Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 749 The legend in TPC is back.

Navigating in the universe is a boring thing, but this boringness does not exist between the source and Kibi Gosuke.

Although time has passed, both of them are no longer members of the Sixth Team who patrolled the ground in jeeps. Even their ages and appearance have changed a lot.

But the only thing that won't change is their bickering behavior that will never stop.

Just as the two sides were hurting each other, Yuanquan drove the α to the space where the space distortion phenomenon occurred.

Because he knew that the distortion phenomenon would produce a strong gravitational force, Yuanquan did not dare to bring the α number close to it, but stayed quite far away, looking at the red space.

"Looking at it like this, it's like a red pimple on the body of the universe." Although there is no close viewing, such a far distance is enough. Xibi said with emotion: "But in the end What caused this change."

"The threshold of space distortion is gradually increasing, and this thing is still expanding." Alpha's live broadcast brought detailed data to Mobile Fortress NF-3000 and Nakajima and others in the base, and also allowed them to personally began to collect this rare data.

"A distress signal has been detected, coming from the inside of the twisted wormhole." Mai's face turned pale: "Someone was sucked in."

When Mai said these words, it almost meant the death of several lives. It meant that another elderly person had lost their child, and another child had lost their parent.

But so what? The distortion phenomenon is happening right in front of our eyes. Does anyone else want to go in and take a look?

Are there really people who are not afraid of death?

"Sit down, captain." But just as the silent atmosphere gradually spread, the source's sudden voice sounded, breaking through the gradually spreading despair.

Displayed on the Mobile Fortress's radar and the large screen in the base, the location where the Alpha stayed suddenly started to move and rushed towards the twisted wormhole.

"Vice Captain, what are you doing!" Nakajima never expected that the Vice Captain would dare to approach. He immediately shouted: "Come back quickly, Vice Captain! If you get closer, gravity will capture the Alpha. You won’t be able to come back then!”

"Nakajima, distress signals have been being sent out, which means that the inside of the twisted wormhole may not be the place where everything is destroyed." The push handle was pushed to the limit, and the source didn't hesitate at all, accelerating, still accelerating.

"The safest place for a tornado is at the center of the storm. This sentence may not be appropriate in the universe, but there must be someone waiting for us to save it."

"Nakajima, I'm not the kind of person who refuses to save someone."

"You're right, Nakajima, don't forget, what was our sixth team's name in TPC before?" Kibi Gosuke was not worried at all, and even said that he should rush in directly: "Long time no see. It’s not out of the question to mess around once.”

"After all, your vice-captain is such a mess."

"Danger, come back quickly!" The personnel in Mobile Fortress NF-3000 also shouted anxiously. They really didn't expect that these two members of the Super Victory Team were so desperate.

Just for an unfounded distress signal, he dared to rush into this twisted space.

Just because of a guess without scientific basis, he dared to put his life at risk.

Are they all crazy? !

"Just leave the rest to us." The closer it got, the more the α body shook.

The Alpha, which had endured a great test, rushed straight into the center of the distortion.

"Let us squeeze this pimple that has grown in the universe!" These were the last words left by the source to the mobile fortress NF-3000 and the base. Immediately, the entire α ship rushed into the center of the distortion, completely Contact was lost.

With the last words of his vice-captain echoing in his ears, Nakajima took off his headphones blankly, with a helpless expression on his face.

Vice-captain, I know you are Ultraman, but you are too messy.

The captain also knew that the vice-captain was Ultraman, so he followed suit, right?

Really, both of them are worried!


This is the thought in the heart of Zero who entered this twisted world and was divided inside and unable to escape.

He never expected that he, the pioneer who entered first, wanted to find out the situation before joining Max and the others. As a result, when he entered, the twisted wormhole behind him suddenly disappeared.

This also means that Zero's solo exploration is truly a lonely one, with no reinforcements behind him.

The twisted wormhole is closed, which means that Max and the others are locked out of the door. No one can come in except him.

And this space.

Floating in the universe, Zero felt the difference in this space. He could not sense the passage of time, but he could feel that the energy he had been dissipating had stopped at this time.

It's not that he has complete control, but that there's something weird about this space.

Although he didn't listen to anything else in school and was at the bottom of every exam, Zero still had some knowledge.

He had learned about this situation in school.

"Is everything constant at the moment when it first came in? My energy." Clenching his fists, Zero prepared to start exploring the planet.

There are not many planets in this space, only four at a glance. Among them, one planet that exists as a satellite must be discarded.

So it doesn’t take much time to really explore.

Zero was very lucky. When he explored the second planet, he discovered artificial traces on this planet.

Especially from the moment he landed on the edge of the canyon and saw the wreckage of the fighter plane there, he immediately knew what happened.

"Is this the Panlong?" The Panlong was also a battleship that he had fought alongside, so of course Zero recognized it.

If the Panlong was destroyed like this, then the people flying the plane...

Not far away, a huge factory base continues to release huge energy. The strange energy that rushes out of the planet is transmitted through this special place into multiple universes, interfering with the operations of multiple universes, forcing those who There was a problem with the operation of the universe, resulting in a ferocious distortion.

"Are you doing all this?" The wreckage of the Panlong was at his feet, and Zero was furious.

The factory that continuously releases strange energy is naturally his first choice.

But just when Zero was about to go over and settle the score, a sense of fatal crisis came from behind, forcing him to roll on the spot and avoid it without thinking.

The next second, an Ultra Javelin, which was very familiar to Zero but should never appear here, was inserted into the place where Zero had just stood.

"This is..." It was impossible not to recognize Ultra Javelin Zero, but precisely because he knew him, he felt surprised.

Why is there an Ultra Javelin?

And why are you coming after him?

And this answer was finally revealed in front of Zero after five figures slowly approaching not far away, accompanied by the sound of mechanical movement.

"What? Brother Ultra?" Zero was almost frightened, but then he realized that these were not his uncles, but mechanical bodies made by imitating his uncles.

"It seems that I accidentally encountered a big fish in that factory." Zero wiped his nose and slowly lowered his body, giving people the feeling that he was about to fight with the mechanical Ultra brothers.

But then, Sero raised his arms and flew into the air at an unexpected speed, heading straight for the factory.

Capture the thief first, capture the king first, he didn't want to fight with these so-called mechanical Ultra brothers.

Obviously, that factory is the focus.

There is no point in fighting the bait released by the enemy. This is what he learned from Eddie.

Nowadays, it’s just a matter of learning and applying it.

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