Ultrabasic evolution

Chapter 80: Human Hearts Are Evil (8 more chapters, please subscribe)

When everyone was communicating, it was natural to ask about the situation of Xu Tiange and Lu Qing. After all, it seemed that their situation was relatively the best. They even hunted a crystal-based creature and had not been robbed yet.

Xu Tiange was so smart that he didn't mention Lin Shen's acquisition of the mutant crystal egg. He only mentioned that they worked together to kill the golden-armored sea monster and hunt down the mutant sea monster god general.

"This... this is a mutated crystal base..." Only then did everyone realize that the corpse turned out to be a mutated crystal base, and they couldn't help but marvel.

What surprised them the most was that Xu Tiange actually said that Lin Shen did the most to kill the mutant crystal base.

Zheng Yan's eyes flickered, although Xu Tiange did not say that Lin Shen had obtained the mutant crystal egg, nor did he mention Lin Shen's gun.

But he was still keenly aware that something was wrong. How could Lin Shen, a steel gene changer, contribute the most? The only explanation is that he has a powerful pet that is powerful enough to kill mutant crystal-based creatures, so at least it is a crystal-based pet, and it may even be a mutant crystal-based pet.

Also, when he heard that the bodies of the mutated Siren God General belonged to Xu Tiange and Lu Qing, he thought of more.

Why did Lin Shen contribute the most, but the body of the mutated sea monster general was given to Xu Tiange and Lu Qing?

Although Lin Shen took the genetic fluid and Wei Wufu took the trident, the value of these things is higher than the corpse.

But Zheng Yan always felt that something was wrong. After thinking about it, there was only one possibility, and that was that Lin Shen might have gotten a better harvest.

Thinking of what Xu Tiange said before about killing the golden-armored siren and digging out the genetically modified eggs, Zheng Yan guessed that Lin Shen might have obtained the genetically modified eggs from the mutated siren general.

Zheng Yan felt very unhappy when he thought that he had a chance to obtain the mutated crystal egg, but was snatched away by the robbing angel, while Lin Shen got a mutated crystal egg, and might still be able to survive until the countdown was over.

After everyone exchanged information, most people decided to return to the plains and continue hunting genetically modified creatures.

After coming to such a magical place, you can't go back empty-handed. Since you were robbed, then hunt some genetically modified creatures and get some materials or genetically modified eggs to go back.

There are so many mutated creatures here. If you are lucky and get a mutated egg, even if it is just a mutated steel egg, all the losses will be recovered and you can still make a lot of money.

As for the robbing angels, they weren't too worried. After all, the robbing angels usually only rob and never kill. The worst they could do was to be robbed again. They had nothing to lose anyway.

Lin Shen also felt a little moved when he heard this. Since the plain was not so dangerous, he also wanted to get some benefits.

After all, he is still short of money now, and now he regrets giving the body of the mutated siren general to Xu Tiange and Lu Qing.

If he had known that this place was not that dangerous, he could have just slowly dragged the body to the other side of the plain and would have been able to rest easy. He could have spent more time dragging the body over.

But it’s hard to say when you think about it. If you delay too slowly and something goes wrong on the way, it will be more of a loss than a gain.

After resting for a while, everyone hit the road and left the cave together.

Lin Shen and Wei Wufu rode iron horned horses and swayed at the back of the crowd.

The two of them had rubbish mounts before they came here, but now they were the only ones with mounts, which made them look a little more conspicuous.

"Why is the second ancestor's mount so rubbish? He is so rich, why can't he make a better mount?"

"You know what you're talking about. It's called not showing off your wealth. The richer a person is, the more low-key he is. Before the second ancestor took action, you thought he was just a piece of trash. In the end, he shot the mutant sea monster god general."

"I see!"

Everyone watching the battle felt that Lin Shen was keeping a low profile.

If Lin Shen knew about it, he would probably laugh so hard that he couldn't stand up straight. If he had money and high-end pets, who would ride such a poor horse, so slow and awkward?

The other geneticists felt very unhappy and resented the robbing angel even more. If it weren't for the robbing angel, how could they only walk on two legs.

Unfortunately, the Robbery Angel was too powerful, so they could only curse in their hearts, and no one dared to actually seek revenge from the Robbery Angel.

The location where Lin Shen and the others were was originally a mountain pass leading to the plain from the sea, and they were not far away from the plain.

We arrived safely all the way to the plain area. It was just as they said. There were many steel creatures on the plains here. From a distance, you could see groups of sheep-like steel creatures eating metal grass leaves.

It's a pity that the value of those ordinary steel creatures is too low, and the genetic changes of the Lu and Xu families will not look down on them, unless there are mutations inside.

They wanted to go to the mountainous area before, just to find some advanced genetically modified creatures. I just heard that the seaside is so dangerous, so I didn’t dare to go there again.

Because there are too many people, it is not convenient to hunt genetically modified creatures together. It is relatively safe here, so everyone plans to hunt separately.

Xu Tiange and Lu Qing are the leaders of the Xu family team and the Lu family team respectively, so naturally they have to go hunting with their own teams at this time.

The mutated siren general's corpse became a problem, because it belonged to Xu Tiange and Lu Qing, and it seemed inappropriate for either of them to carry it.

"If you can trust me, put the things here and I will look after them for you." Lin Shen said.

"Brother Shen, of course I believe you, no problem." Xu Tiange immediately expressed his stance.

Lu Qing looked at Lin Shen doubtfully and asked, "Aren't you going to hunt?"

"There is no time

How much is left? It's hard to find a suitable prey here, so I won't go. "Lin Shen said with a smile.

The plain is safe, but the benefits are really not good. Looking over, there is not even an alloy in sight. The place is too big. I don't know how much time I waste walking. Lin Shen doesn't have a good mount to use, so he is too lazy to walk anymore.

Instead of wasting time and energy looking for alloy creatures, it is better to rest here for a while to avoid danger.

Lu Qing and Xu Tiange had no objections. They temporarily put the body of the mutant sea monster here for Lin Shen and Wei Wufu to take care of. The two went out with their respective teams to look for prey.

Lin Shen and Wei Wufu were in a Sitting down under the tree, watching the flocks of sheep wandering in the distance, I felt much more relaxed.

Lu Qing and several mutants, under the guidance of Zheng Yan, came to a place where the plains and mountains meet.

Zheng Yan and his friends had been here before and found a kind of alloy creature here, but they didn't like it at that time, so they didn't stay for too long.

Now this alloy creature is the most suitable prey for them who don't have pets, and there is nothing to pick and choose.

"Lu Qing, you lead people to hunt here, I will go to other places to see if there are more suitable mutant creatures for hunting." Zheng Yan said, and turned to the other side.

After Zheng Yan left the sight of Lu Qing and others, he turned to the other side and went all the way to the valley where he was robbed by the angel.

Not long after entering the valley, he saw the figure of an angel falling from the sky, and a hint of joy flashed in Zheng Yan's eyes.

"Why is it you again? It's so unlucky. "Tian Xin glanced at them and found that it was Zheng Yan who had robbed them, and couldn't help feeling a little depressed.

"But since we are here, how can we go back empty-handed? Give me some face, my friend." Tian Xin narrowed his eyes and walked towards Zheng Yan again.

"Wait a minute, I know someone who not only has a crystal-based pet, but also a mutant crystal-based egg." Zheng Yan suddenly said.

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