Ultrabasic evolution

Chapter 31: Venomous Turtle

The armored monster pulled up its foot and stepped hard on the steel-spiked turtle again.

The result was still the same. The armored monster's foot was pierced again. The dorsal thorns of the steel-spiked turtle were unimaginably hard.

The armored monster roared in pain but still refused to give in. It wanted to step on it with its other foot. Lin Shen quickly ordered it to retreat.

The steel-spiked turtle looked ordinary, but it was definitely not an ordinary steel-spiked turtle.

Although the armored monster was very reluctant, it had to follow Lin Shen's order and turned to rush towards other steel-spiked turtles.

One kick after another, the armored monster regained its previous invincible posture and crushed several steel-spiked turtles in a moment.

The steel-spiked turtle, which looked ordinary but was actually not ordinary, chased the armored monster and wanted to fight it, but was forcibly controlled by Lin Shen to avoid it.

The speed of the heavy armored monster was very slow among the alloy-level monsters, but it was still faster than the steel-spiked turtle. Therefore, no matter how frantically it chased, it could not catch up with the heavy armored monster. It watched helplessly as the heavy armored monster trampled and killed one steel-spiked turtle after another.

Lin Shen suddenly found that the speed of the heavy armored monster slowed down, and even the running movement was a little wrong, as if it was limping.

"Is it so badly injured just now?" Lin Shen felt a little strange. If the injured foot just now affected its mobility, why did the symptoms only appear now?

Looking down at the injured foot of the heavy armored monster, Lin Shen suddenly felt that it might not be just an injury.

The wound on the foot of the heavy armored monster did not ooze out the base transformation fluid, and it did not look that the injury was serious, but its entire leg seemed to be unable to bend. When it walked, it stabbed one by one, as if it was not its leg, but a walking stick.

"Not good, the steel thorns of the steel-spiked turtle seem to be attached with something like toxins." Lin Shen saw the problem.

Something similar to toxin was still spreading on the armored monster, making its movements more and more restricted.

The steel-spiked turtle caught up with it, and the armored monster violently kicked it with its feet, but it bit its ankle and couldn't shake it off.

He wanted to kick it with his other leg, but that leg was now like a piece of wood and didn't obey.

"If you don't make a decision when you should, you will suffer the consequences." Lin Shen summoned the meteorite swallow with a ruthless heart.

The meteorite swallow took advantage of the opportunity when the steel-spiked turtle bit the armored monster's ankle tightly and turned into a black flying blade to slash at its neck at an astonishing speed.

Who knew that the steel-spiked turtle's movement speed was not fast, but its neck shrank incredibly fast, and it actually let go and shrank its neck, avoiding the attack of the meteorite swallow.

The steel-spiked turtle, which dodged the attack of the meteorite swallow, stretched out its neck like lightning, and wanted to bite the armored monster's leg again.

However, it never expected that the meteorite swallow, which was clearly flying forward rapidly, would make a strange turn and fly back at a faster speed than before, and slash at the neck of the steel-spiked turtle again.

Firstly, the steel-spiked turtle had never expected such a move, and secondly, the distance was too close, and the meteorite swallow was so fast that it did not give it a chance to shrink its neck again.

A black lightning flashed across, and with a click, the neck of the steel-spiked turtle was cut off by the meteorite swallow like a flying blade.

Its neck was not as hard as its tortoise shell and back thorns, and it was killed by the meteorite swallow with the double blessing of fast slash and swallow return.

"Kill the mutant steel creature poisonous thorn turtle..."

After the steel-spiked turtle died, Lin Shen's face did not have much joy, but ordered the heavy armored monster and the meteorite swallow to clean up the remaining steel-spiked turtles faster.

The steel-spiked turtles who vowed to defend the genetic mutation eggs to the death still launched a death charge towards the heavy armored monsters without fear of life and death.

If there was a choice, Lin Shen didn't want to kill them all. After all, the value of steel materials was not high, and it should be impossible to teleport back with so many things.

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The reason why he ordered the heavy armored monster and the meteorite swallow to speed up the killing of the steel thorn turtle was because he was a little worried.

Not long after, the things Lin Shen was worried about developed in the worst direction.

The two injured legs of the heavy armored monster could no longer move, and the body began to become stiff, and it became difficult to walk.

What was even more uncomfortable was that the wings of the meteorite swallow began to become stiff, the flight trajectory became extremely unstable, and the speed became slower and slower. There were several times when it almost fell from the air.

Fortunately, they were all alloy creatures, which were one level higher than the steel thorn turtle. Otherwise, they might have been killed by the group of steel thorn turtles at this time.

Lin Shen didn't dare to go down and press the acupoints of the mutant poisonous thorn turtle before, because he was afraid that he would also be infected with the toxin or something else, so he asked the meteorite swallow to try.

The result was terrible. The uninjured meteorite swallows were also hit. Lin Shen didn't know how to save them. He could only watch their bodies become stiff little by little, and finally they were completely unable to move, as if they had turned into metal statues.

There were still a dozen steel-spiked turtles left. Fortunately, Lin Shen had a super-speed gunner who shot them in the head and killed the remaining steel-spiked turtles.

"We must leave here quickly." Lin Shen didn't dare to stay here any longer, fearing that the bodies of these steel-spiked turtles and the genetic fluid flowing out of their bodies would attract other genetic creatures.

Even the genetic eggs in the sand pit, Lin Shen had already planned to abandon most of them and only put some in his backpack for backup.

"I wonder if the mutant poisonous stinger turtle has laid eggs here..." While Lin Shen was thinking, the dead powder that had been wrapped around his arm suddenly moved on its own, crawled out from his sleeve, and crawled towards a sand pit like a snake.

"Dead powder, come out here, don't touch my mutant eggs." Lin Shen's heart moved, and he moved towards the sand pit step by step. He couldn't even straighten his waist and walked with great difficulty.

Unfortunately, the dead powder didn't listen to his order and plunged into the sand pit. Before Lin Shen walked to the sand pit, the dead powder crawled out again and rushed to another sand pit.

Lin Shen had given up chasing it, and watched the dead powder quickly shuttle through the sand pits, and visited hundreds of sand pits.

After crawling out of the last sand pit, the dead powder actually pounced on the body of the mutant poisonous stinger turtle. Its body and mouthparts expanded to a great extent, and it actually swallowed the body of the mutant poisonous stinger turtle in one bite.

"I haven't collected the mutation fluid yet... That's the mutation fluid of rare mutant creatures..." Lin Shen was very depressed. All the good things were wasted by it. This is the material of mutant creatures.

Although the level is a bit low, the word "mutation" means the value is high enough.

What's more regrettable is that the mutant stinger turtle should have laid eggs, which are likely to be mutant eggs, and they must have been embezzled by the dead fans.

If Lin Shen got it, he could use the mutant eggs to complete the mutation, which would definitely be better than other steel mutants.

When Lin Shen was thinking about how to completely control the dead fans, the dead fans actually crawled back by themselves, climbed onto Lin Shen's arm, and shrank while crawling, and finally turned into a capsule in Lin Shen's palm.

"Genetic evolution..." Lin Shen saw this message on the capsule.

"Oh my god... Evolving at this time... Are you kidding me..." Lin Shen tried to unlock and summon the dead fans, but the key didn't work after several insertions, and he couldn't summon them at all.

In this dangerous place, this dog actually ate itself and evolved. No one knew how long it would take to complete the evolution. Lin Shen wanted to curse its ancestors.

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