Ultrabasic evolution

Chapter 185 Metal Warrior

Lin Shen looked at the colorful desert in front of him with mixed feelings.

It took him seven or eight days to finally reach the area on the other side of the grass slope, and he found that it was actually a desert.

Looking at the scattered colored sand in the white sand, Lin Shen immediately realized that this should be the desert where the Frost Giant Tree was found.

But the Frost Giant Tree could not be seen here, and he did not know how far away it was.

"Did I walk for nothing these few days?" Lin Shen was not in a good mood, because he did not find any genetically modified creatures near the Frost Giant Tree last time.

It can be seen that the genetically modified biological resources in this desert are relatively scarce. No matter what the reason is, this is not the place Lin Shen needs.

Just as Lin Shen was considering which direction to go, he suddenly saw some figures appear in the desert.

Lin Shen took a closer look and was immediately surprised and surprised.

In the desert, a group of green metal giants appeared. They were more than three meters tall, and their bodies were piled up with green metal. They were alloy creatures at a glance, and there were more than a dozen of them.

Lin Shen was overjoyed. Seeing that there was no one around, he launched several crystal-based pets directly at the green metal giants.

The crystal-based pets fought with the green metal giants. The difference in level allowed them to quickly kill the green metal giants.

Lin Shen rode the big red bull to the bodies of the green metal giants and tried to decompose their metal bodies to see if there were any genetically modified eggs in their bodies.

Unfortunately, he found nothing and only collected some genetically modified liquid.

"It seems that there are creatures in the desert, but there are none near the frost giant tree." Lin Shen planned to go around in the desert first. If there are enough genetically modified creatures here, it would be a good place.

Except for the last time they were teleported to the fruit of the frost giant tree, no one has been seen teleported to the desert area.

This means that no one will compete with Lin Shen for the genetically modified resources here.

Lin Shen put away the big red bull and summoned the Hell Rock Crystal Dragon directly. He rode the dragon over the desert to look for nearby genetically modified creatures.

In the sky, Lin Shen soon found another group of metal giants, most of which were green giants, and there was also a blue metal giant.

"There is a mutation!" Lin Shen was overjoyed and immediately let the evil dragon fly over and launched the Frost Swordsman in the air.

The Frost Swordsman was high-level and powerful, and he killed the blue metal giant in one sword.

"Kill the mutant alloy creature Blue Gold Warrior." The information immediately appeared on the watch.

Under Lin Shen's control, the evil dragon grabbed the body of the blue metal giant, took the Frost Swordsman and flew away directly.

Ordinary alloys are useless to Lin Shen. He is unwilling to waste time killing them. Killing them is also a waste. It is better to leave them to those who need them.

This uncultivated virgin desert gave Lin Shen a lot of surprises. There are many metal warriors and many mutations.

There is a group of metal warriors almost every few miles. As long as the group of metal warriors is slightly larger, there will be blue gold warriors.

Unfortunately, after Lin Shen consumed the base mutation fluid of two blue gold warriors, their base mutation fluid no longer increased his base mutation rate.

Later, he saw many blue-gold warriors, but Lin Shen did not hunt them again.

Fortunately, after a while, Lin Shen found a purple metal warrior in a relatively large group of metal warriors.

The purple-gold warrior was also a mutant alloy creature, which surprised Lin Shen a little. It was very rare that two different mutations appeared in a group of base-mutated creatures.

What surprised Lin Shen even more was that after a while, he found a red-gold warrior, which was also a mutant alloy creature.

"How can a group have so many different mutations?" Lin Shen was more and more surprised. While hunting, he continued to search, wanting to see how many mutations these metal warriors had.

After searching for a long time, he found that the blue mutation was the most, the purple mutation was relatively rare, and the red mutation was the rarest. So far, he has only encountered that one.

The base mutation liquid of a blue-gold warrior can only provide Lin Shen with a little base mutation rate, and only the base mutation liquid of the first two blue-gold warriors is effective. The base mutation liquid of the later blue-gold warriors is ineffective for Lin Shen.

The base transformation liquid of a purple gold warrior actually provided Lin Shen with two base transformation rates, and the effect weakened after using four purple gold warriors' base transformation liquid.

The base transformation liquid of the fifth purple gold warrior only provided Lin Shen with a little base transformation liquid, and the sixth one did not provide it.

Even so, it was much better than the base transformation liquid of the previous mutant poisonous insects. The base transformation liquid of the same mutant poisonous insect would not work if used a second time.

This made Lin Shen work harder to find the red gold warrior, because the base transformation liquid of a red gold warrior provided him with three base transformation liquid.

According to previous experience, if he could find a few more red gold warriors, his base transformation rate would at least increase by about 20 points.

For several consecutive days, Lin Shen was looking for mutant metal warriors in the desert.

At this time, Lin Shen had already gone deep into the desert. Fortunately, his watch was powerful. He only entered the Kai King Planet at night and stayed at home in the Xuanniao base during the day, so he didn't have to worry about food and drink.

Now Lin Shen's base mutation rate has reached 47, most of which is due to Tian Xin's contribution. Those mutant crystal base eggs and several bags of base mutation liquid have provided Lin Shen with a lot of base mutation rate.

"Promotion to crystal base is just around the corner." Lin Shen returned to his home in the Xuanniao base again and drank some water.

Just when he was about to go to bed, Uncle Lei came to find him.

"Little Fifth Master, I got news about the weirdo." Uncle Lei said excitedly: "That guy went to the Rangers base. I heard that he killed many people. The matter was very big. The Zheng family sent out the Ascended Ones to kill He, the ascended person was killed by a weirdo."

"Is there such a thing? Tell me in detail." Lin Shen was still very concerned about weird people.

"I don't know the specific situation, I just heard the news." Uncle Lei said helplessly.

The methods of obtaining information at the Black Bird Base are relatively limited, so it is not easy to find out this news.

Lin Shen was a little disappointed when he heard this, and Uncle Lei continued: "The master's family has also received news that she will stay at the Cape base recently, and she probably won't be able to come back in a short time."

"Sister, are you in trouble?" Lin Shen frowned slightly.

"No, no, the master is just afraid that you will worry, so he sent someone back to deliver the letter." Uncle Lei said quickly: "She knows that the matter at home has been resolved, and there happens to be something over there, so it will be later. able to come back.”

"What's the matter?" Lin Shen felt that things were not that simple.

"I'm not sure about this, it wasn't mentioned in the letter." Uncle Lei said.

Lin Shen looked at Uncle Lei and said nothing. Uncle Lei could not hold on and sighed: "I asked Zhao Ze who came back from delivering the letter, and he said something. The master met the person at the Cape Base."

"Who?" Lin Shen was startled for a moment, and then immediately responded: "Wan Nianbei?"

Uncle Lei nodded slightly: "Little Fifth Master, you also know about the master's family and his affairs. The master's family is too difficult."

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