Ultrabasic evolution

Chapter 145: The Murderous Devil

Although he had an original seed egg in his hand, there was a problem that troubled Lin Shen.

There is also a quality gap between the original eggs. For example, the original egg used by Wei Wufu turned into mutated steel after genetic transformation, while the original egg he used became super-base steel after genetic transformation.

Now Lin Shen didn't know what the quality of the original egg in his hand was. If it was just mutated, whether it would have any effect on him after use.

Lin Shen also tried to use a mechanical watch to read the information of the original egg, but the result was that it could not be scanned, which made him a little depressed. In the end, he decided to wait for Wei Wufu to come back before making any plans.

Wei Wufu should also bring him an original seed egg, and we can compare it then.

"It's been a while since Wei Wufu left. Why haven't you come back yet?" He was really not used to not having Wei Wufu around these days.

When the time came, Lin Shen was teleported back to his bedroom and lay down on the bed to sleep.

Others thought he slept in all day long, but they never imagined that every night he would go to Kaiwang to fight until dawn, just like those students who sleep in class and study secretly at home.

In the square of Xuanniao base, a tall man wearing overalls, a sweatshirt and sneakers was sitting on a bench, wearing a sweatshirt hat, his head slightly lowered so that no one could see his face.

He was very quiet, sitting there motionless, just watching the people coming and going in the square.

A pair of young parents came to the square with a seven or eight-year-old child. The child was very naughty and kept yelling. He also deliberately ran past a girl who was reading a book and knocked the girl's hand. milk.

The girl was a little angry, stood up and said to the child's parents: "Can you take care of your children?"

"He's still a child, why are you arguing with him? It's just a glass of milk. Is there any need to make a fuss?" the child's mother said casually, not taking it to heart at all.

The girl wanted to say something, but unfortunately she was a little shy and didn't know how to refute the child's mother.

The child's mother ignored her and continued walking around the square with her husband, talking and laughing.

Because of the arrival of this child, there was a lot of excitement in the square.

Suddenly, the child saw the strange man sitting quietly on the bench. He didn't know if there was something wrong with his mind. He ran to the man, stretched out his hand and pulled the man's clothes, and then ran away quickly, far away. Making faces at men.

Seeing that the man ignored him and didn't even raise his head, the boy ran over again and kicked the man's legs with his toes.

His mother and father took a look and saw that the man didn't react at all, so they didn't care. They turned around and continued talking and laughing.

"Ah!" The girl not far away suddenly screamed. Her eyes widened and she looked in the direction of the bench in horror.

She was angry, so she looked at the boy from time to time, and saw that the boy was actually kicking the man, laughing while kicking him. She wanted to go over and stop him, and then argue with the child's parents.

Who knew that when the boy kicked the man again, one of the man's hands raised up, grabbed the boy's head, and pushed him to the ground.


Blood and bones splashed on the ground, and a dent was made in the steel floor.

The girl screamed in horror, and everyone looked in the direction she was looking. Their eyes widened in the next second.

The child's parents saw this scene and stood there dumbly, as if they had not yet reacted.

Finally, the child's mother let out a heartbreaking scream and rushed towards the man like an angry lioness, while an alloy carapace appeared on her body.

The child's father yelled and rushed forward, with an alloy carapace also appearing on his body.

The two of them, one on the left and the other on the right, howled and punched the man in the head.


The two fists wrapped in alloy hit the man's face, one on the left and one on the right, both of them hit the man's face hard.

If it were an ordinary person, his head would probably be blown out.

But the man's head didn't move, and he still lowered his head.

The next second, the man raised his hands at the same time, holding down the heads of the woman and the man respectively, and directly pressed them to the ground.

There were two more splash-like patterns on the ground, intertwined with the previous patterns, indescribably weird and terrifying, and the whole family was neatly organized.

Everyone screamed and fled the square. The girl whose milk had been spilled by the boy earlier had weak legs. She wanted to run but could not move. Instead, she collapsed on the ground and the book in her hand fell to the ground.

The man stood up and walked towards the girl step by step.

The girl's face was full of fear, without a trace of blood. She was so frightened that she didn't know what to do, so she just sat on the ground blankly.

The man walked up to the girl, and the girl closed her eyes in fear, thinking that she would be killed, and her heart was filled with fear.

But after waiting for a while, he didn't feel his head being pressed by the bloody hand.

The girl's whole body was trembling, but she still couldn't help but opened her eyes. The scene in front of her made her a little stunned.

The man held the book she dropped in his hand, handed it to her, and looked at her quietly.

The girl finally saw the face under the man's hat, half human and half steel, indescribably weird, but also unusually charming.

The girl subconsciously reached out to catch the book handed over by the man, and reflexively said thank you.

The man nodded slightly at her, then turned and left.

The girl stared blankly at the man's back as he went away. Everything that happened just now made her feel like she was dreaming.

Lin Shen, who had been busy all night, had just fallen asleep when he was called by Uncle Lei.

"Master Xiao Wu, it's not good." Uncle Lei was knocking on the door outside in a hurry.

"Uncle Lei, what's the hurry so early in the morning?" Lin Shen yawned and opened the door.

"A murderer has come to the Xuanniao base." Uncle Lei said with a breath.

"Murderer?" Lin Shen was slightly stunned. This word was really unfamiliar to him.

In such an era, can killing a person count? How could someone be given the title of murderer?

"I don't know where a weirdo came from. He killed the people of the Qi family in the square. He didn't run away. He just wandered around in our base. After the people of the Qi family went over, he killed several more people. They had no power to fight back. The Qi family was scared of killing and dared not send anyone over." Uncle Lei said here, his face became even uglier.

"That's also the Qi family's business, why are you panicking?" Lin Shen said while drinking water.

"Master Wu, I can't help but panic. That murderous devil was strolling on Xuanniao Street and entered your store..." Uncle Lei said with a bitter face.

"Puff!" Lin Shen just drank the water in his mouth, and the water he hadn't swallowed yet spurted out. He widened his eyes and said, "My store? Which store of mine?"

"Which store? Your egg-catching store." Uncle Lei said.

Lin Shen threw down the water cup and ran out. There was only one Zhao Li in the store. Her family and the Lin family were also old neighbors. If Zhao Li was killed in his store, Lin Shen didn't know how to explain to her parents.

Even if there was no such relationship, Zhao Li had been with him for several years. He couldn't just watch her die.

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