Ultrabasic evolution

Chapter 6: The Infinite Power Contract

When he woke up, the sky was still dark. Lin Shen turned around and saw that the mosaic on the genetically modified egg had disappeared, and there was some information in his mind again.

Only then could it be seen clearly that this was a genetically modified egg of a hundred-refined steel beast. It seemed to be no different from an ordinary genetically modified egg of a hundred-refined steel beast.

[The failed super-based evolutionary fire: the contract of infinite strength. 】

"Infinite Strength Contract: Raise a creature and make a contract with it. Hold the creature and run for a kilometer every day. As the creature grows and gains weight, it will gain strength equal to the creature's weight. This fire is unique. , can only form an infinite contract with one creature.”

Lin Shen was suddenly surprised and delighted, and thought to himself: "Isn't this the legendary Cow Holding Kung Fu?"

According to folklore, there is a cowherd boy who carries his newborn calf from his home to the mountains to graze every day.

As the calf continues to grow, the strength of the cowherd boy increases day by day. Until the cow reaches adulthood, the cowherd boy becomes a strong man capable of lifting thousands of kilograms.

This is obviously an unscientific training method. A calf can grow to hundreds or thousands of pounds in a few months, but human strength cannot grow that fast.

So in reality, it won't take long for the cowherd boy to be unable to hold the cow, and it is impossible to keep increasing his strength.

The Infinitely Powerful Contract can turn the impossible into possible and complete unscientific false theories.

Theoretically, as long as he can find the cub of a huge creature, Lin Shen's power can be infinitely enhanced.

The power of picking up a cow is not too strong for a genetic changer, but what if it is a giant genetic change creature?

As far as Lin Shen knew, there were some genetically modified creatures that could far exceed the size and weight of whales.

Lin Shen only needs to get one such genetically modified egg and start cultivating it from a young age, and he can gain power that is so terrifying that ordinary people cannot imagine it. This is really exciting.

The only question is where to get such genetically modified eggs.

Among the genetically modified eggs that Lin Shen has access to, the Hundred-Refined Steel Beast is already the largest. Even if there are some giant alloy creatures, their size and weight are not much larger than the Hundred-Refined Steel Beast.

However, Lin Shen had seen some images. Some of the genetically modified creatures in those images were as huge as giant dragons. If such genetically modified eggs could be obtained, the Infinite Power Contract would have the same ability as BUG.

It's just that most of those genetically modified organisms are crystal-based organisms. Not to mention whether you can get the eggs of crystal-based organisms. Even if you can get them, the growth cycle of crystal-based organisms is relatively long, and some take several years or even It takes decades to reach adulthood.

Relatively speaking, the growth cycle of steel creatures is relatively short, but it is not easy to find particularly huge ones.

If you want to have your cake and eat it too, I'm afraid you'll have to put some effort into finding an oversized steel creature. This is not a problem that can be solved in a short while.

Even if you have money, there is no such thing in Xuannio Base. Unless you go to other large bases, there may be hope.

Lin Shen was in no hurry. Even if he used the Hundred-Refined Steel Beast Contract now, he wouldn't be able to gain power right away. Anyway, he wouldn't be able to use it in this recruitment meeting.

Lin Shen stared at the genetically modified egg of the hundred-refined steel beast, and the message of forming a contract with blood emerged in his mind. However, he did not choose to make a blood contract, but put it into the incubation chamber.

There are two genetically modified eggs in the incubator, one is the steel genetically modified egg "Steel-tailed Scorpion", and the other is the steel genetically modified egg "Xuantieyan", both of which were previously genetically modified eggs with fire.

Lin Shen wanted to hatch them and see how they were different from ordinary steel-tailed scorpions and black iron swallows.

When he came to the living room, Lao Ye was already waiting there.

According to the previous plan, Lao Ye brought Lin Xiangdong's clothes and things. After Lin Shen was dressed, he looked in the mirror and didn't feel that he looked like Lin Xiangdong.

"Is this okay?" Lin Shen looked at Lao Ye uncertainly and asked.

