Ultrabasic evolution

Chapter 357: Seeing as if not seeing

Lin Shen and Catherine stared at each other's holographic projection with wide eyes. Catherine saw a dark patch, while Lin Shen saw a mosaic. It was really impossible to tell what the other person looked like.

"What's the matter with this mosaic? Is it the video effect made by the other party, or the mosaic of the fire?" Lin Shen couldn't tell what the mosaic in the video was for a while.

If the other party had a fire, it would be too coincidental. The universe is so big, how could it happen that the red heart a who was in the video with him actually had a fire.

Lin Shen looked at the holographic image. Although he couldn't see what red heart a looked like, he could see that she was in a living room. The style of the sofa and other furnishings were all retro, and the outer layer of the sofa was made of some kind of leather.

Next to the sofa, there was a creature lying down. Although he couldn't see the head and face, but only the back, Lin Shen immediately thought of the Netherworld Yellow Spring Wolf.

While Lin Shen was still looking at it, the communication was suddenly interrupted, and then the message of red heart a came over.

"If you don't want to see me, don't see me. Is it fun to play tricks on me?"

Although it was just text, one could really feel the other party's anger from the text.

"You can't see me?" Lin Shen sent a text message without explanation.

"It's pitch black over there, I can't see anything." After a while, Red Heart A sent another message.

"I can't see you either." Lin Shen tried to send text messages in a concise way, so as not to let Red Heart A know from his way of speaking that he was not that weirdo.

"Don't tell me you can only see pitch black over there, who are you fooling? I'm not the kind of little girl who can be fooled by just a few words." Catherine sent a voice message directly.

Lin Shen listened to her voice, she should not be very old, but not a young girl, she should be a young mature woman, probably not much different from Tianxun in age.

"Mosaic." Lin Shen recalled the weirdo's way of speaking, and he couldn't remember it very clearly, but the weirdo should also be a relatively quiet type, but not as serious as Lao Wei.

Of course, Lin Shen couldn't use voice, he only sent text messages.

"What do you mean? Are you saying I have mosaics on me? I don't use mosaics." Catherine was full of doubts when she saw the message sent by Lin Shen.

Based on her understanding of Spade A, he should not lie, and it is impossible for him to use such a low-level lie.

"Mosaic." Lin Shen knew that he could not explain it now. The more he explained, the easier it would be to reveal his flaws. He sent the same three words again.

Catherine was even more confused. After thinking about it, she sent a video invitation again.

This time, Lin Shen accepted the video invitation boldly, but Catherine could only see darkness.

"Still can only see darkness, can you see me?" Catherine sat up straight and said to the camera.

There was no sound in the darkness. Catherine said it several times, but still couldn't hear any sound, which made her a little annoyed.

Just as she was about to turn off the video call, she saw a message from Spade A: "Mosaic, I can hear you, but you can't?"

Catherine was a little suspicious, but she had no evidence, so she had to say: "I can't see you, nor can I hear your voice."

"It seems that the damage is very serious, send a message." After Lin Shen sent this message, he turned off the video call.

Catherine was a little suspicious, wondering if the other party was Spade A, but the content that the other party had modified for her before, ordinary people don't have that ability.

"I still have some questions about that evolution technique, can you help me answer them." Heart A deliberately sent some tricky questions to see what level the other party is at.

If it was really Spade A, these questions would not be difficult for him.

Lin Shen looked at the questions sent by Heart A. If it was other evolution techniques, Lin Shen had no ability to discuss and study with Heart A, but when it came to inherited evolution techniques, no one should know more thoroughly than Lin Shen.

No matter what questions Heart A sent, Lin Shen could answer her quickly.

After Ace of Hearts asked a few questions, the doubts in his heart were almost dispelled. With such a level, even if he was not Ace of Spades, he should be a master-level figure. How could a master-level figure pretend to be someone else?

Lin Shen knew it was time. He simply wrote down the difficult question of how to make a needle with strong force and sent it to Ace of Hearts.

Ace of Hearts liked to send her some strange techniques and questions all day long. Now he just sent this difficult question back to her and let her think about it slowly. If she could solve this problem, Lin Shen could save a lot of time and effort.

However, Lin Shen only sent this question to her and didn't say anything else, nor did he ask her to solve it.

"I have something to do. I'm leaving." After Lin Shen sent another message, he ignored any messages sent by Ace of Hearts.

"You want to test me?"

"Give me some time, I'll give you the best solution."

"Your question is a bit contradictory. How can you make a strong force without making any noise?"

"Okay, I get it. This question won't stump me."

After a while, Catherine sent several messages to Lin Shen, but Lin Shen just looked at them and didn't reply.

Seeing that the other party didn't reply, Catherine didn't send any more messages.

Instead of sending the message, she wrote down the message Lin Shen sent and started her research.

It was not difficult for Catherine to gather the fierce power into a needle.

The difficulty was that such a fierce power, while maintaining the original speed and destructive power, had to make it difficult for people to sense its fluctuations, which was very difficult.

Catherine tried many methods, but it was difficult to achieve the best of both worlds.

If you want to control the fluctuations, you have to sacrifice speed and power. If you want to maintain speed and power, the fluctuations will be difficult to control to the extent that people cannot sense them.

Catherine studied for a long time, but still couldn't find a solution to the problem.

Although this problem can be solved by some special talents and skills, Catherine disdains such a solution. She thinks that if she solves it in that way, it will only make Spade A laugh at her.

So Catherine must find a solution that can solve this problem without using any special talents and skills. Only in this way can Spade A be convinced.

Lin Shen didn't care about the Ace of Hearts anymore, and sent the mechanical watch back to Wei Wufu. He continued to study the wrong version of "Theory of Evolution".

He didn't dare give the misprinted version of "The Origin of Species" to others to study.

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