Ultrabasic evolution

Chapter 182 Yi Jingchan

"I'm in a good mood today, let's escape." The fisherman shook the fishing rod and threw Tianxin, who was tied up, out.

Tianxin quickly got up and limped away. He didn't want to stay in this broken place for a second.

After robbing and killing, he finally got so many belongings, and returned to the pre-liberation era overnight.

Lin Shen wanted to stop Tianxin and ask him how to get to the beach from the grass slope, but after he called, Tianxin ran faster, regardless of the injuries on his body, and forced himself to fly and escape.

"Come on, don't waste time, I'll teach you how to use the rod first." The fisherman stopped Lin Shen.

Lin Shen had to give up the idea of ​​chasing Tianxin, and the fisherman said he would let him go, so he couldn't refuse the fisherman's face, after all, the person was caught by the fisherman.

"I created this fishing rod method when I was bored while fishing. There are 37 moves in total. I will teach you how to practice these 37 moves first. The first move is called Taigong Fishing... The second move is called Misty Waves Angler... The third move is called Pointing to the Sky to Shoot Fish... The fourth move is called Fisherman's Profit... The fifth move is called Seeking Fish from a Tree..." The fisherman taught Lin Shen the 37 moves and the practice methods one by one.

The moves and practice methods can actually be regarded as a whole. The moves are how to do them specifically, and the practice methods are the core technical training methods of this move.

For example, if you want to dunk, the dunking action is the move, and the core technology is that you need to jump high or have strong enough core strength in your waist and abdomen.

The practice method is to teach you how to jump high and how to exercise your core strength. Only when you meet these standards can you use those cool-looking skills.

But if you can do those moves directly, it means that you already have the core technology, and naturally you don't need the practice method.

The more Lin Shen listened, the more he felt that this rod method was indeed interesting. Each move was unexpected and very different from normal sword and knife skills. Most of the skills were fresh and had never been heard of before. It was really interesting.

Lin Shen carefully wrote down what the fisherman taught him and prepared to find time to practice it well. He felt that many rod techniques could be used on die-hard fans.

After the fisherman finished teaching, he lent his fishing rod to Lin Shen and asked him to practice a few times to get a feel for it, while he watched from the side.

"This kid has good talent. Although he can't be said to learn it in one go, he has learned it very solidly..." The fisherman watched for a while and felt that Lin Shen had practiced well.

The more bizarre the technique, the higher the requirements for basic skills. The fisherman saw that Lin Shen was trying hard to do a good job of the basics, which showed that he already knew what the core of this rod method was, which made the fisherman quite satisfied.

It is naturally best to learn it in one go, but such geniuses are few after all. People who can have a big picture view, know what the focus of what they are learning, and how to learn are also very good choices.

"If he can persevere, although it is difficult to achieve the achievements of my Yi Jingren, he should be able to learn 70% or 80%, which is enough for him to benefit for a lifetime." The fisherman nodded secretly.

The fisherman is Mrs. Ye's father Yi Jingren, which Lin Shen never expected.

Because decades ago, Yi Jingren was already an ascender, many people speculated that Yi Jingren might have been promoted to a higher level and went to the universe.

Lin Shen could not think that the mutator in front of him would be Yi Jingren.

Yi Jingren did not advance to a higher level, but chose to re-cultivate, simply because he felt that he was not satisfied with the path he had taken before, so he chose to start over again.

Of course, his re-cultivation is still somewhat different from the ordinary people who abandon their cultivation and start over.

Seeing that Lin Shen practiced well, Yi Jingren, who originally planned to leave after teaching, could not help but give a few more pointers.

Who knew that it would be better if he did not give pointers, but after his pointers, Lin Shen's practice was a little worse.

This made Yi Jingren feel a little depressed, thinking: "You practiced well without my guidance, but you practiced worse after I gave you guidance. Are you slapping me in the face?"

Yi Jingren felt that he couldn't just let it go, so he worked harder to guide Lin Shen, and even corrected Lin Shen's posture himself.

As a result, the more he guided and corrected, the worse Lin Shen practiced, and it was worse than before.

"Fuck, are you born in the year of the donkey? You don't move when you are beaten, and you go backwards when you are driven?" Yi Jingren felt that his blood pressure soared and he was about to have a heart attack.

"Don't be angry, don't be angry. I won't be angry if others are angry. Who would be happy if I die of anger..." Yi Jingren silently recited the Heart Sutra, and it took a long time for him to let out a long breath and disperse the anger in his heart.

Not every fisherman has a very good temper. Yi Jingren started fishing because of his bad temper.

Later, after fishing for a long time, his temper gradually improved a lot, especially in recent years, there are few people who can make him angry.

But today, he was really a little angry with Lin Shen. If he said that Lin Shen was not good at all, then Yi Jingren would not care.

But Lin Shen was obviously good at the beginning, but after his guidance, he became disabled. How could he face it?

"A Tian... don't be anxious... follow my movements again... you have to hold back a little... don't let go..." Yi Jingren spoke softly, and he looked even gentler and more patient than before.

But for some reason, Lin Shen always felt that there seemed to be a bit of a weird taste in Yi Jingren's gentle voice.

"No... do it again... it's still not right... do it again... don't be angry... don't be angry..."

"I don't get angry when others get angry, but if I get angry and sick, no one can help me..." Yi Jingren has been reciting the Heart Sutra silently for countless times, and he is reciting faster and faster.

"Why get angry over trivial matters? When you think about it, why bother...why...why...fuck you...what the hell are you practicing...how can you be so stupid...I have taught you so many times...dogs should have learned it...you are getting worse and worse...are you an octopus? Walk backwards..." After a long time, Yi Jingren completely exploded, pointing at Lin Shen's nose and cursing, then picked up his fishing rod, grabbed the crystal next to him, put it on his shoulder and turned around to leave.

Yi Jingren felt that he didn't want to see him again in his life. He had never seen such a stupid person. He felt that Lin Shen was practicing well at the beginning. He felt that he must have been blind at the beginning, or he might not have brought his glasses when he went out during that period.

"You were practicing well, why did you turn against me so suddenly..." Lin Shen stared at Yi Jingren as he disappeared into the distance.

He felt that he had practiced well. After Yi Jingren's guidance, he had a lot of insights, which could be described as a flood of ideas.

He really didn't understand why Yi Jingren got angry.

Fortunately, he had already learned the rod method, and he would practice slowly in the future.

Seeing that there were no outsiders, Lin Shen released the dead powder and let it swallow the body of the soul collector.

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