Ultrabasic evolution

Chapter 34: Original Eggs

Lin Shen had completely adapted to Wei Wufu's way of speaking. He knew that what Wei Wufu was saying was that this egg had great potential and could be used for genetic transformation very quickly.

Their current situation is very difficult. Lin Shen must undergo a genetic transformation so that they can successfully survive. If they fail, their current situation will definitely be a dead end.

"Are you really sure this thing is a genetically modified egg? Are you sure you didn't take it by mistake? This is really not the small boiled egg you brought?" Lin Shen confirmed again.

Because no matter how he looked at it, it was just an ordinary bird egg, and it had nothing to do with a genetically modified egg.

"You're afraid... give it back to me..." Wei Wufu said.

"Then let me try." Lin Shen thought to himself: "If this is an ordinary egg, then he has nothing to lose. If it is like Wei Wufu said, this egg has great potential, then he will make a profit. For a guy as strong as Wei Wufu, the genetically modified eggs that he can say are strong cannot be ordinary goods. But why haven’t I heard of any genetic eggs that can allow people to complete genetic changes in a very short period of time? "

Now that he had made a decision, Lin Shen no longer hesitated. He was not a sloppy person.

After taking a look at the mutated creature that was completely unable to move, Lin Shen picked up the genetically modified egg that looked like a bird's egg, opened his mouth and swallowed it.

Yes, swallowed whole.

Humans who have not been genetically modified cannot actually directly swallow the genetically modified fluid or the base fluid in the genetically modified eggs. Generally, they need to refine and create a base fluid injection first, and then inject it into the body according to the dose.

Humans after genetic change can directly swallow part of the genetic change fluid, but there are certain risks.

The nature of the genetic fluid is more like a virus. Humans infected by it gradually coexist with the virus and try to control the virus to make it a part of themselves.

Of course, this is just a metaphor. In fact, the properties of genetic fluid and viruses are somewhat different.

If a human being without genetic change wants to complete genetic change, he needs to swallow a complete genetically modified egg, including the shell, and change his body structure through its "infection".

Because a large number of transgenic fluid injections have been used before, which is probably equivalent to a lot of vaccines, the risk of this kind of "infection" is actually not great.

After all, the lowest-grade steel-grade genetically modified eggs are used. If the genetically modified eggs fail, the most they will cause is a headache or a fever, which is about the same as catching a cold.

When Wei Wufu saw Lin Shen swallowing the "egg", there was a hint of recognition in his eyes, and he thought to himself: "Six people who have used the No. 14 original egg have died, and no one has died yet." To be able to succeed, Lin Shen can still be so calm and calm even though he knows that failure will lead to death. He is indeed an extraordinary person. Maybe he can really succeed."

Wei Wufu himself didn't realize that it was his damn expression that misled Lin Shen.

The reason why Lin Shen was misled was because he had never heard of such a thing as death if a genetic mutation failed. He had no such concept in his mind and was completely unaware of the problem, so he misunderstood it.

Of course, if Lin Shen knew, he might be more interested.

The third brother and the fourth brother had been trying to persuade him not to rush into genetic transformation. They wanted to find him a genetically modified egg with strong enough potential. If Lin Shen knew the origin of this "egg", I'm afraid he would still do the same thing in the end. choose.

Of course, there is another important reason that prompted him to make such a decision, that is, he has no useful pets. With this body alone, it is difficult for him to even walk. If he does not immediately enhance his survivability, he will still be a human being. die.

Under normal circumstances, swallowing genetically modified eggs can still be dealt with first, but now naturally there is no such condition. Fortunately, the egg was not big, so Lin Shen reluctantly swallowed it whole.

try{ggauto;} catch(ex){}

As soon as the egg entered his belly, Lin Shen already knew that this was really no ordinary bird egg, but a genetically modified egg.

Almost as soon as the genetically modified egg entered the abdomen, a chill that almost froze the person came out of the abdomen and spread to the whole body in an instant.

Lin Shen immediately lost control of his body and fell straight to the ground, but his nerves became extremely sensitive. If a hair fell on his skin, he would feel pain on his skin.

Even if the dust touches his skin when it falls, his skin will immediately become red and swollen.

"It hurts... it really hurts..." Lin Shen had never realized that there was so much dust in the air before.

The dust that was usually invisible fell on Lin Shen, giving Lin Shen the feeling of being pricked with needles all over his body.

Wei Wufu looked at Lin Shen, who was lying motionless on the ground, and had a lot of thoughts in his mind.

The reason why the original seed egg No. 14 is called the original seed egg, rather than the genetically modified egg, is because its origin is fundamentally different from the ordinary genetically modified egg.

More than two hundred years ago, various genetically modified organisms suddenly appeared all over the world. Those genetically modified organisms originally came out of the genetically modified zone.

Most people have no idea about genetically modified areas. They only know that they are areas where genetically modified organisms gather.

What they don't know is why the genetically modified organisms gather in the genetically modified area, and they don't know why the genetically modified organisms begin to appear in the genetically modified area.

People like Wei Wufu know very well that the reason why the genetically modified area becomes a genetically modified area is because of the existence of original eggs.

It is precisely because these original eggs that came from unknown sources fell all over the world and infected nearby creatures, causing those creatures to undergo genetic changes, that led to the emergence of genetically modified organisms.

After more than two hundred years of efforts, a small number of original eggs in the mutation zone fell into the hands of humans.

The Base Alliance counted a total of sixteen known original eggs, eleven of which have been used for mutation. It is unknown how many have not been counted.

Every human who uses original eggs for mutation is much stronger than those who use mutation eggs for mutation, and can be called a monster among mutationists.

Except for the two who have died, all other humans who use original eggs for mutation have become the best among human mutationists, and are truly at the top of the pyramid.

It’s just that using original eggs for mutation is very dangerous, and almost every known original egg has a life.

The original egg in Wei Wufu’s hand is code-named Fourteen in the Base Alliance’s data. It is the fourteenth original egg that has been discovered and recorded.

The fourteenth original egg has been discovered for more than seventy years. Six humans have tried to use it for mutation, and all of them died without exception.

Each of the six people before had made sufficient preparations, and their physical fitness and other aspects were already at the peak of ordinary humans, but they still failed.

Wei Wufu could see that Lin Shen's physical fitness had also reached the limit of ordinary humans, which was the most basic condition for using the original egg mutation.

Without such conditions, it would almost certainly fail, and with such conditions, the possibility of failure was also very high.

Lin Shen had such physical fitness, but at this age he had not yet undergone a mutation. In Wei Wufu's opinion, wasn't this just waiting for the original egg?

For some reason, Wei Wufu felt that Lin Shen might succeed, because some of the things Lin Shen did made him feel unbelievable, and seemed a little unscientific.

"Silk has emerged..." Wei Wufu saw white silk that was many times thinner than hair and looked like fine fluff coming out of Lin Shen's skin, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

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