Ultrabasic evolution

Chapter 169: Evil ways

Lin Shen heard from Bai Shenfei that the recent research of the Bai family showed that even without dual cultivation, men can practice "Talent Theory", but they need to castrate themselves.

Hearing Ouyang Yudu say this, Lin Shen was shocked and thought: "Ouyang Yudu is such a good young man, wouldn't he want to castrate himself to practice?"

Shocked, Lin Shen's rules were messed up, and he was almost injured by the super-burning warrior who rushed up.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough, stabilized the situation, and beat the super-burning warrior back.

Ouyang Yudu trembled when he heard Lin Shen's self-castration. Although his psychological quality was better than Lin Shen, he was still a little confused for a while.

That is, his strength was strong enough to force the formation to hold down the formation without any mistakes.

Most people can't see any problems, but Xun Jian and Ouyang Juemiao are a little surprised. They didn't expect that Ouyang Yudu would make mistakes, which is really rare.

"Who wants to castrate himself? What I mean is that others can't break through, but I can. Just because others can't do it doesn't mean I can't do it either." Ouyang Yudu's tone was more or less angry, and even as gentle as he was, he cursed.

"I see, then you should work hard." Lin Shen said this, but he was thinking in his heart: "Tu Xiaodao also thought so at the beginning, but he didn't practice "Talent Theory" either."

Lin Shen himself didn't think about changing his fate, he still prefers to go with the flow, it's so tiring to go against the flow.

After getting the answer from Lin Shen, Ouyang Yudu didn't say anything more, and fought with all his strength to repel the Super Burning Legion's charge again and again.

Ouyang Yudu was indeed a natural talent. He not only learned Wei Wufu's axe skills, but also Wei Wufu's precise control skills for strength.

Ouyang Yudu had rotated several times before, and the last time he only lasted for more than an hour, and the base-changing shell could no longer be maintained.

This time, he persisted for two hours, and it seemed that he still had some strength to spare.

"There are some problems with your axe skills. Let me teach you how to use the axe correctly." Ouyang Yudu said while fighting.

"Not interested." Lin Shen was in no mood to study axe skills. The ability to save life in the Immortal Court was much stronger than the axe.

"Then you have to ask for something. I can't ask for your answer for nothing." Ouyang Yudu thought for a while and said, "How about this, I will teach you a set of techniques I created."

"Okay, go ahead." Lin Shen didn't want to pester him anymore. If Ouyang Yudu wanted to teach, he would teach him. After teaching, he would shut up and save him from talking all the time.

"My set of self-created techniques is called the crooked way. You should remember the secret first, and then I will show you the moves." Ouyang Yudu's voice was like a thin line that entered Lin Shen's ears. Even in such a noisy place, the voice was still deafening in Lin Shen's ears.

But the people next to him seemed to be completely deaf, and the people watching the fight didn't hear anything either.

"The orthodox and orthodox are all the great way, the great way is like music, the mountains and rivers, the sun sinking and the moon setting, everything in the world has its own rhythm. Between one breath and another, there is also the change of the rhythm of heaven and earth. Those who are good at observing the changes of heaven and earth know their laws, and they are in harmony with their bodies. Every move they make is in accordance with the laws of nature..." Ouyang Yudu said while fighting.

"I am not well educated, can you explain it in a simpler and easier way?" Lin Shen sighed, Ouyang Yudu's language, which sounded like chanting, made him dizzy.

"To put it simply, fighting also has a rhythm, and most people fight according to the rhythm. And this set of unorthodox techniques I created is to specifically block the rhythm of others, making the opponent very uncomfortable. It's like singing. When others sing, they sing on the beat, but you can sing without being on the beat, disrupting the opponent's rhythm and leading him astray..." Ouyang Yudu changed to simple and easy-to-understand words to explain.

"Can you play like this? I like this." Lin Shen was really interested when he heard Ouyang Yudu say that.

"Then listen carefully, remember all the heart formulas, and then I will teach you how to block the points." Ouyang Yudu began to teach Lin Shen the heart formulas over and over again.

Unfortunately, Lin Shen did not have a super memory, nor did he have the ability to split his attention. He had to remember the heart formulas while fighting, and Ouyang Yudu repeated it many times before he could remember the heart formulas.

Ouyang Yudu was not impatient at all, and repeated it over and over again until Lin Shen remembered it completely. He was still very fierce while doing two things at the same time, killing the super-burning warriors and retreating continuously.

"You have memorized the heart formula, and now I will show you how to block the points. This is the basis of the crooked way. If you can't learn to block the points, you can't continue with the following ones." Ouyang Yudu said while demonstrating.

His momentum changed, and his axe skills were no longer the kind of big opening and closing like Wei Wufu. The timing and angle of each axe shot became very weird.

Not to mention the super-burning warriors fighting with him, even the people watching him fighting felt very awkward.

How to say it, it feels like when watching a movie, the sound track and the picture are not synchronized, always misplaced a little, making people feel very uncomfortable.

The people watching are uncomfortable, and the opponents are even more uncomfortable. With just a few axes, a crystal-based super-burning warrior was chopped down by Ouyang Yudu.

"Interesting, I like this thing." The more Lin Shen looked at it, the more he felt that this technique called "Evil Door" was interesting.

Normal boring things really don't interest Lin Shen, but interesting techniques like this one, Lin Shen is particularly interested.

Ouyang Yudu demonstrated and explained at the same time, telling Lin Shen what to do to effectively get stuck, as well as some of his own experiences.

Lin Shen listened for a while and looked more and more

The more excited I felt, I couldn't help but try it myself.

The super-burning warrior who was originally fighting with Lin Shen with a battle ax suddenly found that his battle ax had just been withdrawn and before he could charge up the force to strike again, Lin Shen's battle ax unexpectedly struck at this moment. , which made him confused for a moment, and Lin Shen's head was beheaded by Lin Shen inexplicably with just a few blows of an axe.

Ouyang Yu was slightly surprised when he saw such a scene.

He saw that Lin Shen was not learning ax skills quickly and his memory was not very good, so he thought that Lin Shen might not be able to learn the "Crooked Way" in a while.

Who knew how long it had only taken before Lin Shen had already used the "Crooked Way" technique.

Although it is only the simplest entry-level technique and the use is very rough, there is nothing wrong with it, and the effect is very significant.

"Interesting, you are really interesting." Ouyang Yu couldn't help laughing.

"You are also a very interesting person who can create such a technique." Lin Shen also laughed.

"Hey, are those two people chatting?" Someone finally discovered that Lin Shen and Ouyang Yu seemed to be talking while fighting, but they didn't know what they said.

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