Ultrabasic evolution

Chapter 1 The failed super-base evolution spark

More than two hundred years ago, a large number of strange creatures with metal bodies suddenly appeared all over the world, which once became a nightmare for human survival.

Those strange creatures, called genetically modified creatures by humans, are completely different species from humans. Their bodies are made of steel or even crystals, which are completely different from human flesh and blood.

Even the lowest level of genetically modified creatures have bodies as hard as steel, and ordinary bullets can hardly cause effective damage to them. The body strength of advanced genetically modified creatures has reached a level that is unimaginable to humans. The hot weapons that humans are proud of can hardly cause effective damage to them, and human society was destroyed in a short time.

Until someone discovered that the genetically modified fluid in the body of genetically modified creatures can make humans grow incredibly metamorphosed like insects turning into butterflies, evolve into a body like metal armor, and use genetically modified keys to control genetically modified creatures and turn them into pets, then they have the capital to fight against genetically modified creatures.

More than two hundred years later, it is an era where mutants and mutant pets are rampant. Bases built with mutant biological materials are increasingly appearing around the world, and human civilization is gradually showing signs of revival.

"It's really true. This is unscientific!" Lin Shen looked at the strange creature that stood motionless in front of him like a statue, his eyes full of uncontrollable surprise.

This is a steel-level mutant creature, like a horse or a cow, with a pig iron-like luster all over its body. At this time, it is standing there motionlessly in the posture of a horse stepping on a flying swallow. Anyone who sees it would think it is a pig iron statue.

But Lin Shen is extremely sure that it is not a statue, because a few minutes ago, it was still rushing like a tank and almost knocked him to the ground.

Although this is only the lowest-level steel creature among the mutant creatures, its strength and speed are not comparable to ordinary humans. Even creatures such as elephants and rhinos with natural divine power cannot match it.

But Lin Shen only tapped its body with his finger, and this iron-level iron-horned beast was frozen there as if it had been acupunctured.

Of course, Lin Shen did not know how to acupuncture. In fact, the legendary martial arts of acupuncture had long been scientifically proven to be non-existent.

Even today when humans can practice evolution, no matter how strong their own strength becomes, even if they can penetrate a steel plate with one finger, it is impossible to acupuncture an ordinary human, let alone a steel-hard genetically modified creature.

Lin Shen stroked his fingers, still a little unbelievable, he actually did it.

Not long ago, he found a very strange genetically modified egg in the warehouse. The so-called genetically modified egg is actually an egg laid by a genetically modified creature.

Since the emergence of genetically modified creatures, it has been more than two hundred years, and humans have long developed a complete set of theories and methods for using genetically modified creatures to practice evolution.

Genetic mutation eggs are not rare things. Some low-level genetically modified eggs are not much more valuable than a meal.

Lin Shen was also a person who was engaged in the business of genetic mutation eggs. He had seen countless kinds of genetic mutation eggs, but he had never seen such a weird and bizarre genetic mutation egg.

The genetic mutation egg was like a mosaic, and the whole body was covered with constantly changing small colored light grids, which looked dreamy and unreal.

Lin Shen studied it for a long time, but he did not find any difference in the genetic mutation egg. Even when he asked his shop assistants to look at it, they could not see the changing mosaic on the genetic mutation egg at all. In their eyes, it was an ordinary steel-grade genetic mutation egg emitting a black metallic luster.

This made Lin Shen think that he had hallucinations for a while, until after he slept, the genetic mutation egg inexplicably returned to normal. After the mosaic phenomenon was no longer there, Lin Shen found that there was an extra piece of information in his mind inexplicably.

[Failed Super-Gene Evolution Spark-Acupuncture: Affect the state of the creature by hitting the acupuncture points on the creature. 】

After that, things gradually became weird. As long as Lin Shen stared at a creature for a long time, he could see some faint light spots appearing on the creature. Whether it was on humans or genetically modified creatures, those light spots could be seen. The only difference was the number and location.

Ordinary humans would have more light spots on their bodies. The higher the level of genetically modified humans and genetically modified creatures, the fewer light spots they would have.

Lin Shen couldn't hold back, and finally did an experiment on the iron-horned beast he kept at home today. The result surprised him greatly. He actually acupunctured the iron-horned beast.

Standing on the side of the iron-horned beast, Lin Shen stretched out his finger again and pressed the faint light spot on the iron-horned beast. The iron-horned beast, which had been fixed there like a statue, instantly returned to its original running state and rushed out at once. It couldn't stop and crashed into the metal fence, making a low cry of pain.

