Ultrabasic evolution

Chapter 49 No talent?

As expected by Bai Shenfei, the Qi and Wang families became obedient and did not make any more troubles. Even in some matters involving the interests of the three families, the Qi and Wang families made some concessions.

The reason was simple. The punch that Lin Shen used to kill the Giant King was too scary.

They did not meet Tianxin, and they thought that there were only the Lin brothers in that place besides them. Naturally, they were very scared, afraid that the man was one of the Lin brothers and would come back to trouble them.

Lin Shen did not plan to move the Qi and Wang families for the time being. First, because his strength was not enough, and second, he really did not have extra time and energy.

These days, he has been learning the basic transformation technique with Wei Wufu, but there is still no progress. He can't sense the flow of power that Wei Wufu said.

"Old Wei, help me see how this basic transformation technique works." Lin Shen gave up decisively. With his current attributes, if he can practice it, it should be effective in these few days. If there is no effect, it is just a waste of time to persist.

Lin Shen was not a persistent person. He would let go decisively when it was time to let go. He did not like to wait for miracles to happen.

Wei Wufu took the notebook handed over by Lin Shen and slowly flipped through it.

This notebook was not the one that Bai Shenfei gave to Lin Shen, but a copy that Lin Shen copied down himself.

Wei Wufu read it once, then turned it over and read it again. He flipped through it several times in the middle, and it took more than two hours to read it.

Lin Shen waited patiently on the side, not rushing Wei Wufu.

"You ask." Wei Wufu put down the notebook and looked at Lin Shen.

"Can I practice?" Lin Shen asked directly.

"Try." Wei Wufu answered with only one word.

"If you can practice, practice. If you can't practice, don't practice. What does try mean?" Lin Shen frowned.

"Advanced, there are mistakes, there is no follow-up, change, try, no problem." Wei Wufu said.

Lin Shen understood. Wei Wufu said that this basic transformation technique was very advanced, but there were some mistakes in the middle, and there was no follow-up.

He can help to revise it, and it's okay for Lin Shen to try to practice it.

This is similar to what Lin Shen thought, and there is really no harm in trying it.

As for the mistakes in the base transformation technique, Lin Shen actually copied them wrong on purpose.

"Old Wei, please help me revise it, I plan to give it a try." Lin Shen said.

"Okay." Old Wei took paper and pen and corrected all the places he thought were wrong.

Lin Shen watched from the side. The places that Old Wei corrected were all the places where he wrote wrong, and he didn't find any problems with other parts.

"Old Wei, do you know what base transformation technique this is?" Lin Shen took the base transformation technique that Wei Wufu had revised and asked casually.

Originally, Lin Shen didn't expect Wei Wufu to really know what base transformation technique this was. After all, such an advanced base transformation technique should be confidential to anyone who possesses it, and it is impossible to spread it casually.

Who knew that Wei Wufu hesitated for a moment and actually said, "Maybe... I know..."

Lin Shen was very surprised and hurriedly asked Wei Wufu in detail what was going on. Wei Wufu explained for a long time before Lin Shen understood what was going on.

Wei Wufu had never seen this basic transformation technique before, but he had heard of a basic transformation technique that was very similar to the basic transformation technique that Lin Shen copied down.

Most of the basic transformation techniques practiced by humans were passed down from the universe, and only a very small number were created by humans themselves.

Among the few basic transformation techniques created by humans, most of them were borrowed or plagiarized from other basic transformation techniques.

Wei Wufu only knew one basic transformation technique that was completely created by humans from theory to methods.

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That was the basic transformation technique "Talent Theory" created by Bai Ya, who was known as the "first person in basic transformation" with great effort.

It is because the idea of ​​this "Talent Theory" is completely different from other basic transformation techniques, so although Wei Wufu has never read "Talent Theory", he can guess that it is "Talent Theory".

Of course, Wei Wufu also used the word "maybe", which means that he cannot be very sure that this is "Talent Theory", but he guessed that it is very likely.

Wei Wufu said that Bai Ya is almost invincible with "Talent Theory", and Lin Shen was puzzled at first, why he had never heard of such a famous person.

Later, I learned that Bai Ya's NB is limited to the basic transformation level, because no matter how you practice "Talent Theory", you can't break through the basic transformation level.

In other words, Bai Ya can only be invincible at the basic transformation level, there is no possibility of promotion, and the entry requirements are too high, and ordinary people can't practice it at all.

Later, there were stronger people who studied Bai Ya's "Talent Theory", but unfortunately the results were the same. No matter who practiced, they couldn't break through the basic transformation level.

To this day, there is still a school of people who insist on studying "Talent Theory". It is said that there were some breakthroughs more than ten years ago, but after so many years, I still haven't seen anyone who can really practice "Talent Theory" successfully.

In fact, apart from Byakuya, few people in history have been able to master the "Talent Theory", let alone break through.

"This is really interesting. If you don't have talent, you can't practice it. If you have talent, you can't break through it. This kind of base transformation technique is really not worth spreading. It's more like destroying geniuses." Lin Shen plans to give it a try.

As long as you don't break through the base transformation level, the base transformation technique can be replaced, so it doesn't hurt to try it.

Lin Shen did what he said and began to practice the base transformation technique given to him by Bai Shenfei, but the result disappointed him again.

This base transformation technique still did not allow him to feel the power flowing in his body, which made Lin Shen a little depressed.

According to Wei Wufu, only humans with extremely good talents can practice "Talent Theory". If he can't practice it, it means that his talent is not very good, at least not a genius among ten thousand.

"I don't believe it." Lin Shen directly took the "Heaven and Man Unity Idealistic Heart Sutra" he got from Tianxin to practice. He wanted to feel what the feeling of power flowing was like first, and then try to practice "Talent Theory" or the secret base transformation technique taught by Wei Wufu.

If you don't practice, you won't know. After practicing, Lin Shen was shocked.

Almost everyone can practice "Heaven Heart Sutra", which anyone who is a steel base transformer can practice, but he still can't practice it.

"Is my talent really so bad?" Lin Shen was a little disappointed, but he thought about it again and felt something was wrong.

Even if his talent is so poor, it can't be so bad that he can't do the base transformation that everyone can practice, right?

Lin Shen didn't give up, and asked someone to get the other two of the five classic base transformations to test.

He tried the "Source Sutra" first, but still couldn't practice it. Then he tried the "Nerve Transformation", but the result was still the same, and he still couldn't practice it.

"Do I really have no talent for cultivation? This is not right. The foundation of the general base transformation is to complete the base transformation. Since I have completed the base transformation, it proves that I have talent. Why can't I practice it?" Lin Shen was puzzled.

Wei Wufu couldn't explain what was going on with Lin Shen. He had never heard of a base transformer who couldn't practice the five basic base transformations.

Lin Shen still didn't give up, and went directly to the study of the third brother, broke the lock, and found several books of base transformation collected by the third brother to practice.

He tried several more transformation techniques, but the result made Lin Shen's face look worse and worse. Just when Lin Shen thought he really couldn't master the transformation technique, he tried again and it worked.

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