Ultrabasic evolution

Chapter 178: Fisherman

"Let me choke you, do you call that thing a fish?" Lin Shen was secretly shocked.

What surfaced was only part of the thing's body, but it didn't look like a fish.

The body covered with black scales looked like ink jade, and the exposed part was more than two meters long. It also had wavy fins. Lin Shen even saw a talon like an eagle's claw.

The waves below were rolling more violently, and more of the thing was exposed to the water from time to time. The more Lin Shen looked at it, the more he felt that it shouldn't be called a fish, and that it seemed more appropriate to call it a dragon.

A black jade dragon that is more than ten meters long is very similar to a dragon except that it has no dragon horns.

There is no doubt that this is a crystal-based creature. Lin Shen originally thought that the man would just catch a steel creature or something, but he didn't expect to catch a crystal-based creature that looked like a dragon.

"Who is this person? Is this okay?" Lin Shen looked at the man in shock. The fishing rod in his hand didn't look like much, but he could pull with the crystal-based creature for such a long time without breaking, which showed that it was anything but ordinary. thing.

While Lin Shen was still shocked, the man had completely gained the upper hand and forcefully pulled half of the body of the black jade dragon out of the water.

The black jade dragon tossed desperately in the air, its tail slapping the water surface, stirring up waves of ten feet.

But no matter how hard it tried, it couldn't escape.

The man quickly retreated and pulled half of the black jade dragon's body to the shore. Then he picked up the net next to him and hit the black jade dragon's head hard.

The black jade dragon suddenly rolled its eyes, its body went limp, and it became unresponsive even when the man pulled it ashore.

"Awesome!" Lin Shen sincerely praised him. This was the first time he saw someone fishing for this thing.

"It's okay, it's a little small." The man said this in his mouth, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that the raised corners of his mouth were harder to suppress than AK's.

After pulling the black jade dragon completely ashore, Lin Shen originally thought he would start killing the dragon to obtain the genetic fluid. Who knew that the man took out a retro-looking card camera from somewhere, handed it to Lin Shen and said: " Take a picture for me."

Fortunately, Lin Shen knew how to use a camera. There were many antique cameras in the third brother's house. He had taught Lin Shen how to take pictures before, but Lin Shen had no interest in learning.

At the beginning, Lin Shen followed the third brother out to take pictures with great interest. However, in order to take a picture of the sunrise, the third brother had to squat on the mountain in the cold wind for most of the night. It was really boring.

The few times Lin Shen left the Xuanniao base, most of them went to take pictures with his third brother. The experience was very bad, and he lost interest in going there again.

But one time Lin Shen went to the third brother's room to wait for him. When he was bored, he accidentally looked through some of his photo albums, which shocked Lin Shen.

Of the scenery, flowers and plants that Lin Shen took him to take pictures of before, he didn't see any of them, but there were many pictures of beautiful women who were wearing very economical clothes.

At that time, Lin Shen was wondering whether the third brother deliberately took him to take those landscape photos in order to persuade him to quit.

If he had known that he could take pictures of these things, how could Lin Shen give up.

After taking a few photos of the man with the black jade dragon, Lin Shen returned the camera to the man.

The man took it and looked at it. He seemed quite satisfied. After putting away the camera, he took the fishhook out of the mouth of the black jade dragon.

The man's next move stunned Lin Shen again. He actually pushed the black jade dragon back into the river.

The black jade dragon was stirred by the current, and after reflecting a little, it swam around the river bank for a few times, then swung its tail and plunged into the deep water and disappeared.

"Why did you let it go?" Lin Shen felt that it was such a pity. This thing might still be a mutation.

"It's useless not to let it go." The man said, and sat down on the reef again, hung the bait again, swung the hook, and started fishing again.

"Is this a joke? If you don't want it, why are you fishing for it?" Lin Shen looked at the man with a complicated expression.

He didn't take the man's words seriously just now, but seeing that the man was able to catch crystal-based creatures was a bit abnormal.

He said that there were ghosts in the forest across the way, and maybe there was something wrong with it. It wasn't necessarily a real ghost, it was just that his statement was rather different.

"Brother, you just said that there are ghosts in the forest opposite. I wonder if you can explain it in detail?" Lin Shen thought for a while and asked.

"I have never been to the other side, but I have seen some people go there and then never come out again. The only one who came out became crazy, as if he was possessed by an evil spirit." The man paused and said, "You want to If we go there, we have to find a way to cross the river first.”

"Will the genetically modified creatures in this river attack people crossing the river?" Lin Shen asked.

"It's very small, but the gravity on the river is much stronger than in other places. Wood cannot float on it, and balloons will sink into the river. It's still not easy to get over." The man said.

Lin Shen was startled when he heard this. He quickly took out a metal lunch box from his backpack and threw it into the river.

The principle of a metal lunch box is the same as that of a boat. If it falls on the river, it should float.

But it didn't even wait for it to land on the river. While it was in the air, it seemed to be pulled by a huge force. It instantly deformed and plunged into the river and disappeared.

Lin Shen was shocked when he saw it: "It's such a strong gravity. Fortunately, I didn't jump over it just now. With such a strong gravity, I might have been pulled down while in the air."

Thinking of this, Lin Shen felt even more unusual when he saw this man.

The river is so weird and the gravity is unusual. He can pull up a crystal-based creature that is more than ten meters long. Just this power is scary enough.

"What do you call your friends?" Lin Shen asked casually.

But the man just smiled and didn't answer. Lin Shen reacted immediately. When the man asked him just now, he didn't answer. Now it was his turn not to answer.

"The debt was paid off really quickly." Lin Shen didn't care. Originally, he didn't reveal his identity, but Lin Shen secretly nicknamed him "Fisherman" in his heart.

"Friend, I'm leaving first. I'll see you again later." Lin Shen was already ready to leave. He didn't know the nature of water and was unwilling to forcefully cross the river. What's more, there might be something strange in the forest opposite, so it was better not to go.

"See you soon." The fisherman responded in a friendly manner.

Lin Shen turned around and just took a few steps when he suddenly saw a familiar figure appearing in the sky in the distance, coming towards here.

"Hey! Why did Tianxin come here? The grassy slope should be quite far from the seaside, right?" Lin Shen saw Tianxin and left in no hurry.

Since Tianxin is here, it means that this place should not be far from the seaside. If you can ask for a way out, it would be good to go to the seaside. There are many mutant creatures there. With Lin Shen's current strength, he is not afraid of mutant crystals. Great opportunity to harvest mutations quickly.

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