Ultrabasic evolution

Remarks on the launch (same time tomorrow)

It's about to be put on the shelves again. Although I have been writing for many years, I still feel nervous when it comes to putting it on the shelves.

Writing a book is like traveling through time and living a different life.

Unlike reading a book, when I put myself in the protagonist's shoes, when I write a book, I put myself in every character I write. The success and failure of each character's creation will make me worry about gains and losses.

The failure of the character is my failure, and that feeling is actually very uncomfortable.

Life is divided into childhood, youth, middle age and old age, and the same is true for a book.

When I was young, I was novel, everything was fresh and unknown, and there would be a lot of things to write about.

When I was young, I was passionate, that was the most passionate stage, and my writing was like a god, everything was so vigorous and infectious.

When I was in my prime, I was steady. After experiencing the ups and downs of the storm, I was able to face life calmly and tell my own story.

In my old age, I will inevitably become lifeless, without freshness, without passion, and talent and talent seem to be drifting away from me.

How to write the later stages of each book well has always been a problem that has troubled me. The feeling of helplessness and exhaustion can easily make people collapse, and even a little afraid to continue writing.

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This question made me think for a long time. Recently, when I was reading a novel, I suddenly thought that this doesn't seem to be a problem at all.

As long as you live long enough, there will be no old age.

As long as my book is long enough, one million words can be childhood, several million words can be childhood, and ten million words can also be childhood.

Friends, subscription is the lifeline of a book. Please help me live a few more years. I want to cultivate my true self!

Thank you to all the friends who have always supported Twelve. Thank you for always accompanying me no matter when I am at the peak or the trough. Every vote and every comment of yours is the greatest encouragement and help to me.

In fact, I am also a more emotional person and will be infected by readers, so friends, please post more book reviews. Seeing your comments, I will feel that I am not writing a book alone, not experiencing this journey of life alone, and I will not be hesitant and can go on firmly. (I definitely don’t mean to copy the book review)

As usual, I will update the book as soon as it is released. See you tomorrow, friends.

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