Ultrabasic evolution

Chapter 328: The Beautiful City

Huang Yu frowned and looked at the person hugging Ayun, who turned out to be a young human man.

"Do you know her?" Huang Yu asked first.

"She's waiting for me." Lin Shen was not hostile to Huang Yu, and it was a normal reaction for Huang Yu to test him like this.

"Do you know what her name is?" Yellow Fish continued.

"Ayun." Lin Shen answered Huang Yu's question while taking out a small bottle of genetic change fluid, carefully brought it to Ayun's mouth, and drank it for her.

Huang Yu nodded slightly. Based on A-yun's performance just now, he should be the one waiting for A-yun.

Yellow Fish looked at Lin Shen, and he was also curious about what kind of person he was, worthy of Ayun's waiting.

He doesn't seem to be anything special, just a human man.

On the contrary, the majestic human man standing next to him can be seen to be different at a glance. That kind of special temperament cannot be faked by ordinary people.

Unfortunately, Yellow Fish is not responsible for the business on the human home planet, so he doesn't know much about the situation on the human side.

"I am Huang Yu, the director of the Meidu Star branch of the Nightmare Group. If you are interested, you can come to my place for trial training." Huang Yu sent his business card to Lin Shen and Wei Wufu.

"Thank you, I will consider it if I have the opportunity." Lin Shen took the business card, looked at it, and then put it away.

Lin Shen had already received an invitation from the Nightmare Group when he was on the human home planet. Lin Shen could not remember the name of the scout, but he remembered that he was from the Nightmare Group.

Yellow Fish looked at Wei Wufu and saw that Wei Wufu had no reaction at all, feeling a little disappointed.

The people he was interested in were Wei Wufu and Ayun. As for Lin Shen, in Huang Yu's opinion, he was just a good-looking human pretty boy.

Ayun has been waiting so hard, so she estimates that this human pretty boy should be her lover.

"Creatures like women are not rational at all." Yellow Fish was helpless and could only say goodbye and leave.

After walking a few steps, Yellow Fish suddenly turned around, looked at Wei Wufu and said: "In two days, the annual Meidu Festival on Meidu Star will be held. Regardless of race or origin, as long as you are a genetic changer, you can participate. If you are interested, You can go take a look, maybe it’s an opportunity.”

"Okay." Wei Wufu only answered with one word.

Huang Yu didn't know that this was Wei Wufu's speaking style, and thought he had no interest, so he turned around helplessly and prepared to leave.

"What is the Meidu Festival for?" Lin Shen asked while feeding Ayun the genetic fluid little by little.

Wei Wufu is already an ascendant and has no chance to participate. He has not ascended yet, but there is still a chance, so he wants to hear what Huang Yao said about the Meidu Festival and what the so-called opportunity is.

Huang Yu stopped when he heard this, glanced at Wei Wufu and said: "Meidu Star is one of the main stars of the Celestial Race. Although it is not the home star of the Celestial Race, its status is not lower than the Zenith Star, the home star of the Celestial Race. Meidu Star is not the home star of the Celestial Race." The reason why Metropolis is called Metropolis is because there is a beautiful Metropolis Castle on Metropolis. It is a relic from an unknown era. It is protected by incredible magical power. Even the top powerhouse in the universe cannot forcefully open it. The gate of the castle will only be opened once a year on the opening day..."

Huang Yu said in detail that the Castle of Beautiful City is open at this time of the year, and it will only be open for ten days at a time.

During these ten days, radicals of any race can enter and find their own opportunities.

The so-called opportunity is actually an ascension egg.

There are many Ascension Eggs in the castle that I don’t know where they come from. They are opened once a year. I don’t know how many years they have been open, but people who enter the castle can still find new Ascension Eggs every time.

It is actually wrong to say that the Ascension Egg was found, because the Ascension Egg was not really found.

There are many church-like buildings in the castle. Entering those churches, you may find ascending eggs in front of the statues.

The strange thing is that some people find nothing after entering the church, but some people who enter the same church later may find Ascension Eggs.

Therefore, those churches are also considered to be the halls chosen by God. Only those chosen by God can find Ascension Eggs in the churches.

Of course, this is just the ignorant thinking of ordinary people.

Anyone who truly understands the beautiful city knows that if you want to obtain an ascension egg before the gods, you need to have three basic elements.

The first is to achieve crystal-level perfection, that is, a person with a 100% rate of fundamental change and the ability to ascend at any time.

The second is to be handsome and beautiful. This standard is not easy to define. Each race has its own definition of the word beautiful. But beautiful cities have their own way of defining beauty, and that doesn’t necessarily apply to everyone’s aesthetic.

Therefore, people of this race who think they are good-looking may not necessarily be recognized by the City of Beauty, and may also return empty-handed.

The third is to have enough power. All converts can enter the beautiful city on the opening day, but if you want to enter the church, you must have enough power to push open the door of the church with your own hands.

Of course, there have been people who did not meet these three basic elements and obtained ascension eggs before God, but they were only a very small number.

Divine Ascension Eggs are rare species that are rarely seen in the outside world. The most common ones are unicorns, the ultimate speed-based ascension pets.

Every year, people get mutated and ascended pets. Legend has it that someone once got a mutated pet that looked like an angel.

There are many varieties of Godly Ascension Eggs, and all pets have one thing in common, that is, they are very beautiful.


All pets produced by the gods are good-looking.

"This is quite interesting." Lin Shen felt very interesting after listening to it. Anyway, since he was here, he would go in and take a look to broaden his horizons.

If he could get a mutant ascending egg, he could also use it for his pet to ascend if it was suitable.

"Can anyone enter the castle of the beautiful city?" Lin Shen asked.

"The gods had banned it for a period of time before, and then it was reopened. Now, as long as they pay a thousand heavenly coins, people of any race can enter the beautiful city." Huang Yu finished speaking, his eyes fell on Ayun.

After being fed some genetic mutation liquid by Lin Shen, Ayun finally woke up. He opened his eyes and found that he was held by Lin Shen, and struggled to get up.

"Don't move, you are too weak." Lin Shen sighed, "I asked you to wait for me here, but I didn't ask you to stay here. Can't you find a way to get some food and drink first?"

"I was afraid that you would come and not see me, and think I didn't wait for you." Ayun said timidly without struggling anymore.

Lin Shen was slightly startled when he heard this. If he came here and couldn't find Ayun, maybe it would really be like what Ayun thought.

Thinking of this, Lin Shen couldn't help but feel ashamed: "It's all in the past. Now I'm here. In the future, no one can let you suffer like this except me."

"Thank you...ah?" Ayun was a little moved when he heard the first part, and his emotions were brewing. His eyes were slightly red, but when he heard the last part, he felt that something was wrong. After reacting, his mind was full of question marks.

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