Ultrabasic evolution

Chapter 354: Spirit Bee Ring

Lin Shen came to the Commercial Island. There were not many shops here, only about a dozen in total.

These shops mainly run two businesses. One business is to sell things from outside to people who are pioneering on the Giant Ring Star, and the other business is to purchase materials obtained by the pioneers.

If things from outside want to be transported to the Giant Ring Star, they need to go through layers of review. People who can do this kind of business on the Giant Ring Star all have backgrounds.

There are not many shops on the Commercial Island itself, because those who can come here are generally ascenders. A few mutators with flying pets can also come here, but only a very small number.

Each shop has an agent on land, and most transactions are not completed in the shop. Only a very small number of high-end items will be completed in the shop.

Although there are many high-tech things in the shops here, they are much behind compared to the Medusa Star.

A Gaul clerk saw Lin Shen coming in and hurriedly came up to greet him enthusiastically: "Dear guest, how can I help you?"

"Do you have a mutant spiritual base?" Lin Shen asked directly.

"Yes, please look at this." The clerk took out a projector and projected a holographic image of a mutant spirit base in front of Lin Shen.

"This is a one-turn mutant mountain-splitting axe, from an ascended creature called the Axe Demon, whose innate skill is craniotomy, which is very good for increasing strength. The attributes of all four sides are very high, especially the strength and hardness, which are both over 75..." The clerk introduced it diligently.

"What's the price?" Lin Shen didn't care about the attributes of the mutant mountain-splitting axe, because it was all for absorption anyway.

Generally, ascenders buy mutant spirit bases to use them. It is too extravagant to use mutant spirit bases to absorb them. Generally, ascenders can't do such a thing.

"Two million and four hundred thousand Tianbi." The clerk quoted a price.

Lin Shen secretly calculated in his heart. He had used the ascension fluid of the super source dragon to exchange for Tianbi before. The ascension fluid in the body of a one-turn pterosaur could probably be exchanged for about 8,000 to 20,000 Tianbi, depending on how much ascension fluid was collected.

Two million four hundred thousand Tianbi, even if you do a perfect job when collecting the Ascension Fluid, you still need to kill more than one hundred first-turn pterosaurs and get the Ascension Fluid to buy this mutant spirit base.

However, in Lin Shen's opinion, this is already a good deal. After all, he has killed hundreds of super source dragons and only got one mutant spirit base.

The mutant spirit base can be sold at this price mainly because the number of reincarnations of this mutant spirit base itself is too low, and the attributes and skills are not very good. It is a garbage mutant spirit base.

A mutant spirit base with really good attributes, good skills, or a high number of reincarnations will definitely cost more than this price.

"Are there any other mutant spirit bases?" Lin Shen asked casually.

"If you are not satisfied with this mutant mountain-opening axe, there are a few more mutant spirit bases here..." The Gaul projected another mutant spirit base and introduced them to Lin Shen one by one.

Basically, they are some garbage mutant spirit bases with a low number of reincarnations, between one and three turns. Some of the attributes are okay, but the talent skills are really bad, and most of them are useless.

If the life base of an average person is turned a few more times, it will be stronger than these mutant spirit bases. There is no need to spend money to buy this, which is a relatively useless thing.

Its price is between more than one million and three million. It is not very expensive, but it is definitely not cheap.

Lin Shen estimated that if he bought it, the cost of making his life base ten turns would be an astronomical figure.

"No wonder so many ascenders know that the success rate of high reincarnation and nirvana will be higher, but they still choose to try nirvana after five turns. Resources are a big problem. It's okay for ordinary people to use ordinary spirit bases, but if I want to use mutant spirit bases to reincarnate, the consumption is too terrible." Lin Shen found that it seemed a bit unrealistic to want to earn so much money to buy mutant spirit bases to upgrade the life base to ten turns.

"It seems that it is more reliable to go to places like the Ascension Pool." Lin Shen thought about it and asked the clerk: "Do you accept pet capsules for flying upgrades?"

"Customers who accept, can you let me see the attributes of your pet capsules?" The clerk said quickly.

Lin Shen took out a super-source Triceratops pet capsule with relatively low attributes. After the clerk looked at the above attributes, he only quoted a purchase price of 500,000 Tianbi.

"Is this price too low?" Lin Shen frowned slightly. The purchase price of the ascended pet was lower than he thought.

Although the probability of finding pet eggs is higher than encountering mutant creatures, there are many other materials on the mutant creatures, not just a spiritual base, and the total selling value is much higher.

The value of pet capsules should not be lower than these garbage mutant spiritual bases.

"Customer, we also need to make money, and there must be a certain profit margin. Moreover, the pet capsules are pressed in the store, and I don’t know when they can be sold. The funds are pressed on the goods, which is also a loss in itself..." The clerk patiently explained to Lin Shen, and finally added a little price, willing to pay 580,000 to purchase this super-source Triceratops pet.

"If I use this pet to exchange for mutant ascension fluid, how much can I get?" Lin Shen thought about it. The value of the mutant spiritual base is too expensive. Buying a few back will not increase it much. It is better to increase the base mutation rate first.

When Lin Shen walked out of the store, he was holding several bags of mutant ascension liquid in his hands, and there was a large amount of Tianbi in his pocket.

I visited other stores again and found that things like mutant spirit bases are indeed relatively rare. The mutant spirit bases sold in these stores are also junk, and it is basically difficult to find innate skills.

The mutant spirit base of good and high reincarnation.

Ordinary spirit bases with high reincarnations or good talents and skills can be sold for even higher prices than these junk mutant spirit bases.

Lin Shen did not buy the Mutated Spirit Base, but only bought the Mutated Ascension Liquid. The price of the Mutated Ascension Liquid was much cheaper than the Mutated Spirit Base.

After all, the mutant spirit base can also be used as a weapon. Generally, ascensioners have smaller demand for mutant ascension liquid, and the price is also lower.

Lin Shen planned to go back after visiting the last store. He no longer planned to buy a mutant spirit base, but a mutant spirit base introduced by the clerk attracted his attention.

In this shop, there was actually a level 4 mutant spirit base, and its innate skills made Lin Shen a little excited.

The four-transformation alien spirit base spirit bee ring has the innate skill "wave condensing ring". This innate skill "wave condensing ring" may be a bit useless for ordinary ascendants.

After the wave condensing ring is activated, the fluctuations passing through the spirit bee ring will be condensed into a point, with the ability to stabilize the fluctuations.

But it can only stabilize the condensed fluctuations and has no amplification effect.

It is similar to a magnifying glass that focuses light and ignites light. Although it is somewhat effective, it is not particularly effective.

Because ordinary ascenders cannot release their power externally, they can only use the wave condensing ring to condense the power fluctuations generated by collisions, which is quite useless.

Because it was relatively useless, even though it was a fourth-transformation supernatural being, Lin Shen only paid for two one-transformation pet capsules to get it.

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