Ultrabasic evolution

Chapter 148 Return my things

"I have no interest in your life. If you catch it, don't kill people casually in the future." Lin Shen thought for a while and said.

If the weirdo agreed, at least he couldn't kill people in the Xuanniao base. Lin Shen also wanted to protect the Lin family.

Otherwise, even if Lin Shen won, he didn't kill Lin Shen this time, but with such a murderous devil in the Xuanniao base, who knows what will happen.

"You still want my life." Who knows that the weirdo just said coldly, then turned around and continued to catch eggs.

Lin Shen didn't know whether what the weirdo said was true or false, and who knew if he would really keep his promise after losing.

If he really went to kill the weirdo, and the weirdo didn't keep his promise and killed him back, wouldn't Lin Shen lose a lot.

Seeing that the weirdo couldn't catch the eggs again and again, Lin Shen was slightly shocked.

Before Lin Shen came, the weirdo had exchanged 500 game coins. It should have caught one, but he didn't catch it.

Lin Shen exchanged 500 game coins for him again, and he caught it more than ten times. With so many times before, he should have caught it, but he still didn't catch it.

"Zhao Li didn't adjust the probability again!" Lin Shen looked at Zhao Li who was peeking outside the door.

Zhao Li had been with Lin Shen for several years after all, and she understood with this look, and shook her head outside.

"If it hasn't been adjusted, there shouldn't be a problem, or the last time the claws were tight enough, the weirdo just started playing and didn't seize the opportunity." Lin Shen thought to himself.

Seeing that the game coins in the weirdo's basket were gradually decreasing, Lin Shen couldn't help but get nervous: "Is there something wrong with the machine? Why haven't you caught it yet?"

Seeing that there were only a few game coins in the basket, Lin Shen couldn't help but secretly accumulate strength, planning to rush out with the Stepping Immortal Court immediately if he really lost.

Although the Stepping Immortal Court was not as fast as the weirdo, it was also the last ray of hope.

Now Lin Shen suspected that the weirdo had tampered with the machine, otherwise why couldn't he catch it.

Just as Lin Shen was thinking about it, he suddenly heard the joyful music coming from the egg-catching machine, and the colored light bulbs on the machine also flashed.

"Caught it!" Lin Shen breathed a sigh of relief, at least this level was over, and he didn't know if the weirdo would embarrass him again.

After the weirdo caught it, he didn't take the fallen genetic eggs. There were still a few coins in the basket, and he didn't continue playing, but stood up directly.

Watching the weirdo approaching step by step, Lin Shen frowned secretly: "Is he angry and wants to do it directly?"

"I'll give you my life, kill it." The weirdo walked in front of Lin Shen and said this coldly.

"Is it so casual?" Lin Shen looked at the motionless weirdo in front of him, with a very strange look.

"Forget it, go away." Lin Shen didn't want to take this risk.

"Don't you want my life?" The weirdo didn't leave, still looking at Lin Shen and said.

"I never said I wanted your life." Lin Shen frowned.

The weirdo looked at Lin Shen without saying anything, but slowly stretched out his hand.

Lin Shen immediately used the Immortal Stepping Court, stepped back and smashed the glass in an instant, turned around without hesitation and rushed away.

The weirdo was stunned for a moment, looking at Lin Shen who was running away on the long street like a wild horse, and the corner of his mouth on half of his face was slightly raised, revealing a weird smile.

The weirdo stepped out slowly, and everything around him seemed to be still. Everyone watched the weirdo walk out of the store and walk towards the direction where Lin Shen disappeared, and no one could move at all.

Lin Shen walked faster and faster, and the power in his body was like a roaring torrent, pushing his body forward and accelerating again and again.

His flesh and blood body was about to be crushed, and the steel shell automatically protected his body, and he rushed out of the Xuanniao base like the wind.

The speed was still increasing, and he had broken through the sound barrier. A cone-shaped gas explosion formed outside his body, breaking through the limit again and again with the sound of explosion.

The steel armor could not bear the impact and turned red and golden, like a meteor falling into the atmosphere and burning.

Wherever it passed, the surrounding grass and trees were blown to the sides by the air wave.

After running for a while, Lin Shen slowly stopped, and the red armor on his body gradually returned to the color of steel.

"Why don't you run away?" The weirdo's voice sounded behind Lin Shen.

"I can't run away, I just want to talk in another place." Lin Shen turned around and looked at the weirdo. He knew that the weirdo really wanted to chase him, and he couldn't even run out of the store.

"What did you say?" The weirdo looked at Lin Shen with interest and asked.

"Why do you have to kill me?" Lin Shen asked in a deep voice.

"Did I say I would kill you?" The weirdo smiled on half of his human face, but the other half of his steel face was motionless, looking extremely weird.

"Why do you reach out if you don't want to kill me?" Lin Shen was stunned for a moment.

"To get my things back." The weirdo said.

"Your things? What things?" Lin Shen was a little confused. He didn't remember when he took the weirdo's things.

When he was at the Frost Giant Tree, he didn't take anything.

"Could it be those Frost Warriors?" Lin Shen thought about it, and it seemed that was the only possibility.

"The transmitter on your wrist is mine." The weirdo looked at Lin Shen and said.

"Is this yours?" Lin Shen was shocked, and his fingers kept pressing the switch of the mechanical watch.

He didn't actually run out

He really wanted to escape, but he wanted to change a place to start teleporting and go directly to King Kai. No matter how fast the monster was, he couldn't catch up to King Kai.

If the monster caught up with him at the beginning, he would have teleported just now. It didn't matter if he was seen. Saving his life was the first priority.

Unexpectedly, the monster just followed him and had no intention of getting close. Lin Shen ran all the way out of the base.

The monster nodded, but his eyes were always looking at Lin Shen.

This was Lin Shen's last means of saving his life. If he gave it to the monster, the monster would kill him, and he would no longer have the ability to protect himself.

If he didn't give it, even if he teleported to King Kai, the monster knew the ability of the watch and would definitely wait for him to come back here, and he would still be in trouble.

Lin Shen gritted his teeth and pressed the switch of the watch directly.

He didn't waste words with the monster, because he knew that maybe as long as he said something wrong, the monster would take his life.

He didn't want to give the watch to the monster, which would be equivalent to handing his life over to the monster.

Even if his chances of survival were slim, he would still take a chance, and he would rather die in his own hands.

"Is it so difficult to follow the rules?" The weirdo watched Lin Shen press the switch, but did not stop him. Disappointment appeared on his face, and he muttered to himself: "I thought he was an interesting guy, but he turned out to be a boring person. He could be free if he let go, so why did he choose death?"

At the moment when Lin Shen pressed the switch, the weirdo's metal finger moved, and the wheel on the watch jumped inexplicably.

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