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"If you don't look at the face and listen to the voice, you and the fourth master are at least eighty similar." Lao Ye said, taking out a bronze mask that looked like an evil ghost and handed it to Lin Shen and continued: "This is made of alloy creatures. The mask made of the material of the Green Armor Demon has been worn by Fourth Master before, so it should be able to get away with it. "

Lin Shen took the mask. It was as thin as paper, but it was not light. It should weigh about two kilograms. The texture was very hard and a little cool to the touch.

Putting the mask on his face, it felt a little heavy. He looked in the mirror and saw that the green-faced and fanged evil ghost's face was really scary.

"Okay, as long as you don't speak, people who have seen this mask will probably think of you as the Fourth Master." Lao Ye praised you, and then said: "But your voice is still a problem, although the Fourth Master and you The sound is a bit similar, but there are still some differences. You need to pay more attention and it is best to speak as little as possible. But you can't stop talking. You also know that the fourth master's temperament will make people suspicious if he doesn't talk at all. "

"Old Ye..." Lin Shen pinched his throat and tried several times, but his voice gradually became different from usual.

"It's like... it's really like..." Lao Ye became more and more surprised the more he listened. He didn't expect that Lin Shen had such a skill. It sounded ninety-nine times like Lin Xiangdong's voice.

"After all, they are brothers, so their voices are similar. In addition, I liked to go to the karaoke bar for a while before, so I studied the vocal skills a little bit, and I can imitate the voices of some singers quite well." Lin Shen said with a smile.

"Brother Xiaowu, this is really done. As long as you don't make a move, no outsider should be able to tell that you are not the Fourth Master." Lao Ye was even happier after hearing this.

"Let's just call him the Fourth Master." Lin Shen raised his eyes slightly. He knew that his advantage was that he knew the Fourth Master very well. He was not good at acting, so he could only put himself in the shoes of the Fourth Master. Every time he did something or said something, he had to think about what he would do and say if it was the Fourth Master.

Lao Ye was stunned at first, then he bowed solemnly to Lin Shen, and said repeatedly: "Fourth Master, I was wrong, you are the Fourth Master."

"Let's go." Lin Shen walked out first.

Lao Ye nodded slightly. He also knew that letting Lin Shen pretend to be Lin Xiangdong was a way out of no choice. The risk was very high, but there was no other way.

There are definitely flaws, but only by believing that you are the one can you cover them up.

"It's hard for Xiaowu brother. I hope that the third master and the fourth master can return safely. Otherwise, even if Xiaowu brother can pass this time, he can't keep fooling around." Lao Ye said in his heart.

When Lin Shen and Lao Ye arrived at the venue, the representatives of the Qi and Wang families had already arrived. They had been sitting on the stage for a long time and were a little impatient. Lin Shen brought Lao Ye to come late.

This was decided by Lin Shen and Lao Ye in advance. They arrived at the place when the recruitment meeting started, so that the representatives of the Qi and Wang families would not have time to talk so much with Lin Shen, and the possibility of revealing flaws would be much lower.

"Xiaowu brother, as we guessed before, the representative from the Qi family is Qi Shuheng, and the representative from the Wang family is Wang Tianer. Their fame and strength are close to the fourth master. Be careful to deal with them." Lao Ye said in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

Lin Shen remained calm and didn't say anything, just walked straight to the stage.

There were already two men sitting on the stands. Qi Shuheng, who looked like a scholar with a somewhat elegant temperament, and the other strong man with eagle eyes and wolfish look, was naturally Wang Tianer.

Lin Shen secretly took a deep breath, looked at the two men with a firm look, and walked onto the stage with a bit of arrogance.

Originally, I thought that Qi Shuheng and Wang Tianer would definitely question his wearing a mask after seeing him, but who knew that when they saw him coming up, they did stand up, but did not talk to him, but looked behind Lin Shen.

"What are they looking at?" Lin Shen couldn't help but turn around and look. After seeing this, his pupils couldn't help but shrink and he stayed there.

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