Ultrabasic evolution

Chapter 192 Two Fire Abilities

While eating, Lin Shen kept thinking about how to get the fire on the horn.

That was the trophy that Uncle Mu had fought so hard for. It was his first time meeting Uncle Mu, so it might be inappropriate to ask for it.

"It seems that we can only slowly look for opportunities." Lin Shen had to put his thoughts aside for the time being. Fortunately, he had just obtained two genetically modified eggs with fire, and they had not yet gotten them to himself, so he was not in a hurry.

Uncle Mu told a lot about Lin Xiangdong's previous experiences in the training camp, which were somewhat different from the stories Lin Xiangdong told Lin Shen.

When Lin Xiangdong was in the training camp, he was not as invincible as he said. When competing with other students in the training camp, Lin Xiangdong almost never won.

Uncle Mu said that Lin Xiangdong had a nickname at that time, "The Defeated Boy", which surprised Lin Shen.

This was completely different from the scenery and history he heard from his fourth brother. It seemed that he was not the same person at all.

"Xiaowu, physical talent is only part of a person's achievements, the key lies here." Uncle Mu pointed to his heart and said: "There is an old saying that is very good, as big as the heart is, the stage will be as big as you are. Brother has a big heart, so even if his starting point is very low, among all the disciples I have taught, his future achievements will be the highest."

"Of course, you have to be big-hearted and have the corresponding execution ability. If you think too much and do too little, you will become a man with too much ambition and a weak hand." Uncle Mu patted Lin Shen on the shoulder and said, "Lay the foundation first and go to the training camp tomorrow. I’ll teach you myself.”

"Okay, Uncle Mu, I listen to you." Lin Shen was really moved by him. Anyway, he usually has nothing to do and it is not convenient to show up recently. It is not a bad thing to study with Uncle Mu.

His foundation is indeed very poor. Apart from the one-step stabbing technique and Immortal Trampling, there are no other techniques that he can use. He really needs to improve his foundation.

The meal was quite pleasant. When leaving, Uncle Mu gave Lin Shen a registration form and asked him to go back and fill it out. He could just go to the training camp tomorrow.

Back at the B\u0026B, Lin Shen told Lin Miao that Uncle Mu asked him to go to the training camp. Unexpectedly, Lin Miao agreed.

"Whether you study with Instructor Mu, it's not just training, but also learning how to behave," Lin Miao said.

"By the way, eldest sister, I also met Wan Nianbei today." Lin Shen told the story about Wan Nianbei's meeting today.

Lin Miao was silent for a long time before saying: "I have known about this for a long time. The reason why I gave up in the first place was because I didn't want him to choose between me and his family."

Only then did Lin Shen understand why Lin Miao took the initiative to quit in the first place. She didn't want to make Wan Nian miserable.

"This is good, let everything be in the past." Lin Miao said with a smile.

Lin Shen didn't say anything. The problem between them was inherently unsolvable.

It's like the classic multiple-choice question: Your mother and I fell into the water at the same time, who are you going to save?

Lin Miao's withdrawal was because he did not want Wan Nianbei to solve this problem.

"Sister, there will be nothing you can't handle as long as I'm here from now on." Lin Shen patted Lin Miao on the back and said.

"Who are you? If the sky falls, it won't be your turn to bear the burden. Get married and have children as soon as possible. Xiaobai is also in the training camp. Get rid of her for me." Lin Miao pinched Lin Shen. cheek and said viciously.

Lin Shen suddenly became depressed: "I asked you, why did the eldest sister agree so readily? She is waiting for me here."

Back in his room, Lin Shen took out two genetically modified eggs with fire, placed them beside him, and soon fell asleep.

When he woke up the next day, the first thing Lin Shen did was to look at the two genetically modified eggs next to him. As expected, he was not disappointed. The two genetically modified eggs were no longer mosaic, and their appearance could be clearly seen.

The failed super-based evolutionary fire - Falling: After being turned on, it will fall from a high altitude, the speed will become faster and faster, and the destructive power will become stronger and stronger. 】

Lin Shen checked the new fire he had obtained. When he got the information about the first fire, his expression became strange.

The fire ability of falling reminded him of a joke he had seen before.

There is a technology group, and one day someone in the group raised a question: If a drop of water falls from a height of 10,000 meters, how fast will it be when it reaches the ground, what kind of destructive power it will have, and what kind of impact it will have on people. How much damage is done.

The technical experts in the group used various theoretical analysis and various formula calculations to demonstrate how destructive this drop of water would be and how much it could hurt people.

Suddenly, a rookie who had just joined the group said: Haven't you ever been wet in the rain?

The originally lively group suddenly fell into deathly silence, and then the rookie was kicked out of the group chat.

The fire ability of falling, like all the previous fire abilities, seems really unscientific.

"How do I use this ability? Do I have to fall from a high altitude for it to work, or can I achieve the effect of falling by just throwing an object from a high altitude? If I need to fall from a high altitude myself, then this The ability is a bit useless, I don't want to kill myself." Lin Shen planned to find time to test this ability later.

The failed super-based evolutionary fire - Qinggong Water Floating: After turning it on, run quickly on the water and you will be able to walk on the water without sinking into the water. 】

The second fire ability made Lin Shen overjoyed. For a person like him who couldn't swim, floating on water was a unique skill.

From now on, he no longer has to worry about falling into the water. As long as he can run, no matter how deep the water is, he will not be drowned.

Cooperate with the ladder climber

If he uses it, the sea will also surrender under his feet, and there will be no difference between the sea and the peace to him.

"I wonder if this skill will be effective on that river." Lin Shen thought of the river where the fisherman lived.

Lin Shen was thinking about where to go to try out these two fire powers, but Lin Miao came over to wake him up and urged him to report to the training camp.

Lin Shen had to fill out the registration form and go to the training camp, but when he arrived at the location of the training camp, Lin Shen was a little confused.

The training camps at the Cape base were located next to each other, and the number was astonishing. He couldn't remember the name of Uncle Mu's training camp.

"It seems that Uncle Mu didn't mention the name of the training camp, right? When he mentioned it, he just said training camp..." Lin Shen thought about it carefully, and it seemed that he really hadn't mentioned it.

He also thought about how the fourth brother had talked to him about the training camp before, and it seemed that he only talked about the training camp, but not the name of the training camp.

Lin Shen originally thought there was only one training camp, but he didn't expect there to be so many.

"Since they didn't mention the name, Uncle Mu's training camp should be the most famous one." Lin Shen looked around and planned to find someone to ask. Uncle Mu should be famous. It shouldn't be difficult to find out. .

But thinking about it carefully, he didn't seem to know Uncle Mu's name.

"Instructor Mu, someone should know it." Lin Shen looked at the young people wearing various training camp uniforms on the street. Suddenly his eyes lit up and he saw the three little girls he met on the battlefield yesterday.

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