"The failed evolutionary fire is so terrifying, what if it is a successful evolutionary fire?" Lin Shen was so excited that he couldn't express it in words. If such a fire was used to hunt genetically modified creatures, it would be invincible.

try{ggauto;} catch(ex){}

As if he had thought of something, Lin Shen ran out of the animal pen, closed the door and hurried to the warehouse. He wanted to see if there were any other genetically modified eggs with fire.

In the huge warehouse, rows of shelves were filled with many genetic mutation eggs. Most of these genetic mutation eggs were low-grade goods, but this was not the point, because the genetic mutation egg with the fire was also low-grade goods. In fact, there were no high-grade genetic mutation eggs in his store.

He looked through all the genetic mutation eggs in the warehouse, but was a little disappointed. He did not see any genetic mutation eggs covered by mosaics.

"That's right. When these genetic mutation eggs were put into the warehouse, I put them on the shelves myself. If there were any, I should have seen them a long time ago." Lin Shen shook his head, thinking that he was a little too greedy. It was an unimaginable miracle to have such a fire, so how could he expect more?

Restraining his excitement, Lin Shen went to the store.

His store was an egg grabbing store, similar to the very popular claw doll store in the past. In each egg grabbing machine, there were several genetic mutation eggs, and the eggs inside could be grabbed by inserting coins.

Of course, the probability of successful catching is adjusted to be quite low, which can basically be said to be a sure win business.

"Fifth brother, there are still not many people today." Zhao Li, a clerk, saw Lin Shen coming and walked out from behind the counter. She looked at the empty store and said with some concern: "Fifth brother, we have to find a way to get some high-grade genetic mutation eggs, otherwise the business will be taken away by the Easter egg shop next door."

"Yeah." Lin Shen nodded slightly, but didn't say much.

He is the fifth child in the family, with three older brothers and a sister, so Zhao Li usually calls him Fifth Brother.

"The Easter egg shop next door is really bullying. Their clerks came to our store today to pull people in, and said that the genetic mutation eggs in our store are garbage, and the claws are very loose, even if they are caught, they are garbage..." Zhao Li said indignantly.

Lin Shen didn't want to listen to her complaints, because his eyes were completely attracted by an egg grabbing machine, staring at the egg grabbing machine.

To be precise, he was attracted by a genetic mutation egg in the egg-catching machine, because he saw the weird mosaic again.

"There is still one?" Lin Shen was surprised and walked to the front of the egg-catching machine in disbelief, staring at the genetic mutation egg wrapped in mosaic inside, and said to Zhao Li anxiously: "Go and get the key."

After Zhao Li got the key, Lin Shen opened the egg-catching machine, took out the mosaic genetic mutation egg from it, and looked at it carefully in his hand.

Although the size of this genetic mutation egg is different from the previous one, the brilliance of the mosaic is almost the same.

"Fifth brother, is there any problem with this genetic mutation egg?" Zhao Li asked doubtfully.

"Don't you think there is something different about this genetic mutation egg?" Lin Shen did not answer, but asked instead.

"Is there anything different? Isn't it just a steel-level knife demon genetic mutation egg?" Zhao Li looked left and right, but didn't see anything different about this genetic mutation egg, and the doubt on her face became even stronger.

"Take good care of the store. I have something to do and will go back first." Lin Shen said nothing more and left with the genetic mutation egg.

He was extremely confused because the business was not good recently. The genetic mutation eggs in the egg-catching machine were put in a week or even earlier. He had seen it countless times and had not found such a situation before. Why did there suddenly appear such a genetic mutation egg with mosaics?

Lin Shen did not understand why there was suddenly such a genetic mutation egg with mosaics. After returning home, he studied it for a long time, but he did not figure out how to transfer the fire to himself.

In fact, how did the mosaic of the previous genetic mutation egg transfer to himself, Lin Shen still did not figure it out.

He had studied the genetic mutation egg for a long time before, but he did not figure out why there was a mosaic. Later, he was so sleepy that he fell asleep and put the genetic mutation egg next to him. As a result, when he woke up, the mosaic on the genetic mutation egg was gone, and there was more fire information in his mind.

"It seems that I can only try again. I hope it will work." Lin Shen lay on the bed, put the gene-mutated egg beside him, and struggled for a long time. He tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep. He didn't know how long it took before he finally fell asleep again.

When Lin Shen woke up the next day, his first reaction was to look at the gene-mutated egg beside him.

After seeing it, Lin Shen suddenly felt like he had eaten a ginseng fruit, and the pores all over his body seemed to be cheering.

The mosaic on the gene-mutated egg disappeared, and a fire seed information appeared in his mind.

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