Ultrabasic evolution

Chapter 120 The Egg Cracked

Thinking about it, he felt that this was not very elegant. If someone fell in from the grass cave and saw him, he would not be able to explain himself, and it would not be good for Bai Shenfei's reputation.

But he did not bring a tent or anything like that. He was not out camping, so who would bring that kind of thing?

Lin Shen had no choice but to take off his white robe and cover Bai Shenfei's body, including her face, so that even if others saw him, they would not know who was sleeping next to him.

Opportunities are rare, and they will never come back. In order to get the fire from Bai Shenfei, Lin Shen did not care about much and slept next to her.

Thinking about it, it was still not appropriate. He was wearing a red tights and a helmet, sleeping next to a woman. What if Bai Shenfei woke up first and thought he was a pervert? That would be bad.

Lin Shen quickly took off his battle suit and helmet, changed back into his own clothes, put the other things in the package on the back of the big red bull, and let the dead powder get into his clothes and wrap around his body, and then he lay down next to Bai Shenfei again.

"Even if Concubine Bai wakes up first, she won't do anything wrong when she sees me." Lin Shen wanted to fall asleep quickly, but he couldn't.

It's not that he has any idea about Concubine Bai. In fact, he can't see what Concubine Bai looks like. Men are visual animals. If he can't see anything, then he really has no idea.

The problem is that he is really not sleepy now. He has no sleepiness at all.

In desperation, Lin Shen took out the two eggs he got from the treasure chest and played with them in his hands.

These two eggs are very strange. They are the size of ostrich eggs. The shell is not metal or crystal, but an eggshell similar to an egg.

There is a red mark on both eggs. The difference is that there is a red mark on each of the two eggs, as if it was stained with blood.

The two marks are also different. One mark looks like a red heart, and the other mark is a red dot.

Other than that, Lin Shen can't see what's special about these two eggs.

"Is this thing really a treasure left by the Ancient Realm King?" Lin Shen was not sure, but he still did not quite believe that these two eggs were the most precious things of the Ancient Realm King.

What was in the last treasure chest and who took it away were also the questions in Lin Shen's mind.

Someone came earlier than him and Bai Shenfei. If that person did not have the key, the things in the other two treasure chests would definitely not be saved.

"Who could it be? Tianxin? With his narcissistic personality, it is possible that he would leave such a note." Lin Shen thought for a while and felt a little sleepy. He put away the two eggs and turned to look at Bai Shenfei again. Seeing that she was breathing evenly, she should be better, but she was still unconscious.

Lin Shen closed his eyes and tried his best to relax. After a while, he really fell asleep.

I don't know how long it took, Bai Shenfei slowly opened her eyes, and there was a white in front of her. Realizing something, Bai Shenfei stretched out her hand and slowly pulled open the white robe covering her, looking at the situation outside with a cold look.

Turning around, she saw Lin Shen lying next to her, and Bai Shenfei's eyes suddenly condensed.

A man and a woman were lying alone in a cave, and she was covered with a white robe, which was Lin Shen's clothes.

Concubine Bai immediately imagined a lot of scenes in her mind, and her eyes suddenly turned red, staring at Lin Shen who was still asleep beside her.

Lin Shen was a normal person, and his thinking was naturally normal.

Concubine Bai's robe and shoes were still neat, and normal people should think that nothing happened.

Besides, women should be able to feel whether something happened or not.

However, Concubine Bai was not a completely normal person. She was devoted to cultivation and participated in the research of "Talent Theory" since she was a child. Her lifelong wish was to practice "Talent Theory".

She had almost no contact with men and women, and had never thought about it. At most, she thought about finding a double cultivation partner in the future, but no one taught her about men and women.

Concubine Bai was naive in this regard. Although she occasionally heard about it, she only had a half-understanding.

The only thing to blame was that the education in this era was really too imperfect, and there were no physiological hygiene classes.

Concubine Bai's understanding of physiological knowledge is only slightly better than those women who think that kissing can give birth to a child. She knows that she has to do something unspeakable, but that's all.

In Concubine Bai's opinion, Lin Shen must have taken advantage of her to do something to her by sleeping with her like this. She has no experience and doesn't know what it feels like after that.

In fact, it can't be blamed entirely on Concubine Bai. When she was desperately killing those three-headed and six-armed monsters, the power she burst out tore her underwear inside. The wide robe and shoes outside were still intact, but it was not like this inside. No wonder she thought too much.

Lin Shen certainly didn't pay attention to what was going on inside her, and didn't know that there would be such a thing. He thought that he was fully prepared and Concubine Bai would definitely not misunderstand him.

Concubine Bai gritted her teeth and stared at the sleeping Lin Shen, slowly raised her hand, but didn't let it fall, her eyes changed and her expression was extremely complicated.

After a long time, Concubine Bai didn't know what she thought of. She put down her hand and glared at Lin Shen fiercely, then turned and left with some staggers.

Lin Shen was awakened by this time, but he didn't dare to open his eyes. He was thinking about how to tell Bai Shenfei about this, but he heard the footsteps of Bai Shenfei leaving.

"That's good." Lin Shen thought it was good, so he didn't have to say anything more.

Besides, he really didn't know what to say. Although he didn't do anything, it was hard to explain why you slept next to someone.

Since Concubine Bai doesn't mind

, that's all the better.

How could he know that Concubine Bai didn't mind, but had a big misunderstanding.

"Strange, why is there no new fire information?" After Lin Shen was awakened, he was thinking about how to explain to Concubine Bai. Only then did he realize that he didn't seem to get any new fire!

He quickly opened his eyes and stood up to look in the direction where Concubine Bai left, but saw that Concubine Bai had already walked to the gap in the waterway. Under the sunlight shining in from the hole, he could see that the mosaic on her body was still there.

"Is it because I didn't hold her to sleep?" Lin Shen was a little depressed. With such a rare opportunity, he couldn't get the fire. It would be difficult to find such an opportunity in the future.

"Does it have to be held to sleep? In the past, I just kept those genetic mutation eggs by my side, and I didn't hold them all the time!" Lin Shen couldn't figure out what went wrong for a while.

Just as he was thinking, he suddenly heard the sound of something cracking from the backpack. Lin Shen was slightly startled, but he reacted in an instant, and quickly took the backpack over and unzipped it to take a look.

As he thought, cracks appeared on the top of the two eggs, and it was estimated that the genetically modified creatures inside were about to come out.

Lin Shen was still thinking about how to hatch them, but he didn't expect them to come out by themselves.

"I wonder what it will be?" Lin Shen was still looking forward to the genetically modified creatures inside.

He took the two eggs out of the backpack and put them on the ground, watching the cracks on the two eggs increase.

Finally, one of the eggshells split into two, and a small figure rolled out from it.

Then the other eggshell also split into two, and another small figure rolled out.

After seeing the appearance of the two little things clearly, Lin Shen couldn't help but widen his eyes.

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