Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 639 The light of human nature is dazzling because the evil of human nature makes the light s

"Ultraman Jack...what do you want to prove when you appear in front of me now?! You must have been there at that time! You have also seen the faces of those people! It is obvious that you have tried your best to stop them, but they all did!" The moment Xiang Xiushu appeared, the Metz star's mentality was completely stunned.

When the people from Metz saw this person involved in the accident, they had so many things they wanted to say.

"Yes, I tried my best to stop it and try to save the situation, but unfortunately, I couldn't do it. I'm really sorry." Go Hideki bowed deeply. He was sincerely sorry. I feel sorry for this.

If he had been more cruel and direct, he might have been able to reverse this tragedy.

"At that time, I was just like Mebius now. I was naive, innocent, and had only a one-sided self-perception of human beings. So I didn't think that people would reach that point. I felt that as long as I If we make it clear, we will definitely make them stop." Xiu Xiu turned around and looked around at everyone present.

"But I misjudged it. In addition to feeling regretful at that time, I was also thinking deep down in my heart, what is it about human beings like this that is worth protecting? Why have I been fighting all this time?"

“It was only after that incident that I truly understood human beings.”

After Xiu Shu finished speaking, Yuan Quan followed closely and added. After all, he had seen countless experiences of the darkness in people's hearts.

"Why is the glory of human nature so dazzling? That's because the light that can shine in the evil of human nature is of course very dazzling."

"I have understood this from a long time ago, and the reason why we are gathered here is because of this." Yuanquan took a deep breath: "Come on, count me in, let you vent the resentment and revenge flames in your heart, Shoot and kill me too."

"I am Ultraman transformed from a human. I am both light and human. In this way, I can bear your resentment as a human!"

"And I, as one of the parties involved, it was my fault that I failed to save your father and watched the tragedy happen." Xiang Xiushu stood in the center position, the three of them stood side by side, looking at the people behind them. Aihara Ryu was blocked tightly.

"And I!"

At this time, Higashi Kotaro also came over and stood next to Mirai: "Although I don't know what happened, nor the cause and effect, but the individual of Ultraman Taro is composed of Taro and Higashi Kotaro."

"I am also a human being, and I am qualified to bear your anger!"

This is a scene that is rare in a century, but it is also a scene that makes people who see this scene lose their voices.

For the sake of mankind, can Ultraman do this? Or even accept death calmly?

"Why, why can you Ultraman do this for human beings!" The people of Metz looked at these four Ultraman who claimed to be human beings. They were really angry, but they couldn't understand: "I just want to It's just revenge, can you Ultraman be so unreasonable about it?"

"This is not unreasonable, but you have your persistence, and we have ours." Xiang Xiushu shook his head. After all, the mistakes he made back then have continued to this day, but since they are irreversible, then just Can make up for it.

And what he is doing now is to make up for his mistakes.

"It's really too much, you guys, it's really... too much!" The Metzians did not hesitate, picked up the gun on the grass and pointed it at the four standing over there, with a cold light shining in their eyes.

"Come on!" x4.

No fear, no fear, admit it frankly, face death personally, and never be afraid even if it is right in front of you.

If you are having trouble making a choice between a dilemma, just let yourself be the third option.

Perhaps, this is a kind of compensation, but it is also an escape, an escape that no one can say.

The hand holding the gun didn't tremble at all, but his heart was hesitating. The Metzian wanted to pull the trigger, but he also knew clearly that the four in front of him were not murderers, and they didn't even have anything to do with each other strictly speaking.

But they stood in front of him, blocking his path of revenge and becoming an obstacle.

If you want to complete your revenge, you must defeat them.


At this moment, a voice sounded out of place but should have sounded at this moment.

Aihara Ryu came around from the side and stood in front of the four people who had gone to death calmly.

"Even if revenge is really needed, humans should bear it themselves, not the Ultra Warriors." Ryuu Aihara disarmed and threw the gun in his hand in front of the Metzians: "Humans have always She is protected by Ultraman, but she is not so fragile that Ultraman has to bear everything!"

"Maybe I alone cannot represent all mankind, but if I can make you feel a little less resentful towards mankind, then let's do it."

Aihara Ryu stood upright, with his hands spread out, he was ready to die.

Although he is impulsive and does things without thinking, he is also a responsible person and will never run away from anything.

"...Do you really think I don't dare to kill you!" The Metzian's veins popped out, he raised his hand and pointed the gun at Aiharalong's body, and it was difficult to breathe for a while: "Human, don't think that you look like you are begging for death. , I will let you go, I..."

"I..." The Metzian's expression changed several times, but in the end he still did not pull the trigger, but turned around and shouted to the spaceship.

"Zoya Muruchi, do what you failed to do back then! Go find those murderers! Go and vent my resentment!"

"Stop it! If you really summon a monster, I will..." shouted in the future, with an unbearable look on his face: "I will have to fight you!"

"...That's what I thought, Mebius." The Metzian turned back slightly, without any hesitation: "Show up, Zoya Muruchi!"

As his words fell, the spaceship began to project the appearance of the monster, which was the monster that was sealed by the father of the Metzian.

Of course, it's not the same one as before, it's just the same species.

"Membius!" Go Hideki said: "Go, stop the monster, and fulfill the responsibilities you should perform."

"Here, leave it to us."

"Yes! Brother!" Mumbius nodded heavily, took a few steps forward to summon the Mumbius breath and then opened it, and raised his arm, transforming into Mumbius in the shining light of the Möbius strip. Standing in front of Zoya Muruchi.

"Yes, that's right, Ultraman Mebius, just like back then, kill Zoya Muruchi!" The Metzian raised his hands in the air and smiled crazily: "Then, it's your turn We’re gone!”

With that said, the Metzian turned around and faced the others: "Come on, stop me. Only by stopping me will Zoyamulucci stop destroying."

"There is Mebius over there. I believe he can stop the monster." Xiu Shu glanced at the battlefield, then withdrew his gaze: "Metz, there is a person, have you seen it?"

"Do you want to talk about that child? Oh, why do you think I know these things?" The Metz star sneered: "When my father's spaceship returned to the Metz star, I thought it was my father who came back. But when I opened the hatch, what I saw was my father's body, and a human skeleton."

"What do you think?"

"Human beings can make themselves hate themselves as human beings. Is there such a ridiculous thing in the entire universe?"

"So, how do you think that child survived during the years when he and your father were dependent on each other?" Yuanquan said: "Without labor force and no money, how did the two old, weak, sick and disabled people survive? ?”

"That child has experienced the sins of mankind, but at the same time he was wrapped in people's warmth. It is precisely because of these little bits of warmth that they spent the happiest time with each other, isn't it?"

The Metzian was silent, and his raised hand froze in mid-air, as if he was stunned for a moment.

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