regarded as an explanation to the outside world." Staff Chiba understood at first sight. Shishi's meaning was very simple. He was basically telling the people that they should either continue to live in Tokyo or blow up your home directly. That's it. The kind that doesn't pay compensation afterwards.

Choose one of the two, let me ask you whether you accept it or not.

"Commander's attitude is so tough." Gamu said quietly as he approached Captain Kajio.

"Oh, before the commander was transferred to the air base, he was the ace of the headquarters. His glorious history can't be described in one day." Kajio crossed his arms and leaned back on the chair with a lazy look on his face, looking rather disdainfully at the headquarters. Start complaining.

"Those losers at the headquarters are all pampered and dictating the battle on the front line. Do you really think xIG is their domestic dog?"


"It's so funny."

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