Ultrabasic evolution

Chapter 46 Hatching an alien

"Damaged?" Lin Shen saw cracks on the genetically modified egg, and his first reaction was that it was damaged when it rolled down the mountain.

Then he thought, this is the genetically modified egg of the giant king, how can it be so easy to be damaged.

"It's not damaged, it's just that this thing is just about to hatch, and it's hatched." Lin Shen thought.

Wei Wufu watched from the side without saying anything, but silently used the genetically modified power, and the mysterious substance flowed out of his body and turned into a shell to protect his whole body.

According to Lin Shen, the giant king is likely to be a mutant crystal base level, and its offspring are naturally also mutant crystal base level. Even if it is just born in a confused state, it may not be so easy to tame it.

There are more and more cracks on the genetically modified egg, and Lin Shen also took out the capsule gun. If the little thing inside attacks him, let it suffer a little.

Crack! Crack!

There are more and more cracks on the genetically modified egg, and suddenly it splits in two from the middle, and a round thing rolls out of it.

Lin Shen and Wei Wufu, who were originally ready for a beast taming battle, were stunned after seeing the appearance of the thing clearly.

Even the look in their eyes when they looked at the thing became extremely surprised and unbelievable.

"What is this thing..." Lin Shen rubbed his eyes, wondering if there was something wrong with his eyes.

But no matter how Lin Shen rubbed, all he saw was that fat thing.

What rolled out of the genetically modified egg was not a genetically modified creature.

The reason why it is not a genetically modified creature is that there is no metal object on it. With white feathers, a round body, red eyes, and pink claws, it looks like a fat white pigeon.

A genetically modified creature cannot be a flesh and blood body, so this fat white bird does not look like a genetically modified creature at all.

But it clearly came out of a genetically modified egg, so what else could it be if not a genetically modified creature?

Not to mention that Lin Shen did not understand, even Wei Wufu was at a loss.

When the two were full of questions, the little creature shook its body and walked towards the fragments of the genetic mutation egg.

Maybe because it was too fat, it walked like a duck with its butt twisting back and forth, which was funny and cute.

The little creature pecked it, which shocked Lin Shen and Wei Wufu.

The genetic mutation egg was heavy and hard. It rolled down the mountain and smashed the big rocks into pieces, but it was not hurt at all.

The little creature pecked such hard fragments easily and swallowed them piece by piece.

"This fat bird is indeed a genetic mutation creature, but I don't know why it has grown into this appearance. No matter what, I will tame it first." Lin Shen rushed over to grab the fragments, intending to tame this strange genetic mutation creature with his usual means.

Lin Shen had just rushed to the fragments and had not had time to pick up the fragments when he found that his fat bird was shaking its butt and running towards him.

This frightened Lin Shen, and he could not help but take a few steps back. Wei Wufu was also as if he was facing a great enemy.

Because the fat bird was too fat, it did not walk fast. It flapped its wings anxiously a few times. Maybe it was really too fat. Not to mention flying, it could not even jump, and it could not catch up with Lin Shen.

Just when Lin Shen was looking at its funny appearance and felt a little bit amused, the fat bird suddenly flashed and disappeared on the spot.

"Not good!" Lin Shen immediately realized that something was wrong. Before he could make any move, he found that the disappeared fat bird appeared at his feet, stretching its round head and rubbing his calf, looking like it was acting cute and coquettish.

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"This..." Lin Shen felt that he had really opened his eyes today. He had never seen or heard of such a genetically modified creature.

He carefully reached out his hand and stroked the feathers on the fat bird. The fat bird did not reject it at all, and even leaned its body against Lin Shen's hand.

After stroking it, Lin Shen was more certain that it was indeed flesh and blood. Under the snow-white fluffy feathers, there was warm flesh and blood, not cold metal.

"What on earth is this? Does it have a pet key?" Lin Shen picked up the fat bird and studied it carefully. The fat bird cooperated very well and did not move. It shrank its neck and looked at Lin Shen with red eyes curiously.

It was fine that the giant king's egg was not a little giant king. Lin Shen could barely figure out how it turned out to be a fat pigeon with flesh and blood.

After looking at it for a long time, he could not see where on it could hide a pet key.

"Key... Do you have a key... Give me the key..." Lin Shen said to the fat bird.

The fat bird tilted its head and looked at him with a puzzled look.

Seeing that the fat bird didn't understand, Lin Shen put it down and took out a pet key to show it to the fat bird: "Do you... have this thing... give it to me..."

The fat bird still didn't understand, and its little face was full of confusion and ignorance. It shook its butt and ran to Lin Shen's feet, rubbing its head against his legs affectionately, and made a cooing sound.

"Okay, okay, stop rubbing, go eat your food." Lin Shen was speechless and helpless, picked up the fat bird and sent it back to the genetic mutation egg fragment.

The fat bird happily lowered its head to peck at the fragments, twisting and turning, and it looked really silly and cute.

"What do you think?" Lin Shen asked Wei Wufu beside him with a wry smile.

Wei Wufu stared at the fat bird for a long time before he spit out four words: "Too fat, lose weight."

"I know it's fat... I'm not saying that... Forget it... Just pretend I didn't ask..." Lin Shen was speechless.

The fat bird was about the same size as an ordinary pigeon, but it was much fatter and almost round. With its white feathers, it looked like a snowball from a distance.

It was not big, but it had a big appetite. It ate up so many fragments of the genetic mutation egg in just a short while.

I don't know how it could eat so many fragments with such a small body.

After eating, the fat bird swayed to Lin Shen's body again, stretched its head to rub against Lin Shen, and scratched him with its little claws, as if it wanted to climb up.

Lin Shen reached out and picked it up, and the weight of the fat bird did not increase at all.

The weight of the genetic mutation egg was so heavy that even Lin Shen, who was blessed by the heaven, had a hard time holding it up. The fat bird ate all the fragments of the genetic mutation egg, but its weight was still very light, not much heavier than that of an ordinary pigeon, as if those fragments were not eaten by it.

"Let's go back first." Lin Shen put the fat bird into the backpack, which was open and not locked.

This backpack was obtained from Tian Xin. Tian Xin said it was a Heaven brand. On the planet where he lived, it was a famous brand.

The fat bird was very obedient. It stayed in the bag, with its round head sticking out of the bag, and its red eyes curiously looked around.

"I don't know if getting this thing is a blessing or a curse." Lin Shen thought to himself. Now he was asked to throw away the fat bird, but he was reluctant.

After all, although this thing was a little strange, anyone could see that it had a strong ability.

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