Ultrabasic evolution

Chapter 88 Hulu Mountain's Advantages

Lin Shen only thought about it. He was not crazy enough to risk his life for the experiment. He would first try it on the genetically modified creatures and then make plans.

Lying on the bed, Lin Shen thought a lot, especially about the mysterious planet.

His future promotion path must be inseparable from that planet.

But the Lu and Xu families have spread the news about the King Kai Cultivation Device, so it will not be so convenient to go through the King Kai Cultivation Device in the future.

Moreover, the King Kai Cultivation Device will broadcast the whole process live. Lin Shen himself is not a person who likes to show off, so he will not go through the King Kai Cultivation Device unless necessary.

"We have to find a way to get the Xuanniao back from Wang Tianer and Qi Shuheng. Going in from Hulu Mountain is the best choice." Lin Shen began to think about how to get the Xuanniao back.

There are two huge advantages to going through Hulu Mountain. First, if you go in from Hulu Mountain, it will not be broadcast live throughout the whole process. Lin Shen has too many secrets and it is not suitable to be exposed to the public.

Second, there is no time limit after entering Hulu Mountain. After the three-day time limit, you will not be forced to teleport out.

This is a huge advantage, which means that Lin Shen can hunt the genetically modified creatures on that planet indefinitely, without having to compete with others for the three-day time limit.

More importantly, after the three-day countdown of the black watch transmission device is over, he can be transmitted out at any time.

What is the concept? This is equivalent to having an extra life. If you encounter a genetically modified creature that you can't beat, or a situation where you are bound to die, you can be directly transmitted back. Is there a stronger life-saving artifact than this?

So Lin Shen thought about it and decided that he must get the Xuanniao, and it would be best if he could shut up the people of the Qi family and the Wang family and keep the secret of the entrance to Hulu Mountain. This requires careful planning.

Lin Shen plans to return to the Xuanniao base immediately after the beast tide ends, and do this first, so as to avoid more trouble. But before leaving, he must deal with Zheng Yan, the traitor, first. If the Lu family does not take any action, he has made up his mind to take action during the beast tide.

"When I have two mutant sea monster generals in hand, and I have Fatty and Dead Powder to protect me, plus the crystal-based Ruby Lion, where can I not go on that planet? I can kill mutant creatures at will, let alone upgrade to alloy, even upgrade to crystal is just around the corner." Lin Shen slept particularly sweetly today.

This sleep was particularly good. He was woken up by Wei Wufu in the morning.

"It's not even dawn yet, why are you calling me so early? Has the beast tide attacked the base?" Lin Shen stretched and yawned, still a little sleepy.

"Practice." Wei Wufu said only two words.

"Practice does not necessarily have to be in the morning. The air quality in the morning is not good, and the viscosity of blood in the morning is the highest in the day, which is not suitable for practice..." Lin Shen said and was about to lie down on the bed again.

"Let's go." Wei Wufu didn't care, and pulled Lin Shen out.

"Don't worry, at least let me wash first." Lin Shen said helplessly.

Wei Wufu then let him go. After Lin Shen finished washing up, he wanted to have breakfast first, but was denied by Wei Wufu.

Helplessly, Lin Shen could only practice on an empty stomach.

The Ye family's castle didn't even have a garden, but there were several indoor martial arts training grounds, and Ye Yuzhen also had a special small indoor martial arts training ground.

Lin Shen and Wei Wufu used this small martial arts training ground. When they arrived, Ye Yuzhen had already started practicing.

"Huh!" Lin Shen, who was lazy and listless just now, entered the small martial arts training ground and immediately became energetic after seeing Ye Yuzhen.

Now Lin Shen knew why Ye Yuzhen had a separate private martial arts training ground. If she went to those public martial arts training grounds, it would probably easily lead to crime.

"Sister, you are practicing martial arts, not dancing. What's the matter with your white lace?" Lin Shen swallowed his saliva and walked in and said righteously.

Today, Ye Yuzhen didn't wear her usual sportswear. She wore shorts and a vest that looked very sporty, plus a pair of lace stockings. The lace and the shorts formed a very eye-catching absolute zone, and a pair of round long legs that made people unable to take their eyes away.

You said that her outfit was not suitable for martial arts practice, but it was actually quite sporty.

You said that her outfit was suitable for martial arts practice, but it seemed a little wrong.

"I can wear whatever I want, and I didn't let you see it. If you don't like it, don't look at it." Ye Yuzhen rolled her eyes at Lin Shen and continued to practice.

Lin Shen thought to himself: "How can I not like it? All men like it."

After watching for a while, Lin Shen couldn't help but applaud and said: "You practiced really well. I have never seen such an amazing boxing. Can I ask, what is the name of your boxing, lady?"

"Angry Pervert Fist." Ye Yuzhen said, and turned around and threw a swinging fist at Lin Shen.

Lin Shen stepped back and dodged, thinking: "You should call this the gangster excitement punch."

"Practice." Wei Wufu brought a target over and pulled Lin Shen over by the collar.

Lin Shen was full of helplessness, and secretly complained in his heart: "Practicing martial arts is not as important as having a partner. You are ruining my important plan of continuing the family line!"

Wei Wufu pulled Lin Shen in front of the target and threw the trident in his hand to him.

Lin Shen caught it with both hands, but threw the trident back to Wei Wufu, smiling and saying: "I'll use mine."

"Too light, useless." Wei Wufu wanted to say that ordinary weapons are too light, and practice will not have much effect.

"Not light." Lin Shen said, took out the death powder capsule, and

Then let it turn into a pet in his hand.

"Is it useful?" Wei Wufu frowned as he looked at the soft rope in Lin Shen's hand.

Ye Yuzhen also looked at the dead powder in Lin Shen's hand curiously, wondering why Lin Shen took out such a pet. Aren't they going to practice stabbing? How can a pet like a rope be used to practice stabbing?

"Of course it is useful. Why would I take it out if it's useless?" Lin Shen shook it casually, and the originally soft dead powder instantly turned into a straight state.

Lin Shen originally wanted to wave it a few times, but found that the dead powder seemed to be much heavier today than yesterday. It originally felt much lighter than the trident, but today it seemed to be almost as heavy as the trident.

"What is that thing of yours? It was so soft just now, how come it suddenly became so hard?" Ye Yuzhen was also well-informed, but he had never seen such a pet.

"I won't tell you, this is my secret weapon." Lin Shen looked serious, as if it was some state secret.

"Who cares?" Ye Yuzhen turned away disdainfully and continued to practice her boxing.

"Is it heavy enough?" Wei Wufu asked again.

"Try it yourself." Lin Shen threw the dead powder to Wei Wufu.

Wei Wufu caught it and weighed it. He felt that it was indeed not light, not much lighter than the trident. He was very satisfied and threw the dead powder back to Lin Shen: "Practice."

Lin Shen caught the dead powder and began to practice the technique "stabbing" taught by Wei Wufu.

A simple stabbing is the most essential technique in the cold weapon technique.

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