Ultrabasic evolution

Chapter 96: Terrible Hallucination

Lin Shen only felt that the scene in front of him seemed to have turned into a grotesque world painted by an abstract painter, with all kinds of bizarre things that were difficult to describe.

The trees seemed to come alive, turning into monsters rising from the ground. They did not attack Lin Shen, but instead swung their waists and hips to dance the third subject, which was an outrageous one.

The white clouds in the sky dripped down like milk. Looking closely, it was clearly bubbles in the bathtub. A beautiful woman was taking a bubble bath in the sky.

"Those bubbles are really out of place." Lin Shen's brain was extremely excited because he saw a rope that went all the way to the sky and connected to the bathtub.

Lin Shen rushed up and pulled the rope to climb up: "Beauty, wait for me, I will go over and have a baby with you..."

On the other side, Wei Wufu was lying on the ground, his arms and legs kept kicking, sometimes breaststroke, sometimes butterfly stroke, sometimes backstroke, and he was still muttering to himself: "Swimming... simple... I know it... I'm not afraid..."

Seeing the abnormality of Lin Shen and Wei Wufu, his first reaction was to grab Zheng Yan's collar and fly up to the sky, instantly reaching a high altitude.

Lin Shen was like this, no one could have imagined that it was Lin Shen who led him into a trap.

Of course, Zheng Guyuan didn't realize that this was a trap at all at this time, and thought that the purple crystal mushroom beast appeared by chance.

After all, he didn't know that there would be such a sinister black-capped mushroom beast to plot against him, so he didn't have the intention to kill Lin Shen at the first time.

Zheng Guyuan felt that something was wrong with his brain, and his eyes were a little dazed. Just when he was about to do something, he suddenly felt that Zheng Yan, who was caught by him, seemed to be a little wrong.

Looking down, he saw Zheng Yan holding his legs with both hands, licking them with his tongue, with a perverted smile on his face, saying: "Fragrant... Really fragrant..."

Zheng Guyuan gritted his teeth, threw Zheng Yan down, turned his head and looked for Lin Shen in the forest, wanting to kill him first to avoid any problems.

But when he turned his head, what he saw was no longer a forest, but a huge sea of ​​spiritual bases.

All kinds of spiritual bases piled up together, like an ocean, each of which was dazzling, and there seemed to be various spiritual patterns flowing inside.

"Spirit bases... So many spiritual bases... Hallucinations... No... All spiritual bases are mine..." Zheng Guyuan still had some willpower at first, and wanted to escape far away, and even cut himself with a sword, trying to stay clear, but it was useless, and he slowly fell.

At the beginning, the steel-level poisonous mushroom beast could make Wei Wufu hallucinate. The hallucinogenic ability of this mutant purple crystal mushroom was obviously many times stronger than that of the mutant poisonous mushroom beast, and even the ascenders could not escape.

The red jade sword beside Zheng Guyuan fell crookedly because no one was controlling it, and it was stuck in the mud of the forest.

Zheng Guyuan's mouth was cracked, drooling, he threw away his backpack and the things on his body, fell down like a fool, and reached out to pull the branches on the tree.

"Mine... all mine... I will become the strongest ascender..."

Everyone fell into a frenzy, but at this time a black figure, like a killer wearing a hat, appeared in the distant forest, looking coldly at the few people who were in hallucinations here.

It did not go to Lin Shen and the others, but instead went to the body of the purple crystal mushroom beast, flew up, and with a beautiful roundhouse kick, kicked the damaged mushroom cap of the purple crystal mushroom beast.

Countless purple dust that was difficult to see with the naked eye exploded, gathered together, and covered a large area nearby like smoke and fog.

Looking at Lin Shen and the others covered by purple smoke, the black-capped mushroom beast showed a hint of evil smile at the corner of its mouth.

The next second, the black-capped mushroom beast suddenly jumped up and came to Zheng Guyuan. It punched and kicked at the same time, and a set of silky combos, with its front and hind claws falling on Zheng Guyuan like a storm, hitting Zheng Guyuan and making him retreat again and again, like a big sandbag being ravaged crazily.

But he still had a satisfied smile on his face, and he was still saying, "All mine... All mine..."


In the end, Zheng Guyuan's body hit a big tree, breaking the steel tree as thick as a bucket, and his clothes were torn into pieces, hanging like strands of rags.

The exposed skin and muscles were blue and purple, and looked miserable, but the black-capped mushroom beast looked at him with some doubt.

Without the protection of the shell, the crystal-based black-capped mushroom beast, with all its strength, could only make him blue and purple, but could not cause fatal injuries. Such physical strength is indeed a bit terrifying.

The black-capped mushroom rolled its eyes, as if it had thought of something, and turned to run to another place.

Lin Shen was holding a sapling as thick as a fist, climbing there, as if he was going to the sky, but he couldn't climb up.

Suddenly, Lin Shen shuddered, and the bizarre scene in front of him became even more bizarre, and the whole world seemed to be about to be distorted.

After that, the distortion in front of him was slowly corrected, and Lin Shen gradually felt the power in his body flowing with the theory of evolution.

Now Lin Shen realized that he was affected by the hallucination just now, and it was the theory of evolution that saved him and pulled him out of the hallucination.

It's not just as simple as pulling it out, the theory of evolution is strengthening and mutating his body, making him resistant to the root cause of the hallucination.

This is an ongoing process. The distorted world in front of Lin Shen has not yet fully recovered, and the theory of evolution has not stopped.

It is running, indicating that his enhanced mutation is not over yet.

After a while, Lin Shen felt that the twisted world in front of him had almost returned to normal. At least he could see the situation clearly.

Not far away from me, I saw Wei Wufu constantly changing his posture while swimming. In another place, Zheng Yan was holding a tree branch and kissing and licking it. With that perverted smile, no one knew he was hallucinating. what was done in.

Even Zheng Guyuan seemed to be a pervert, frantically pulling out nearby steel grass leaves and branches while muttering something in his mouth.

"It's such a powerful hallucinogenic ability that even those who ascend can't be spared?" Lin Shen was surprised and happy in his heart.

What surprised me was the ability of the Amethyst Mushroom Beast, but I was happy that the theory of evolution could allow him to withstand it. This was an ability that even the ascended ones could not withstand.

Suddenly, Lin Shen heard some sounds, as if something was dragging in the steel jungle. His heart moved, and he quickly hugged the sapling and started his performance.

During a break in the performance, Lin Shen took a sneak peek and saw the black-capped mushroom beast walking over dragging a red jade sword.

The red jade sword was only three or four feet long and only three fingers wide. For ordinary humans, it was already a relatively large sword, but for a crystal-based creature, how heavy could such a large sword be.

It can be seen that the sword seems to be really heavy, and the crystal-level black-capped mushroom beast is dragging it over.

Lin Shen recognized the red jade sword at a glance as Zheng Guyuan's Heart Blade, and his heart couldn't help but move.

Regardless of life base, spiritual base or heart blade, they are actually the same thing, a tool condensed by the ascendant.

When the ascended person is alive, his life base is one with him. However, if the ascended person dies and his life base can be preserved and used by others, then it becomes his spiritual base.

Because there is a spirit within the Heart Blade, it can exist on its own and will not die along with the Ascended One.

In Ascended battles, it is very common to rob other creatures of their Heart Blades and use them for their own use.

After all, each ascended person can only condense one Heart Blade, and everything else must be looted.

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